Everything posted by sigpro
Somewhere to park my T.I.E.
You are welcome anyway, with or without salmon, sardines, or...whatever you want. Visit the base (if you haven´t yet) and you´ll see. Have you considered upgrading the Tie by enlarging the panels? Best regards.
Somewhere to park my T.I.E.
I lend you 9 landing pads in my imperial base! Refuel service and comfortable facilities for the pilot. Just bring some smoked salmon :)
TIE Improved Prototype; my first "big" build impressions...
Hi and congratulations. The model is fine, the cockpit is well detailed and the colour scheme looks good. Maybe the panels could be longer? You can post more pictures. best regards.
Help MOD the 6206 Tie Interceptor
I read somewhere that, in 2010-12, a colour change in the Lego palette enlightened the Light bluish gray.
Help MOD the 6206 Tie Interceptor
I think Medium Stone Gray is Light Bluish Gray and Dark Stone Gray is Dark Bluish Gray. But be careful because the color palette has changed and there can be differences between the old Light Bluish Gray and the new one. Bricklink has Light Bluish Gray and Dark Bluish Gray, while pick a brick ( has Medium Stone Gray and Dark Stone Gray. I hope my post is useful. Best regards.
Help MOD the 6206 Tie Interceptor
If I were TK924, I would use Nom Carver´s Tie Interceptor´s cockpit and wing pylons (the real model, not the LDD), and my Tie Interceptor´s panels (which are very similar to Nom´s LDD model). With the help of BL and time, your Tie Interceptors will be dreadful. Best regards.
Help MOD the 6206 Tie Interceptor
Hi. I hope this can be useful. They are my Tie 6206 in light bluish gray. As you see, many of the blue and black parts were changed by Light Bluish Gray ones. From 2007 or 2008. Hard to remember... . Best regards
Another batch of pictures! Here we have the command building. As you can see in this pictures, it is beside the Hospital (forget my feet, please). This is another view for you to see the antenna and other devices. However, it is better to see it with the rest of the buildings. As you see, there are fences to prevent snowies from falling from the roof. There are also two backup solar panels. Remember the CO2 path… ----------------------------------- This is the ground floor. There is a large desk room for the Base staff (3 NCOs –Sergeants-). Each of them has a laptop (not very Star Wars? I don´t care). There are two meeting rooms (the large one has the holographic projector on the floor, I should send somebody to the Rancor´s pit). Both rooms have a laptop and wall screens; state-of-the-art technology to prepare operations to smash the rebel scum! There is a small toilet and a back-up generator. And, of course, safety at work. There are warning lights in all the rooms (I don´t remember if there is any in the toilet, forgive me) and the evacuation route is clearly marked. Working in this base is a reward for every member in the Navy. Look at the Sergeants. They are happy!!! The small meeting room. For easy operations, such as hunting a Taun Taun, for example Large meeting room. For operations that are more important (for example, the visit of the Imperial Navy´s cheerleader team leader). Detail of the evacuation route. Safety, safety, safety!!! Back-up generator. Looks like an old V8-cylinder engine??? There is a classic fire extinguisher and an automatic halon one. Ok, let´s go now to the upper floor. This is the main control room. Where the whereabouts of the Imperial Base are directed. There are always three members of the staff and two security droids. Wall mounted monitors, computer displays, control systems…with the exception of the pizza ovens and the treadmills, everything is controlled from this room. Another view. Don´t forget the protocol droid. Extremely useful to avoid a war by using diplomacy, but useless when the blasters start spitting…. Commander´s bedroom and desk room. With the exception of the doctor, the only one with a single bedroom. Aisle to the officer´s rooms and bathroom.2 officers per room. Enjoy!!!
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Hi! I started a topic in 2009, a kind of SW comic - serial, but I left it uncompleted. Can I resume it from the last chapter, or do you suggest starting it from scratch as if it had never been posted? The post should be edited as the pictures can´t be seen... this is the topic. Best regards.
[WIP MOC] Another AT - AT
Hi again. You told me time ago that adding double hinges in the joints could be difficult. Particularly in the "hips-shoulders" because they would be very thick. Your AT-AT is bigger than mine, heavier but the legs are only 2-stud thick. You can build poseable legs, but only if the legs are very strong, and you will achieve that by making the legs thicker; then you will be able to hold double hinges per joint. See if that works that my AT AT can stand over three legs (only if I remove a rear leg). Concerning the neck, you shouldn´t be worried. Your AT AT head is big but doesn´t look enormously heavy, so with a few technic parts you can make a very good assembly. There is another advantage in your AT AT. The technic assembly that will keep the neck connected to the body can be held both by the studs on the main deck and the ceiling of the upper deck, the only drawback is that the hatch (that covers such an assembly) should be a pair of studs in the main deck. That should work. I will try to get some pics and send them to you. Best regards.
[WIP MOC] Another AT - AT
Hi again. I have read all the topic and it is much interesting. Be sure that, if you transport the speeder bikes disassembled, you will be able to store up to 5. My AT AT is smaller and I can carry five. Congratulations!
Hi again. Today I will post pics of the hospital of the Imperial Base. Like other big military bases, a place to take care of the wounded is necessary. And instead of having a good team of surgeons, we only have a doctor and a droid which can make anybody think twice before trying to say "I am sick" without being really sick. You will see... The hospital is between the sleeping quarters and the command building, in the opposite side of the main (and only) gate. It has a small landing platform for the MEDEVAC dropship. You can see some tanks for medical gas and the array of lights to make landings easier. There is also a tractor beam. This picture is BEFORE the exhibition, and the tractor beam was changed. This is the current tractor beam as exposed months ago. Doctor´s deskroom, with a small table, a bed, a blaster (doctors must defend themselves too) and lockers. What is he visiting on the IMPERIALNET? This is the operating room / surgery. Does the doctor want the droid to fix his armpits? There is also a bacta tank and some lockers with blood, in case a transfusion is needed. Hospital rest area, with a toilet and a big water tank, so people can drink. And how does the hospital work? Simple... A ground team picks up the wounded on a comfortable stretcher. The wounded is taken to the platform while his mate rushes to give his severed leg to the doctor and prepare the operation The operation finishes... Hope you like it!!!
- [MOC] Episode V- " We will test it on Captain Solo"
[WIP] - Imperial Outpost
Hi! I like your bacta tank and the beds for the injured. I suppose you will add more modules, such as defensive systems, mess hall or something additional that could be found in any military (and why not, in any SW base). Consider adding tiles too. If you want to get inspiration, visit my base, you will be welcome! Best regards.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Hi and congratulations for what you want to do. I agree with much of what has been previously said. Don´t let the budget constrain your dreams, just go slowly and keep in mind what you want to build. Use software to preview what you want and have an accurate list of parts you want. For my last project, I relied on BL and PAB, taking advantage of discounts and combined shipping. LUGBULK is also a good idea, but depends on your commitment with a Lego Users Group. And don´t forget a notebook, pencil and eraser. You will have to draw many sketches or write down never ending lists of parts (during the building time of the base (many years) I had to write a lot...) Luck and enjoy!
Hi again! I love that room! A museum in my house...that´s something very SW-like for home... Well, returning to our world, let me show you more pics. This is the time for the sleeping quarters. You can see the 4-pad landing platform and the roof shared with the MULTIPURPOSE BUILDING. As you see, there are 4 tractor beams to make landings easier, an 8-cell SSM launcher, another 8-cell SAM launcher, a small water deposit, a tatami, 4 small targets and a training obstacle. Ah! Don´t forget a small solar energy panel. The Empire is much concerned about the global warming, even in frozen planets. The green party opposition in the Parliament in Coruscant should not complain anymore!!! UPPER FLOOR 40 beds, 8 showers and 8 WCs. Better than a 5-star resort! There is a small locker for everybody in the Base. You can also see that there is a hook for the personal weapon. Ah! High tech cleaning equipment: a broomstick and a small automatic vacuum cleaner. The landing platform is the old model, with 5 landing pads. LOWER FLOOR You can see the lower floor with the landing platform on it (2 pictures), and the complete lower floor. The bathroom is similar, with 8 showers and 8 WCs. 108 beds for the Snowtrooper Company, with lockers and weapons. There is a small cleaning room under the stair. -------------------------------------------- The shame of the Navy!!! A drunk soldier while his mates are training!!! To the salt mines of Kessel! Soon I will post the next batch of pictures. Enjoy!
Hi again! Thanks for your comments. Keep in mind that this is only the first building. The remaining will have more things to admire (I expect so). Maybe the Base is like a classical military one. There are few images of a "real" SW base in Episode VI and in books that I don´t have. So I decided to "adapt" a real-time design to a Star Wars building. The reactor building is inspired on Lego set 8038; the missiles don´t appear in the movies as "real" missiles, but if you go to some videogames (Tie Fighter) you can carry missiles, heavy rockets...that look like real missiles. I must accept that the missile launchers are too from the 70s and 80s (check an ASROC 8-cell launcher and you will see...). Other facilities...there is no book or movie portraying the mess hall, the kitchen or the barracks of the Rebels or the Empire (or the toilets). But I think they should look like something in our world. Wait for the remaining buildings, they will look more SW realistic. Anyway, thanks for the comments, and another post will come soon! Enjoy!
Hi again! Finally, the Base is finished. Yes, completely finished. Not a WIP anymore! These pictures are from ALEBRICK2015, a Lego fan event that took place in May 2015 in Madrid, Spain. I hope you enjoy the pictures. Feel free to ask anything you want. More pics will be published later! These are the general pictures. The base is 1.6 x 1.6 meters, 16 baseplates (yes, very big, I had to visit the physiotherapist after this event, my back suffered much of loading and carrying heavy boxes) The Base has a 180-strong staff: 109 snowtroopers, 24 shadowtroopers 12 SpecOps stormtroopers, 12 AT-ST pilots, 5 officers, 15 administrative-service staff, 1 mechanic, 1 cook, 1 medic. The buildings in the Base are the following: MULTIPURPOSE BUILDING: DINING ROOM, KITCHEN, PANTRIES, ARMORY, GYM, LAUNDRY, BAR-CINEMA (hey, a bar is something essential if you are from Spain) This post will only show the multipurpose building. -DINING ROOM This is the dining room. More than 50 seats for the staff. A very greedy snowtrooper has an extra-stuffed pizza. Fat! This one...better not to say anything. Should anybody inspect the kitchen to prevent this? -BAR-CINEMA These ones want to have a kiwi. Too much food for too few! Training with simulated weapons is a good idea. Lobster day!!! -GYM AND LAUNDRY The Imperial Navy takes care of its troops. a Gym with a sauna, jacuzzi and cold water pool is necessary to keep high the morale of our troops. State-of-the-art running machines and boxing bags Cold water pool Sauna (better without armour) Sometimes the Imperial Navy´s cheerleader team leader comes by! More fun! -LAUNDRY Keep your uniform clean or the Commander will have you clean the reactor with your tongue! -ARMORY The armory has two levels, and this is what you will find: This is the upper level. You can see extra missiles and grenade launchers. There are boxes with explosives and 6 sniper rifles. Lower level, general view. The kitchen can be seen, too. The weapons specialist having a piece of brownie! Is that serious? That container has some of the mines and detectors for the UAV. Extra blasters, heavy cannons, and land mines. Close up on the mines and detectors for the UAV The elevator to the upper level. The "doomsday weapon". Have you watched the film Beneath the Planet of the Apes? -KITCHEN AND PANTRIES This is the kitchen. The Chef prepares ultra frosted pizzas. Are they healthy? :) The kitchen has two ultra-fast ovens and a tray cleaner. Two sinks and a small BBQ complete the equipment. This is the dry food storage. Bananas, olive oil, water, trays and more trays. Cold storage and freezer. Pizza bases, bananas, Spanish omelettes, carrot cakes and other foodstuffs. The small cupboards keep more brownies.
Will Lord Vader feed the mini At-At or take it for a walk? Congratulations!
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
One of the reasons to join the Imperial Navy. Lobster buffet!!!
[WIP MOC] Another AT - AT
A small piece of advice. Your AT AT will be very heavy, as you are using bricks for the outside. If you want the legs to be poseable, or, at least, be sure that your AT AT will not fall frontwards or rearwards, I suggest putting double hinges in all the leg joints. My lighter AT AT suffered a catastrophic accident because the "shoulders" (the joints which were in the top of the front legs) were not able to withstand a push from behind and the vehicle collapsed. Exactly like in Episode V where an AT AT is shot down by a Snowspeeder... Best regards.
[MOC] An All-Terrain Dewback-Transport (AT-DT)
Wow!!! I have just discovered your creation and it is just...amazing. Not only the design (which resembles a chameleon), but also its usefulness. It is smaller than an AT-AT and needs less room as it is not as tall as an AT-AT, but can carry up to 23 troops inside -not including pilots- (my AT AT carries about 44 -not including pilots-), so the ratio troops carried/overall size is the best for your design. Your AT-DT is less vulnerable to speeders (as seen on the Empire Strikes Back) but it is not as fearful as an AT AT. Anyway and after this short review, congratulations x 9999999999999999999999999999999. You must be proud of your creation. Do you have a pic with a pet? That would be impressive! Best regards.
[WIP MOC] Another AT - AT
Hi! If you want, you can take ideas for the inside of your AT AT from mine. Best regards.
[MOC] Steampunk AT-AT: The All Terrain Aristocratic Traveler
LOL! Congratulations! Excellent moc and description. Are tickets available? Best regards.
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