Everything posted by sigpro
WIP Snowtrooper Imperial Base
You are right, and I have built many sliding doors. The important structures have them. The command building, the reactor, the prison and the arsenal. All of them have sliding doors. This model of door is used in the hospital, the mess hall, the kitchen and the barracks. Inside the buildings I used the typical LEGO door frame and door. Thanks for the comments! Greetings.
AT-AT MOC by sigpro
Some new funny pics of the AT AT. A cold morning in a snowy planet...daily morning roll call... The stormtrooper thinks nobody saw him... But the officer is not silly... And they are punished... Hope it was fun!! Greetings.
[Comic] Lego Star Wars Serial "The betrayal of Admiral Skar"
EPISODE XI. EMERGENCY POWER, NOW!! The TIE BOMBER belonging to the Oberon squadron left the Inflexible. They inserted the hyperdrive jump coordinates in the computer. Lt. Albers was confirming the flight parameters. "Shields 200%, cannons...charged, warheads...armed, countermeasures...ready,, flight coordinates loaded, we can jump" "Right, jump. Oberon 1 to Mission Control Inflexible, we proceed to jump. Transmissions off for 30 seconds". "Roger Oberon, proceed, godspeed" Meanwhile, the Redemption hadn´t moved since the small Tie Explorer had been shooted down. The Tie Bomber come out from hyperspace. They had to attack the Redemption and destroy the communications antenna. Later, they had to disable her, so the Wolf Unit and the Special Operations Unit could take control of the ship. Later, the coordinates of the HARASSER would be transmitted to the Inflexible, so the capture of the betrayer Admiral Skar would be possible. Sigfried spoke to Albers "Ok, the training is over. We have fresh rebel scum for us. Any suggestion?" "I think the stern would be less dangerous, but the firing angle is bad" "Let´s try". "5 kilometres. Accelerating to top speed....133 MGLT. Setting cannons to auto-fire. Shields full forward. Countermeasures set to auto". "3 kilometres. OTIA gun on (OTIA stands for Outside Threat Indicator Array, from the videogame Tie Fighter), we are being targeted" "2 kilometres, heavy fire on target. Taking fire. Shield 375,350, 325. Antenna shield to 75%. 300" "1 kilometre, shield 275". Suddenly, Albers interrupted the conversation "Sig, OTIA missile yellow, yellow" "CORELLIANS DON´T HAVE MISSILES!!!" "I know! but the OTIA indicates they are targeting us. We should evade!!!" "Evading, full shields aft" "Sig, OTIA missile red, red, missile launched" The computer took the threat as real "The missile is coming, our shield is weak, Sig, use the emergency power" "Yes, emergency power on, EVADING". The Tie Bomber accelerated up to 170 MGLT...the missile was approaching... "Sig, missile 500 metres, 400 metres, 300 metres, 200 metres, 100 metres" The impact warning sounded very loud, stronger...but a noise was heard. The countermeasures had been launched by the computer, deceiving the missile and making it blow far from the starship. "Albers, damage report, please" "Nothing. The shield is recharging. Their antenna´s shield is 50%. Why don´t we set 4 missiles and fire them at point-blank? Any larger warhead could be shot down." "By Lord VAder´s stumps!!!" Sigfried thought "That rebel scum, where the hell did they found the missiles? How did they installed them in such a large ship? Sigfried spoke again "Ok, rock´n roll" They attacked as kamikazes. They transfered all the cannons energy to the engines, so their speed would be very high. With 4 missiles the antenna could be destroyed. "Albers, you are the best gunner in the Navy, I trust you" "No problem, I´ll send them a present, well, 4" They smiled with the joke. At full speed, they headed the REDEMPTION. "Heavy fire on target!!!" "Fire the missiles!!!!!!!!" 4 missiles fired at point-blank finished the mission... "Albers, damage report, please" "We are ok, they have lost the antenna, we can disable it" "Oberon 1 to Mission Control Inflexible, the REDEMPTION is disabled. Call the "wolvies" and the "sioux". We return to reload" "Roger Oberon 1, good job". Enjoy and greetings! And a few seconds later the REDEMPTION had been disabled.
WIP Snowtrooper Imperial Base
Hello again and again! Thanks again for the comments (uh, 1/3 of my words is "again") Another feature when building a big structure is the door design. I didn´t know how to build them, but my friend Nino -owner of electricbricks- showed me a picture of a big structure hosted at MOC pages. I decided that was a good model, so I used it. Of course, the colours were changed. Two tiles modified 1x1 were attached, so a 4L bar could be fitted and used as a handle. I will also show you the dining room -call it "restaurant" would be heretical-. This room can also be used as a briefing room -only in very rare situations-. 78 can eat, which is about a 50% of the enlisted personnel. My next reply will include the defense turrets. Bye and greetings!
WIP Snowtrooper Imperial Base
Well, the base is not finished yet, and I will try to be a good guy and post recent pics. About many questions you made...I have spent more than 500 euro and it is going on. Nowadays I have more than 60 snowtroopers, and I want to have more than 120. Imagine... The only problem I have is that my house is not very big. The base is hanging from the ceiling of the room with a system of wires and weights. So I can´t put the AT AT around the base. Maybe if I attend the HISPABRICK I could do something like that. I have also bought many droids -from set 8015- to make the security and service duties in the base. For example protecting the command building, the reactor building, serve as kitchen workers and so on. Mmm and I don´t find anything more now. I will post something else later.
WIP Snowtrooper Imperial Base
HI again! Well, that is a pic from January. Now all the buildings but the hangar are finished. I bought more than 600 1x16 DBG bricks. And I am running out of them... I had planned to have many snowbikes, 6 AT-ST and 2 TIE CRAWLER. But I think I will leave out the Tie Crawlers. The AT AT is impossible to fit, as it is 60 cms high, so it is very hard to build such a high hangar. Anyway all your comments are wellcomed and I hope you keep on enjoying when reading the topic. Thanks!
WIP Snowtrooper Imperial Base
Hello again. Since the end of 2008 I have been with this "little" project. I am building -and hope to finish soon- an Imperial Base. Its size is 16 48x48 stud baseplates -1,6 x 1,6 meters-. This is one of the very first pics of my base, after I moved to a newer house. If you click on the pic, you will see some labels in spanish. They mean the following: -Sala común. Common lounge, for briefing, kitchen, mess hall, etc, -Armería. Weapons storage. -Zona médica. Medical area. -Dormitorios de la tropa. Barracks. -Calabozo. Jail. -Edificio de mando. Command building. -Generadores. Power plant. -Hangar. Hangar. There have been many changes and many structures have been added. I will show you many interesting things. Enjoy it. Greetings.
[Comic] Lego Star Wars Serial "The betrayal of Admiral Skar"
EPISODE X. LEAVING THE HANGAR. They still had a few minutes to see their starship. It impressed. While they beheld their starship, the SFS Chief Engineer came to meet them. Ok guys, your ship has been tested in Corellia and the results were excellent. You know what you pilot and what you can do. Just one detail. An emergency evasive system has been installed. You will see a yellow and black lever over your head. In case you have to evade a missile or something similar, pull it and the speed will be over-increased. But don´t use more than 3 times, as it will overheat the engines, and your starship could explode. Now, go and do your duty. Greetings.
Why AFOL´S girlfriends or boyfriends should not hate us
It was only a joke about Lego and how do our girlfriends or partners deal with it. It looks either I did not write it correctly or you didn´t find it funny.
Why AFOL´S girlfriends or boyfriends should not hate us
Imagine you make a present to your girlfriend or boyfriend and she/he finds this... A funny way to make your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife not hate Lego! Enjoy it!
AT-AT MOC by sigpro
More pics in my MOC pages. Enjoy!
Excellent. We were expecting your "cat", so your pics are a good piece of news. Hope to see it built as soon as possible. Regards.
Advanced TIE Bomber MOC
My first MOC since I started with LEGO (again) in 2007. All of us know the problems of standar Tie starships. The lack of shields and hyperdrive makes hard to accomplish an attack mission. The High Command of the Imperial Navy designed a new long-range attack starship. But designing it from scratch would take a lot of time, so one of the Engineers in the High Command decided that...a big modification in the standard Tie Bomber could be possible. Another weapons bay was attached to the right. All the hulls were enlarged, so more powerful engines and more weapons could give this starship a higher performance than any Imperial Starship. Have some pics... 16 missiles in each weapon hull. 4 more missiles in the inner area of the solar panels. These missiles are for a quick response, like shooting down an incoming missile. 4 laser cannons relocated and 2 ion cannons. 18 proton torpedoes. 12 in one hull and 6 where the missiles are. 4 heavy proton torpedoes on the hull junctions. Not very fast but they are very powerful... Under the hull junctions there are 2 heavy rockets. Extremely powerful. Enjoy it.
AT-AT MOC by sigpro
A long time a Lego Shop in Madrid, far, far away... I took my little cat to show it, and we had a camera...this the first of the pics we took. A cross section. Three decks. 5 speeder bikes. 52 soldiers on board (2 drivers, 1 gunner/deck officer, 1 Officer/gunner, 1 deck officer, 42 stormtroopers and 5 scout troopers. Weapons for everybody. 5 missile launchers. 3 heavy cannons. Enjoy.
Waiting for your big cat!!! Regards!
AT-AT MOC by sigpro
Have some pics of inside the AT AT. No tourist class syndrom and all the necessary risk preventing measures have been taken concerning fire extinction and emergency lights. There are four emergency escape hatches -2 forward and 2 backward, in the mid deck- and two big boarding hatches in the lower deck -the main one-. The upper level, in the center, wich holds 14 soldiers. There are 2 fire extinguishers and 4 lights. The ladder is detachable. The mid deck, with 14 troops (2 of them are scout troopers as there are 2 speeder bikes). There are fire extinguishers and some lights. Forward mid deck, with 11 soldiers and place for 8 weapons. There are lights in the inner area of the walls -removed-. Detail of one of the emergency escape hatches, with the light. Forward main deck, with 5 stormtroopers -one of them should be the commander of the troops carried- and 3 scout troopers. You can also see how the neck is attached into the "body". Cargo area. I could have placed many soldiers, but they would not be able to use support weapons. So as I have been able to carry 47 soldiers -more than it appears in many webs- I preferred them to carry some gadgets. You can see 8 missile launchers and 3 cannons -from set 7666-. Motorbikes inside the AT AT -5- General view.
AT-AT MOC by sigpro
I have remade the legs. The "ankles" are larger and the "hips" are also larger. Grebbles have been added and I hope it looks better. Have a pic with the family... Enjoy.
AT-AT MOC by sigpro
Happy new year and have the latest version of my AT AT. More pics very soon. Enjoy.
[Comic] Lego Star Wars Serial "The betrayal of Admiral Skar"
EPISODE IX...IS EVERYTHING CLEAR? The mission was about to begin. Lt Detlef, the SOU Commander, explains the mission. With him we can find a small detachment of the Wolf Unit, which will also take part in the assault on the REDEMPTION. Once the Stormtroopers were briefed...they took their weapons. What weapons are carried? Blaster, with stun mode Grenade launchers, with stun ammo. Blaster rifle, also with stun mode Once the weapons were picked up, to the shuttle!! At the same time...the Wolf Unit -the major part- are boarding Both commanders meet. "I will enter through the command bridge and you enter in the stern" "Ok. Luck!" Then Detlef boards the shuttle. Two droids also board so they can operate the computers aboard the REDEMPTION to get the location of the HARASSER. Bye and enjoy!
AT-AT MOC by sigpro
The cockpit has been upgraded -again and again, as usual- The access hatch has been reinstalled, and it is now at the end of the cockpit. This means there is more room inside. This view shows the extra room gained. July version. What do these changes mean? There is an extra stud for General Veers. He is not so close to the pilot like in the July version. The weapons are on the right side of the cockpit, so the extra passenger does not have them so close; in case of accident, he would not be hit by them. Leaving the cockpit is easier now. Other view. The multi function panels are seen. Other view, from the hatch to the front. Many control lights, the main HUD´S, and other gadgets. Enjoy!
[Comic] Lego Star Wars Serial "The betrayal of Admiral Skar"
EPISODE VIII. What happened to my starship? Sigfried and Albers got to the hangar. They found a great surprise... They were loading the warheads in the Advanced Tie Bomber. Shocked with the structural changes, Sigfried asked the Officer. What happened to my starship? A few upgrades. The higher panel has been enlarged and a new one has been attached under the hull. You have more energy, speed, acceleration, manouevrability, laser power and shields. Your ordnance load is higher. Look... You can carry 16 missiles in each weapon hull. 4 more missiles in the inner area of the solar panels. These missiles are for a quick response, like shooting down an incoming missile. You have 4 laser cannons relocated and 2 ion cannons. Incredible, Sigfried said. You can carry 18 proton torpedoes. 12 in one hull and 6 where the missiles are. On the hull junctions you can carry 4 heavy proton torpedoes. They are not very fast but they are very powerful... Under the hull junctions you can carry 2 heavy rockets. Extremely powerful. Are you happy? Go and finish your mission!
AT-AT MOC by sigpro
The escape hatchs have been attached. I hope to post the pictures for you to see the result. Bye and thanks.
AT-AT MOC by sigpro
Yes, you are right. I should add grebbles and try to add dark grey pieces to "break" the light grey layout. Thanks.
Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
Hello again. You can see...6 modified AT-ST -2 minifigs fit- 6 speeder bikes. My Scout Troopers are armed with H&K PSG 1 sniper rifles. 12 leg printed Stormtroopers 18 rocket launcher Stormtroopers -many types- 90 Stormtroopers. I must add...-not shown- 5 imperial dropships 1 x 4483 AT-AT 1 x 10178 AT-AT 1 x MOC AT-AT (minifig scale) Many Imperial Officers. 24 Snowtrooper and 1 speeder bike -white- Many Tie fighter models -soon- Greetings.
[Comic] Lego Star Wars Serial "The betrayal of Admiral Skar"
EPISODE VII CAPTURE THE REDEMPTION The Grand Moff began explaining the operation. Once we know the location of the Redemption, Lt Sigfried will jump into hyperspace, escorting the SOU and the Wolf Unit. Before, he is to destroy the communications antenna and disable the Redemption. As soon the Redemption is disabled, the SOU and the Wolf Unit will capture the corvette, entering by the emergency hatchs. Once the Redemption is finally captured the commandos are to search the computers to get the position of the HARASSER by using a R5D4 unit. While they retrieve the info, Lt Sigfried will jump back to the INFLEXIBLE to have the Tie Bomber repaired and as soon we know the location of the HARASSER he will be informed precisely about the mission. Ah, don´t forget Lt Stak, he is to be saved! Get ready for action and in 15 minutes time you are to depart. Dismissed! Many things passed through Lt Sigfried´s head. While he went to his deskroom to meet his co-pilot Lt Albers, he was thinking in how to accomplish the mission. He picked up Lt Albers and they went to the hangar. Greetings.
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