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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Thanks so much! 🙏🙏🙏
  2. Can someone help direct a returning newb to where I need to go to see images of leaks? Am I correct that they're not allowed in this forum? 🙏
  3. I totally agree with you. Something like Final Duel or Palpatine's Arrest would be fantastic. Leia, Chewie, Lando, Vader, Boba & Carbonite Han? That would be :wub:
  4. It looks like a list of sets coming in early 2016 was leaked today by the folks over at MintInBox.net. Here's a writeup from MakingStarWars.net: http://makingstarwars.net/2015/07/star-wars-the-force-awakens-new-planet-name-revealed/
  5. Thanks for the great review. I was excited about this set but I'm pretty disappointed. Sabine is a Mando. How do you release her minifig without a helmet? Also, the character isn't just "tanned." She's a POC. So the fact that Lego made her pale white is pretty disappointing.
  6. Thanks for all the details. The Inquisitor looks AMAZING. Possibly the best dark side user mini-fig ever!
  7. Thanks for finding the new link! Just what I was looking for too.
  8. Thanks for the response. Just wanted to make sure. Earth is nice...lots of water...
  9. This is the first time I'll be making a purchase with a promo fig, but what happens if I buy two sets and later return one? I'm kind of on the fence on one of the sets and frankly wouldn't buy it if not for the Revan promo. If I decide to return it do I have to return the promo fig?
  10. Well by holding pattern I mean that the licensees didn't know what to do. The Ep II & III sets were already pre-planned and pushed out despite the movies being canceled. That was the old plan. This period marks the time when nobody knew what was next besides Ep. VII in 2015. As you mentioned, now it's Rebels, which is part of the new plan, but the OT sets were clearly a "what do we do now?" response. Otherwise we wouldn't be getting EP. V sets. Ep. IV is their focus both for Rebels and the general tone right now. It's similar to Hasbro's Black Series which is basically a stop gap focusing on OT to please fans while they waited for more direction. I'm guessing that in remaking Ep. V sets they saw a low cost way to put out "new" product that was popular. Anyway, to get back on track, when might we hear reports about Winter 2014? I'm sure we'll get plenty of Rebels sets but I'm curious what direciton they'll go beyond that.
  11. Thanks for the response. I realize my post was terribly unclear. I was wondering when rumors/reports start coming for what sets will be released in winter 2014. So after this summer wave. I just feel like all the licensees like Hasbro and Lego were in a holding pattern while Disney figured out what they were doing with Star Wars and that's why a majority of the summer sets are redos. I'm hopeful that the winter 2014 sets will be more fresh and new.
  12. I know we're just barely getting details regarding the summer sets but can someone share the typical timing for fall/winter sets? Personally, aside from the Cantina, it's hard fo rme to get too excited about a variety of sets redone from just a few years ago. But that's just me.
  13. Yeah but what does the bottom of the tower set look like? It seemed clear from the bottom of the Jabba Palace that there would be an add-on, but does the bottom of the tower lend itself to the same conclusion?
  14. Actual (but blurry) photo of the Rancor Pit set from Yodasnews.com: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/471231_10151260766299867_907659474_o.jpg
  15. Why is this? Can someone explain to a newb why they nixed this set? Looks so awesome. I'm definitely satisfied with the Rancor set. It's a great supplement to Jabba's Palace. It wouldn't work well on its own, but its not supposed to be on its own. Though I am a little concerned about how they'll deal with the tower...
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