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Everything posted by Cyberbricker

  1. Indeed, the summer wave could contain more sets of ROTJ. Don't forget ROTJ was released on 25 may of 1983, so getting ROTJ sets in the winter of 2012 - 2013 would be a little to early.
  2. I never apply my stickers, which is too bad. I bought some new and some 2nd hand Laat/i gunships and some had stickers on their pieces, which looked better of course. But still not enough to make me want to apply mine.
  3. Here is a picture of the 2 together. Left is Bly, right is Gree Bly and Gree
  4. Commander Bly is a member and 2nd in command of the 327th Star Corps, but he looks a little different then the one in the battle pack. He wears not only a pouldron, but a kama and macrobinoculars as well. If you look up the 237th, you will see that most members wear some sort of pouldron. I wish they would make a CW commander Bly, and some members of Star Corps...
  5. I would definitely buy that. It's an easy model to make, so I hope they will make this set in the future. And indeed, more non standard clone troopers are welcome. :)
  6. Contacting Lego is actually not a bad idea. :) Personally, I bought two of the new ARF's. Both have a different visor, one is exactly the same as the first ARF, the other has a curved visor. I didn't even notice at first, because my first one didn't have this problem, also the reason I bought a second one. What do you mean with different materials? I noticed that the new Lego piece don't look the same as my old Bricks. The old bricks didn't look so weak, the new one's are always full with scratches.
  7. I think they will indeed save him and some other notable clones for the summer wave, lets all hope. :)
  8. Normally spoken they can't use the old helmet with the open visor, because the clone troopers have a complete flesh colored head piece. So then they would have to redesign that piece. Also, lego is trying really hard to create accurate models and mini-figures of the series and movies, and a clone helmet with open visor is not in either one, so I think we are save. :)
  9. I don't know if it has been ask previously, but it wonder why Lego keeps on changing the appearance of mini-figures in the Star Wars Line. They bring out 2 ARF toopers with different visors. Then when they finally bring out some non standard clones, like the Horn Company Trooper and Bomb Squad Trooper, the manage to screw up the visor and make it smaller. The same for the new Commander Gree, his torso is actually a little different on the sides of the printing... This may seem like small change, but I'm a perfectionist and hate it when that happens! So why when the have a good look for a figure do they keep on changing it?
  10. Official pictures won't be out for a month or longer. If we do get pictures now, its just early designs and unofficial.
  11. Same story in every shop in my area. If they could just get some nice mini-figures in those planet sets it would make them mush more valuable for collectors. I only buy some of them to replace my old mini-figures with the yellow head. Still I'm tempted to buy the other ones too, since I have almost every Lego Star Wars sets ever released... It only cost allot of money.
  12. I think I will get all of them except the planet sets... Maybe one ore two planet sets if the mini figs are any good.
  13. Especially because there is nothing to put directly under the tower, so when you move through the front gate, you immediately encounter the Rancor! Of course maybe the summer wave will contain a set to solve this problem.
  14. I know, thats why I said it was maybe a new Ackbar, but I was wrong.
  15. I'm not sure, but I think you can see the new Ackbar at 0.50.
  16. I sure hope there will still be some more Phase I Clone Troopers coming out, like captain Keeli or Lieutenant Thire. Of course it would also be great to get some regular Phase I Troopers in special colors, according to which battalion they belong. These new sets sound very interesting, I just hope they look as good as the sound and that the ARF Trooper will be the same as the one in set 7913 or 9488. I really wouldn't like it if they came up with yet an other visor. I was so disappointed wen it became clear the visors of the Horn company and Bomb squad troopers didn't match the ones of the other already existing Clone Troopers. Though it was a small change, for a perfectionist like myself it was huge!
  17. Has this problem been solved already? I created something so i can hang the ball over the holder, but it looks a bit funny.
  18. Thats very helpful and will do until something better is available.
  19. Sails was a long shot , but some of the older brick shouldn't be a problem I hope.
  20. Thanks for the tip, as you noticed I'm new here. I mean the following pieces, I cant post links because first I need 5 posts, so I will try to be as detailed as possible. 2557c03 Brown Boat Hull Large Bow 12 x 16 x 5 1/3 Complete Assembly, Top Color Brown 2559c03 Brown Boat Hull Large Stern 14 x 16 x 5 1/3 Complete Assembly, Top Color Brown sailbb21 White Cloth Sail Bottom 30 x 15 with Blue Thick Stripes Pattern sailbb22 White Cloth Sail Top 27 x 17 with Blue Thick Stripes Pattern sailbb20 White Cloth Sail Triangular 15 x 22 with Blue Thick Stripes Pattern 2552px6 Green Baseplate, Raised 32 x 32 with Ramp and Pit, Rocks Gray/Gray Pattern You know, just the stuff from my younger years (1988 - 1998). Some detail on the minifigs from the following themes would be nice. Imperial Soldiers Black Knights Maybe its already out there, but just in case its not I though "no harm in asking"!
  21. More ship hulls and some sails would be useful, like the one's from the first and second Imperials and Pirate themes. Also some baseplate's to build a castle or other stuff on like the one from the Castle 6081 and others.
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