Everything posted by Rook
- Victor - Eclipsegrafx
[SoNE: EP3] O Hothy Christmas
O Hothy Christmas The Empire has taken control of the Rebel Base on Hoth. However the Princess has left in a bit of a hurry and left her wardrobe behind. After securing the wardrobe the Rebels must ensure that the data that wasn't destroyed during the attack is completely "erased". Now if they can only make it out without being caught! O Hothy Christmas by RΟΟK, on Flickr O Hothy Christmas: "Does this thing get netflix?" by RΟΟK, on Flickr O Hothy Christmas: The TNT was hung with care, with hopes that... by RΟΟK, on Flickr O Hothy Christmas by RΟΟK, on Flickr O Hothy Christmas: "Do any of you hear what I hear?" by RΟΟK, on Flickr
Whats the rarest/oldest piece of Lego you have in your collections?
For rare, I got about 40 of these in green. BrickLink has them at about $3-3.5 each. And for old, maybe 4 to 6 of these torso and legs in varous colors:
[Quiz] Which NinjaGo character are you most like?
Ah I'm going in-zane. :/ :P
Too small probably. Micro scale ships to me are pretty hard because without a background or story attached the build themselves are very difficult. That being said using the right selection of bricks on a micro scale ship and make it look like there's tons of details on the ship when in reality it's just the texture of the pieces. In this case all the pieces are smooth so there's little interest beyond just a well built little ship. :/ :)
Streets of Llyria
Amazing that up close it looks like chaos of pieces and when you pull back it makes you feel like you're actually there. <3
Always amazes me to see boats used so well for something other than boats. :)
- What's in the bag? Lego x-rayed
What Lego-related thing did you do today?
Hit a million views on Flickr.
[SoNE EPII] Gravity Gunner
When I look at this ship I actually see parts of the Y-Wing, Slave I, TIE fighter, Millennium Falcon, and Death Star in its design. The main cockpit has the smoothness and sleek design of Slave I, the Solar Array of TIE wings, the side weapons array of reversed Y-Wing engine, the asymmetrical balance of a the Falcon, and the gravity drive engine giving the final hint of the Death Star.
- [Vic Viper] Bio Ship: Xuxa
- [SoNE Ep.II] Abandoned outpost
[SoNE EPII] Gravity Gunner
Thanks I was doing an interview with Joshua Hanlon for Beyond the Brick, when he challenged me to squeeze out one more build out of the spare parts. So here is again now with an added speederbike. XD Beyond the Brick Interview with ROOK by RΟΟK, on Flickr Scraps of Scraps of Scraps of a MOC by RΟΟK, on Flickr
[SoNE Ep II] The Thin White Line
Love the skeleton! :)
- [Vic Viper] Bio Ship: Xuxa
- [SoNE Ep. II] Fraternizing with a broken empire
Canadian Eh?
Yeah toxic soup of new buildings and cars is pretty bad. Carpets, paints, and glues etc. all giving off waves of toxic crap. Feel bad for the people that are working there. :/
MOC: Birds
I don't really like the ones with the square heads but the rest, even the turtle, are excellent.
Episode II: Escaping from the wreckage
Only 5 entries so far. You can tell this one has a hard one.
Hey from Canada, eh?
I think I'd drive to the Mall of America store before I came to the Toronto ones if I has him. XD
- [Vic Viper] Bio Ship: Xuxa
Hey from Canada, eh?
Toronto. That was "cross our fingers and see if there would be a new member at our LUG meeting this month" question. XD
- [SoNE EPII] Gravity Gunner
- Lego underwear
Hi, we are EliteGrafix
Yeah very close to EclipeGrafx, who is also a Graphic Designer and super into LEGO.
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