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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by sigpro

  1. sigpro replied to TheBeeze's post in a topic in The Great Brick War
    Hi! I can´t find the post about the factions for phase 3. Where is it? Sorry in advance!
  2. I should attend a webinar-course-bootcamp-whatever in which I can improve my skills about terrain detailing.
  3. You are right! But this one has no submarine and they are in an attack attitude ?
  4. Thanks for commenting. This place is supposed to be in a cold area with little vegetation, that's why I didn't add grass.
  5. Grid C15 A raft with 8 commandos approaches the beach. 20201110_164523 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 20201110_164542 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr The target is a small military outpost in QUAN POH, having to destroy: -the SSM launcher -the helicopter, which is a direct copy of the Erotema ApaGer (yes, a mix between the Apache and the Eurocopter Tiger). -the fuel Some close ups of the chopper 20201110_172423 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 20201110_172428 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 20201110_172437 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr The best friend of an MBT, with 16 missiles and a lovely 30-mm chain gun. It also carries 4 small AA missiles. A towed SSM launcher. 20201110_172453 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 20201110_181019 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr The raft hits the beach 20201110_172631 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr And the commandos deploy to take good positions. Two lobsters scape from them! 20201110_172903 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr An enemy appears through the landing pad 20201110_180514 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr And few more on the mud road 20201110_180552 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr But, as usual and when engaging the Erotema commandos, death is what they find 20201110_180749 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 20201110_180822 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr While the others scape like rats leaving a sinking ship. Meanwhile, in the gunfight, the raft pilot chases the lobsters after he turned the raft for a quick scape 20201110_180857 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Once the area is temporarily secured, explosives are placed 20201110_181006 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 20201110_181011 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr A trophy! 20201110_181128 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr The assault team returns to the raft 20201110_181230 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr And the explosives blow up 20201110_181604 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 20201110_181614 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr But faulty explosives make little damage. Damn! Results: -2 enemies killed -1 SSM launcher destroyed -1 attack helicopter destroyed -some fuel burned -2 lobsters captured
  6. sigpro replied to TheBeeze's post in a topic in The Great Brick War
    Hi everybody. Although I have not been very active, I will try to work less and enjoy more. I support all of your ideas: factions, smaller areas of the world to conquest, more players (but bringing them in is not easy) and territorial conflict. I also support @marvelboy123 ideas , they seem interesting. Enjoy and take care.
  7. Grid A2 A lonely Erotema ASW flying boat is on patrol to hunt enemy submarines. This is an old but relyable and enduring model, with a large payload and long range. It has 4 turboprops on push-pull configuration, as models seen in the real world, like the Dornier Do 26 Wal and the Do 335 Pfeil. 1 ASW SIDE by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 2 ASW UP by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 3 ASW UP by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 4 ASW UP by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr This is the cockpit in detail. 6 ASW COCKPIT by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 7 ASW COCKPIT 2 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr The radar operator breaks the silence... 7 ASW COCKPIT 3 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr “Sir, I have a communication. S901 Triana has detected a submarine on the surface. 200 miles from our position, grid A2. It is an old model but can be carrying vaulable goods or nuclear weapons.” “Ok, let´s go”. And the flying boat loses altitude and starts flying over the waves. 5 ASW ON SEA by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr This is the enemy submarine…an old model even with an AA gun on the sail. 9 SUB 1 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr A sailor is even fishing, or trying to. 9 SUB 2 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Detail of the AA gun. 9 SUB 3 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr And when the flying boat is so close….a light ASW torpedo drops from its belly, with a parachute to slow it as it falls… 8 TORPEDO 1 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr
  8. Massive and incredibly grebbled! Good job!
  9. Epic battle for Carrefour!
  10. thanks for both answers. Do you allow me to open a topic to coordinate with other players?
  11. Sorry for my question: We must start from unmarked grids, so this leaves us with A1, A4, E7, G7, H1, and J1 as only grids where we can fight on the atoll itself rather than under, on or over the sea. Am I right? The pity is that I can´t use my sub...
  12. Thanks! And what about the upper part (the bended one).
  13. Excellent details on the fence lights and the barbed wire. Can you post the part reference?
  14. Looks very interesting, very compact and clean lines. Good job.
  15. I agree, the tank looks realistic with a well designed turret.
  16. Good details overall, I like it!
  17. Operation Hornest Nest Mission 2 We have discovered one of the main camps they are using as part of their supply chain between the countries in the western hemisphere. The camp is located in New Brickika where E5, E6, F5 & F6 meet. The camp is to be overtaken, thoroughly searched for intel, and destroyed. New Brickika has refused to do anything to help the situation. This part of the mission is joint between Trioluan and Erotema. This snowed main camp has a communications centre inside this bunker. 1 0 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 1 1 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 1 2 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr With a small door close to two weapons shelters. 2 0 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr A small attack force of Erotema is crawling towards the rear side of the bunker. Although there are cameras, they are undetected. Magic? A spy? Malfunctioning? 3 mod by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr They are even able to reach the front side and they prepare the raid. 4 0 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr And they set explosives to blow up the door 4 1 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr This soldier is angry because he carries a Barret .50 sniper rifle, which is very heavy and useless for CQB. 4 2 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Details of the weapons close to the bunker. From left to right, small diameter bombs, cruise missiles and rocket launchers. 4 3 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr From left to right, 2000-lb laser guided bombs and anti tank missiles. 4 4 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr But, why is the Erotema attack force doing all this undetected? Because, due to Christmas, the enemy is having a party. 5 0 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Guitar playing, lobster, hot dogs, fish, pizza, ice cream, banana…and nobody paying attention to the cameras. What a shame! 5 1 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr The party is so hard that one of the soldiers must go to the toilet to throw up. Anybody who has served knows that army meals are quite improvable. 5 2 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr And…BANG BANG. The explosives blow up the front door and the inner one, leaving the enemy either shocked or unconscious. 6 2 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr The attack dog is the first coming in and thrilling even more a more-than-scared enemy. 6 3 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr The rest of the team provides security outside the building 6 4 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr And the bunker is secured. There is no need to kill anybody. 6 5 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr In order to fulfil the mission, the IT specialist takes out his laptop and retrieves data from the server. 7 1 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr While the weapons are inspected 7 2 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr 7 3 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr And the same happens with the safes. 7 4 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr While two members of the team indulge themselves 7 5 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr As they don´t carry more explosives, they decide to place a few small diameter bombs with some gas jerry cans to have fireworks. 8 1 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr The backup generator is a bomb by itself… 8 2 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr And the large fuel drums will melt the snow too 8 3 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Details of the weapons without the shelter Up, anti tank missiles Down, 2000-lb laser guided bombs 9 1 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr From left to right Small diameter bombs, cruise missiles, Maverick-like anti tank missiles (up), rocket launchers. 9 2 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Some of these weapons were showed in the thread about the Erofighter Typhoon. Enjoy!
  18. Hi both of you, thanks for the comments! @TheBeeze I am in process of scrapping the plane, but I am also building it on LDD. @marvelBoy123 Nice design, ultra compact and easy to scale it up for a massive fighter.
  19. Hi again! This is a good idea. I will show the developments of my R&D department. Land vehicles. Mobile ICBM launcher. 1-Xenor missile launcher arrives by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Universal Hull Family Vehicles. Main Battle Tank with mine sweeping roll. 9 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Without the roll. 11 2 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Bridge launcher vehicle. 9 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Rocket launcher configuration and High Movility - Mine Resistant Vehicle (inspired on the RG family). 11 1 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr SAM Tank. 6 bis by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Self propelled howitzer ATPS3 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Not of the same family, but sharing many parts...the MLRS. 8 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Marine vehicles. Siluro a lenta corsa. Human manned torpedo for infiltrations. SLC2 by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Attack submarine Full S901 attack submarine TRIANA by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Air-space vehicles HOSTIA satellite. SATELLITE WORKSHOP by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr UAV. 3 LOADED UAV by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr PICARON close air support aircraft. Confirmation by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr EROFIGHTER Typhoon. (not a mistake, it is EROFIGHTER, as it is build in EROTEMA). CAS arrangement by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Enjoy!
  20. Ambassador Curro Jiménez, Erotema. This is a good effort from Alsarh to end this situation. I declared the war on Plighia as well as Bandaud. However, if Plighia enters the path of the common sense and stops accusing Erotema and Alsarh for harbouring terrorists, I will tell this to my President in order to reduce our DEFCON and withdraw our strategic forces. AMBASSADOR13.lxf by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr
  21. AS usual, excellent details!
  22. Ambassador Curro Jimenez, Erotema. AMBASSADOR12.lxf by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr President Dmitrievich, your proposition is sensible, I agree in celebrating a meeting with the representatives from Plighia and Walara, but I assume the meeting will be in the Brick of Nations.
  23. Inside S901 Triana, grid G8 (general map). Radio room... "Captain, we have an incoming radio message, security clearance 1" receiving war declaration by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr The Captain comes in and reads the message... confirming message by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr "From...Erotema Strategic Submarine Forces...To Commanding Officer S901 Triana. War has been declared on Bandaud and Plighia. Proceed with target package BA3 and send all cruise missiles. After it, rendezvous with supply ship on point RV34". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grid B10, Bandaud / F8 (General Map - approx) An airbase with some planes which may be ready, or not. Bandaud airbase by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr But some cruise missiles, along with laser guided bombs from a squadron of Erofighters, attack the facilities... Bandaud airbase on fire by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr Bandaud airbase on fire by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr And later, the fire is put out...and the HOSTIA satellite takes pictures... Bandaud airbase under attack by green helmet spanish AFOL, en Flickr
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