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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Cyberbricker

  1. I'm hoping for an AAT, but if its an MTT, the AAT can't be far behind. Still I think it will be a combo of an AAT and Flash Speeder. :) The best fitting scene from the movie to include these mini-figures is the scene were they takeout that AAT in the city with the Flash Speeder. Also, the skin of that Royal Guard is a little darker then the normal tan, leaving me to think its maybe the Asian guy in the Speeder? I think if it was an MTT, they would include Gungans.
  2. Happy STAR WARS day all!! May the 4th be with you!
  3. The Death Star had a 15% discount in my Local Lego store, don't know if any other stores do the same.
  4. I got 15% off all SW sets and got some extra leftover polybags + Revan of course. ;)
  5. I went to my local lego store to get Darth Revan and got some extra stuff, poplybags, etc... Also this poster with the Bespin Duel on it. I didn't open the poster and at first I declined it, but the girl in the store (who I know is a big SW fan) was pretty insisting that I should take a good look at it before declining it. Maybe she was hinting that something interesting was on it. Don't know, maybe I'm reading to mush into it.
  6. I would go for the cantina and the MF, they complement each other and the MF is really a great set. :D
  7. I would not wait for 2 long, I did the same with jabba's palace and every week the price went down and then when I went to get one.... ALL GONE!!! :/
  8. Looks awesome! I hope this means we will see an update for the AAT too. :)
  9. I was thinking the same with the X-wing, but with all the exclusive mini-figs coming out these days... I'm going to get it, but I know that when I do lego will update him very soon.
  10. I missed out on getting "Biggs Darklighter", back in ... "A long time ago" Now I have a chance to get him for 7€, but then I wondered...what will be the odds of him getting an update somewhere very soon. What do you guys think?
  11. I'm getting tempted to buy it, but +300€ is just way 2 mush!
  12. Nice, I hope we get to see it soon!!
  13. Oh, okay. Thought I mist something. :p
  14. What are "Cobra Vipers"...? Are we still expecting more sets for the summer wave or other near releases dates???
  15. They sure like to re-use there molds, I have been waiting for this change for more then 10 years, from when they fist came out in the "7201 Final Duel II" with that horrible hat.
  16. Indeed, nicotine will yellow your bricks, so don't smoke, better for your heath too!
  17. Okay, thank you all for you input. I think I'm going to buy it, those mini-figures do look awesome!!
  18. Hi Eurobrickers, I just found the Jedi Defender-class light corvette (75025) for 85€, but I'm not sure if It is a good set, I have the Sith Fury Class Interceptor and all the other TOR stuff so I do want this ship, but something is keeping me from buying it... :p Anybody that owns this set got any + and - why is should or shouldn't buy it? Thank you for your thoughts.
  19. The mods are going to have a lot of work cleaning this up. :p I keep my LEGO covered up with a thick curtain (most of the time I'm in an other room anyway) and try not to let any direct sunlight shine on the curtain. This is doing the trick very well so far. Other things that will yellow your bricks are smoking, skin oils, body lotions... This website gives a experimental solution, though I not sure you can use this on printed bricks. http://www.brothers-brick.com/2009/08/30/how-to-clean-yellowed-lego-bricks-to-make-classic-space-sets-look-new-news/
  20. I would prefer a new AAT EPI, some of the other sets sound good as well, but an new AAT is long overdue.
  21. That is indeed what I fear more, I ordered some of the Exclusive Clone Trooper Lieutenants from bricklink and from 2 of the 7 I ordered the printing was really off and I mean really off. The printing for the front of the helmet was almost on top of it. What happens to me sometimes is that pieces that are supposed to be printed are just left blank...
  22. I did get extra pieces once though, it was in the Jedi Defense II, I got an extra cape, some stuff for the door and the main body and head of the security droid.
  23. I collect PT, OT and TOR myself, though I will not always buy every set. The set I want 2 buy must contain curtain things, like good mini figures, a bit of accuracy and I must like the model of course. I like to put all my sets out on a shelf, but for some of my favorite number 1 sets, I like to build a little diorama around it, but nothing to big. What I do like to do is making existing sets better. Like with the LAAT/i and LAAt/c, I replaced the "White Slope, Curved" with "White Slope 18 4 x 1" and modded the cockpit and wings, as I own 3 7676 LAAt/i and didn't want to buy the new 75021 LAAt/i to have a more accurate version.
  24. I will PM you with some useful information.
  25. Thank you, it must be easy when your native language is English, unless you live in the French region of Canada of course. I would like 2 ("to" for the grammar Nazi's ) see how your Dutch's is though? PS: I'm sorry if the number 2 or the use of it to simplify words is offensive to anyone, my apologies. Aslo, I apologize if any of the "to's" are incorrect. Now lets all be serious on LEGO again!!!
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