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Everything posted by Cyberbricker

  1. Yeah, I will just get most figures on Bricklink. The only sets i will get are the vulture droid, jedi interceptor and AT-AP, maybe 1 time battle of Selucami... So not a 2 expensive wave for me. Good thing as a still need Jabba's Palace.
  2. In Belgium, most of them come out just before the holidays.
  3. We have seen most sets, but the pictures are all confidential, so we can't post them. I do have them saved on my PC, but i cant send them over 2 you, because you don't have access to the PM system yet.
  4. Most troopers of the 91st Reconnaissance Corps have the same armor, the only difference is that the officers wore command sashes on their armor(like Neyo), this was also worn by the ARC's of the 91st RC.
  5. Im not saying they should stay the same, but changing them every wave, really every wave... Thats a little over the top. It means they already have the new design for the next wave, when they bring out the current wave. Thats just not right! Was planning to do the same thing.
  6. Oh come on, they changed it again!!! I just bought a a couple of the new design to fit out my old rebel pilots... Pff, whats the point in collecting the min figures if the change "every" wave!!
  7. Maybe it means we will get a better octuptarra droid in the future?
  8. From this angel the Kashyyyk trooper looks nice actually.
  9. Indeed, I got 16 already. :p I got so obsessed with them that I went overboard. :p
  10. I don't really like the helmet, I don't hate it either, but it just seems the visor is to high up. The eyes will be behind the mouth piece this was. I was really planning to buy allot of these, hope they look better in real.
  11. Last year they where released on this day(19 October), so i don't think we will have to wait that long. Now let this be the last time I need to post this.
  12. This will be the first Grievous I'm buying.
  13. I will keep most of my TCW Clones, I changed the torso of my ARF troopers with the new torso, its mush better. I will not combine the new Clones with my TCW clones for display, I will just use the new clones for that. I like how you can make endless ARC troopers with the new commanders, though they may not come in gray or dark green, they still look better I think. It would however be awesome to get TCW commanders in an EPII style, as a Exclusive or something. I can dream.... I just "hate" how the faces of TCW minifig, the don't look like lego anymore...
  14. I have only one, from the Z95, but so far I can't convince myself to buy more...
  15. All very good points. Also you could note that if we are indeed getting an Utapau Battlepack with 212 troopers, it would be logical to make the 501 counterpart. As we just got these in the last winter wave, lego might be taking this opportunity to quickly reuse them for the EPIII clones. But i still hope we get a generic one EPIII clone. I just took an other look at the picks and it says "Clone Trooper", if this was to be an 501 trooper, it would have said "501 trooper", i think.
  16. I you really want it, order it in separate pieces from bricklink. I did it with the 10195 Dropship and saved allot of money. Of course check out the expensive parts first, and check if all bricks are available.
  17. Yeah, indeed. Would have been nice 2 get two ARC's Red and Blue maybe. The bombsquad pack failed completely, not only where there to many bombsquad guys, the visor on the helmet was different then the one from all the other clones and that really put me off... But at least things are looking up with the new Clone BP's.
  18. Last year they revealed them on 19 October, my birthday.
  19. If it came with only one Royal Guard I would get 4 or 6, nut now I'm getting only 2! Its good if you don't have Royal Guards yet, but I have 4 already... I will have more Royal guards then stormtroopers if I get more then 2 or 3 of these BP's... At least if i only count the latest update of the stormie...
  20. DS battlepack needs stormie and officer...
  21. The new LEGO store in the Wijnegem shopping center has the Ewok Village, Jedi Defender and lots of more hard to find items. The also have the Death Star and SSD. Most of the new sets of Winter/summer 2013 wave.
  22. Well, sorry... I asked the staff and they said I should post it in general... Just remove my post then...
  23. I just found this article, saying that a new LEGO store will be opened in the "Wijnegem Shopping Center". So great news for the BENELUX LEGO fans. Here is the article, its in Dutch though... http://www.retaildetail.be/nl/belgie/algemeen/item/16462-eerste-lego-store-in-belgië-komt-in-wijnegem I'm going over there tomorrow morning!!!!
  24. I think you mean the ARC-Trooper stuff? I think they are supposed to resemble the headlights of the clone trooper helmets. Here is a link were you can see them: https://www.google.be/search?q=clone+trooper+headlight&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.52434380,d.bGE,pv.xjs.s.en_US.RJfod4swqLE.O&biw=1407&bih=704&dpr=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=nl&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=bl5AUoGMFrSo0wXX84HQDw
  25. When i saw the first picture, i didn't even realize it was the actual LEGO model showing. I'm really lost for words with this one, I'm still overwhelmed...
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