- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Review: 9516 Jabba’s Palace
The only downside I can see is the price point. I'll probably end up buying it anyway, tho ^^
Astromech Workplace Contest
I think I might enter, tho there'll be small point ^^; i've never posted an MOC, and I have very limited parts at my disposal. Two astromechs, tho, which helps, I suppose ^^;
REVIEW: 9470 Shelob Attacks
I agree that the Shelob is al out TOO well built ^^ I posted a pic of myself with her on my shoulder on Facebook, wanting to show her off. Several of my friends had a momentary freak out, thinking I had a REAL giant spider on me ^^ so, like you said, well done Lego! And she's just so poseable, she's just a joy to play with ^^ definitely my fave set of the first wave
Future LotR and Hobbit sets
I'd really love a hobbit set called "the party", with Bilbo, gandalf, Thorin, and at least some of the other dwarves. It'd be a good start for the hobbit sets AND get us a bag end model ^^not to mention all those minifigs (I know not all 13 dwarfs would be in it, but at least SOME.could be). I figure they'll probably space out the dwarves the way they've spaced out the fellowship. A couple at bag end, a few trapped by spiders, a few in the elves' jail, and a couple at Beorn's house
Who is your favorite LEGO Avenger?
Gotta say Thor ^^ but maybe that's just cause he's my favorite from the movie... Tho I really love that you can raise Iron Man's visor ^^
Petranaki Arena
Wow. This...I... Wow
Oh, sorry ^^; i'm new to the forums, and I just wanted to share this with other Lego star wars fans
What is your favourite LOTR set?
So far, it has to be Shelob attacks. SUCH a good set for the price. Shelob herself is so fun, not to mention having a little gollum and fish ^^ great set overall
REVIEW: 30165 Hawkeye with Equipment
Hope I can find this stateside. Really awesome little poly bag
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
So excited for the spiderman set. Hope it sells well so they'll make plenty more. What can i say? He's one of my face superheroes
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Most adult Lego fans have probably heard of Lego Cuusoo by now, lego's website for set design submissions. But most of you probably haven't seen this project: Lego Lightsabers! The creator of the project has created Lego replicas of quite a few Lightsabers, which can be seen either on the project page or the Facebook page for the project. Links: Project - Facebook. - Just FYI, I'm definitely NOT the creator of the project (i only wish I was that skilled). So why am I posting this? Cause I think these are awesome and should be made. I was curious to see if others agreed with me. And if you DO agree, you know what to do! Head on over to Lego Cuusoo and support the project.
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