MOC: Japan Railway - Kyoto Station
This is one MOC which doesn't have to be named but would still be easy to see what it depicts. (At least for me, who have been there several times.) Apart from looking good, this is a sign that it's well designed.
2011 City sets
Think "archipelago" instead of "harbour", if you have 80 nm out and 80 nm back you want to go fast and not be too bothered in rough sea states. This one's probably as large, but completely different layout and this one's certainly larger. So I wonder if they looked at a type of actual police boats or re-labelled another boat.
MOC/MOD: 5-wide camper
The 7639 seemed a bit too large and I didn't need the "fold-out" function, so so I made it narrower (also in-progress photos). It's maybe not finished, as I'm considering attaching a tent to the side of it.
MOC Post Office
I like it, it's functional: One area for customers, one for sorting mail and storing parcels. If you're like me, you'll have otherwise surplus mailmen in the sorting area, which will make it clear what the function is.
MOD: 3177 as a Cr*ssbl*d*
Just like the 3177 isn't quite a Smart, the Cr*ssbl*d* isn't quite a Smart Crossblade.
MOD: 3177 as a Cr*ssbl*d*
I made a few tries with no roof but doors, but it didn't look right, and then I got the transparent pieces from the Traveller's baggage cart and this solution appeared. The colour scheme is maybe not finished. A solid colour might look better.
MOC: Blue Truck
I don't think it's too long. But it may be that it looks too long because the axles are quite close together. In particular I think the front axle should be moved a bit forwards. Apart from that I really like the front part design and the overall detailing.
Limo and helicopter 3222
I think they made a correct decision in making it 4-wide. This is what makes it so clearly a stretched normal sedan. Should be possible to make a nice luxury interior as it is, but maybe only for 2 figs.
MOC: City Corner Bus, UK style and variations...
I'd like to see a photo of the interior showing how you made this work. (My 4-wide bus needs replacing and lots of passengers is one reason why.)
Smaller old buildings
Another white house with a red roof (346) Almost parts complete, but I can't find the baseplate, which should be smaller than this grey one. For some reason I long ago replaced the white smoke stacks with blue. Probably didn't seem strange then, so I let them remain blue. You can also see that one of the inside corner slope bricks is smooth instead of textured. There should also be a car in the set, but no trace of it. The next is blue on red and red on blue (356). I'd try to make the roofs not the same colours as the walls, so this isn't a favourite. Thinking of replicating it in other colours. No internal floors. For some reason the blue bricks are very discoloured due to light, so you can see how it was put together. The red ones managed much better. Swedish flag is not original to the set, but it was in the box. The yellow and black kiosk is from another set. Gas station and tanker: You can see that one yellow 2x2 is new. Nice touch that all but the front axle wheels are double.
Smaller old buildings
Sorry about the signs! They are not part of the set, but how I used to build it back then. I've also lost some of the orignal parts, especially the roof plates and one of the 1x1x2 windows is lighter red than the other and it's short of yellow 1x1s. More of my lego signs I could have chosen from. The space below the balcony is probably car parking, although there's no car in the set. But under the house itself is strange, one side open with a fence and a narrow door.
Smaller old buildings
Two old sets I've just put together. I'm not quite sure what this is supposed to be, but it could be a school and it reminds me of Bauhaus in some way. This looks nice, but rather impractical. And just what is the space below the house supposed to be? Bicycle shed?
MOC: Grimeton and its buildings
A new apartment building has just opened. It's mostly made from the 4956 I never could get to fit in in any way. As you see, not any really working interior as it's all faked only to look sort of representative from the outside.
MOC: Grimeton and its buildings
Solar panels for the office.
Grimer started following MOC: Grimeton and its buildings
Review: 4996 Beach House
No. This one stands out as excellent. I've got two of them.
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