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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Cyberbricker

  1. I got 2 for 70€ and sold them each for almost 200€, so I feel very good.
  2. Phase III ? Do you mean Storm Trooper Armor or did i mis something?
  3. Indeed the spiecies are the "varactyl", Boga is a the name of a female Varactyl native to Utapau and the one Obi-Wan was riding on.
  4. Sorry, but TLG and the Euro Bricks staff has asked that no pictures that are confidential be posted, so we will have to wait for official pics.
  5. He is probably referring to the phase II helmet, but indeed its not an ARC trooper.
  6. You are not, as i was in the dark ages back in 2005, so i missed all of these sets. We also get a great group of battle packs and some new never seen before commanders and clone troopers. Only thing i don't like are the new guns. I think its a 7.5-8/10 for this wave.
  7. No, he is a place holder for a generic Phase II cone trooper. :)
  8. Wasn't it the 327th Star Corps that gunned down Aayla? The AT-AP is on Kashyyyk, Felucia and even on Salucami.
  9. I have them on my PC just to be safe.
  10. I think i will put these on bricklink, and keep the old blasters.
  11. Yeah, i stock up on those a long time ago, got myself 50 short blasters, 50 long blasters and some ARC blasters. I case this should have happen.
  12. Yeah, that would be nice. But hey, we get 2 great clone trooper bp's this wave. TLG seems to have realized that clone's are popular, so give it some time.
  13. Its like when we got the Bomb squad clone troopers... I had an army of those, thank goodness for bricklink. Someone said the planet sets will be discontinued and this new line will replace them.
  14. The one's that look like Neyo are actually Lieutenants of the 91nd, if I remember well, correct me if I'm wrong. They wear the same armor to protect Neyo so that the enemy would not single him out as the commander and kill hem. But I could be wrong. But in general they are seen as normal clones (private rank) 2 so I guess its up to yourself what you make of it.
  15. That generic Phase II clone has leg printing!!
  16. To bad the wookie turns out 2 be chewie, a wookie warrior would have been better. Also not a fan of those micro things, but maybe kids will like it. I will bricklink some of the mini-figures though. Rex in the Mini Turbo Tank looks a little strange(torso not matching), or is he a place holder for a generic clone? I was also expecting Jek Porkins to be in the X-Wing set as he needed to be update already to the new visor print from 75014... The Kashyyyk Battle Pack looks great!! I will get more then one, thats for sure. The Death Star Battle Pack could have done with one less Imperial Guard, I have 4 of those already. I hope the other troopers in the bp can convince me to get one or two. The Battle of Saleucami looks good , could have used one more clone though. The AT-AP is a must for me , as slipped into the dark ages for a while when the first one came out. The rest of the sets look nice, but I think I will only pick up the Vulture droid and maybe Jedi Interceptor .
  17. I though so 2, still hoping it will be an EPII
  18. Yeah I know, but I hoped we would have seen the end of those horrible CW minifig faces...
  19. I wonder if the AV-7 will have CW or movie based figures.. I guess it will be CW based.
  20. What are the chances that we will ever get the Clone troopers from the CW TV show like phase I Corrusant Gaurd and Fox, Rex Wollfe in the EPII style Clones? Personally I would love to be able to combine my Cpt Rex whit the new clones, but they don't match.
  21. I think we have a good chance of seeing a Galactic Marine in the near future.
  22. Damn, I have all the N1's except that one, sorry.
  23. I really hope they don't mess up the kashyyyk Trooper like they did with the new Bikerscout Trooper...
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