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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by sigpro

  1. In my first topic I spoke about a SW serial. Here you are. Translated for you, and I hope you enjoy it. Episode I. An interrupted training. The ISD Inflexible, with the Emperor and Darth Vader, is in a quiet area of the Hoth System. In that area, the Imperial Navy has a training field. Two lonely Tie Droid fly across the training field. Suddenly, their sensors detect a new starship coming from the ISD Inflexible. One of them is being targeted from 2000 meters... Hitted by lasers...one of them blows up The other tries to attack the starship that destroyed its "wingman", but it is also hitted by a 4-laser blast. Lieutenant Sigfried´s Advanced Tie Bomber dealed with easy targets. Following the training plan, he must head for a lonely and near asteroid to test a new warhead designed for strike at capital ships. Suddenly, his co-pilot receives a transmission... -Lieutenant, I have a code 5 incoming message, stand by. A strange feeling crossed him...such message comes from Darth Vader and only he can send them. -Ok, got. -Lieutenant, here comes. -“QUIT ANY ONGOING OPERATION, LAND YOUR SHIP IN HANGAR 3 AND PROCEED TO MEETING HALL 1”. He was a disciplined pilot. With no doubt he headed for the Inflexible, he reported to the Flight Officer and he began to thought what could happen to Lord Vader to call for him, a simple lieutenant that tested the Tie Bomber and had been previously congratulated by Lord Vader himself... Greetings.
  2. Hi everybody! By surfing the net I discovered an Spanish-fan lego site, and thanks to it I discovered this one. I hope to collaborate and I will try to delight you with my Lego Star Wars Serial..."The betrayal of Admiral Skar". I have it in spanish, so I imagine you will prefer it in English. Give me time and you will enjoy! Thanks and greetings.
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