Interrogating in the Dungeons
That's fair enough! Each to their own! Still,I didn't notice it to start with.
Interrogating in the Dungeons
I quite like the wood- it's like they've shored up the wall. Not a lot of effort gone into maintaining luxury and safe habitation for their prisoners! Only real niggle I have is the guard's shield is upside down. Look awesome other than that!
Puss "No" Boots sets off to visit Zakon GoldBlade
I hated those Chima figures till I saw this, a few parts have gone a long way to improving him! Great moc, very funny! :)
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
The current state of battle packs
Trouble is, that sort of bucket for Star Wars nowadays would cost a bomb for common bricks and a few ordinary figs.
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Ah I saw boccia at the Paralympics in London. I love the MOC too.
The current state of battle packs
I'm going to echo what Only Sinner has said, in that here on Eurobricks, and indeed AFOLs the world over, represent a tiny fraction of the LEGO buying masses. Children (well parents) are the biggest consumer group, and a "battle in a box" style approach is better for them than 4 501st clones. My younger cousin, who can name more Star Wars characters than me, and possesses a crazy amount of Star Wars action figures, couldn't care less than a Phase 1 clone from AOTC is fighting alongside Captain Rex in Phase 2 gear, led by Luke Skywalker and fighting against stormtroopers and battle droids. He just has this obsession of "ooohhh new and shiny, I want". In some ways I agree with the mono-faction, identical fig packs, but I like that I can spend a small amount and have an instant battle scene, instead of having to double my money. I like the variety, and I'm quite happy to shell out for more packs if needed to build an army.
Guilds of Historica Character Location and Facts
>Yoshimitsu-san, Lord (@thecolossus): Quote: "Call me Yoshi." Life: · Fled his home after a Drow attack, arriving in Kaliphlin. · Established the town of Belt Muntanji. Currently: With his father Notes: · Heir to the Emperor of Nagasui · Master of Belt Muntanji · Captain of the Mountain Town Guard Secondary Characters: A slightly updated version, awesome work Kai!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
With the licence thing, bear in mind that Games Workshop produced LOTR stuff, and were only allowed to produce stuff from the films, but then got hold of large amounts of the rest of the licence and were able to play around with it and invent characters etc, so we could see the same happen with LEGO. There is precedent after all!
Kaliphlin Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Greetings fellow Kaliphlins. I bring news from Belt Mutanji. I am afraid Mountain Town, although escaping the wrath of the elementals, has been struck with a particularly virulent bout of poisoning. It emerges that our, now former, Chief Victualler ran out of clean water, and used several buckets of poisoned river water to give to our livestock, which were then eaten by ourselves. Sadly, Lord Yoshi has been called away at the behest of his father, and has left me in charge. Allow me to introduce my self, I am, offically Dominus (approx. Latin for Lord) Lysod, Son of Robert, Master at Arms, Acting Lord of Belt Mutanji, Captain of the Mountain Rangers, Kaliphlin Guildsman. You can call me Lysod though, like Yoshi, I'm not much one for pomp and circumstance, especially in these dark times. Thankfully, most of Yoshi's Guard remained, and we have largely recovered from the poisoning, and I have hired Alfus Lupine's Warband of Mercenary Monsters, who formerly hail from Nocturnus to help bolster our numbers. Unfortunately, one of the people Yoshi took with him was the court painter, and the "artists" we have found can draw stick men only. And poor ones at that. I trust that these damned pigeons find their way to you, three've already come back to us, having simply flown round the damned aviary. For Kaliphlin, and Historica! Lysod.
The Sun / News of the World Promotion
Just buy the paper(s) and make sure you ask for the Lego toy when you pay, sometimes they forget ( they're in a box behind the counter, the assistant gives it to you). Sometimes I've been back the next day and bought loads of polybags that they didn't get. (a lot of builders where I live who buy the sun, but don't want the lego haha), but this is hit and miss. Make sure you're there real early.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Dunno if anyone from the UK has seen this. The ways its worded, I'm not sure if the Aragorn is exclusive or not. I'm leaning towards it not being exclusive...
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Yes, they're at Argos and in Lego stores, probably other retailers as well, although I haven't checked any others.
[Review] 30201 Monster Fighters ghost polybag
Apparently, for those of us in the uk, it'll be in the sun's October giveaway thing with the polybags. Only two I want this time around though, the Uruk hai and the ghost.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Ah that's awesome.
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