Everything posted by Hey Joe
Eneloop rechargeable batteries in PF battery box........
Well, I've certainly poked and prodded a lot in my day, and struggled with batteries as well, but never had issues with Lego battery boxes like that. I'm always very careful when I take the batteries out of the case (with a small screwdriver) as I don't want to damage anything. If it's not going to work maybe it's time for either a new battery box and/or batteries? I know what we're discussing here is small, but perhaps photos would help us help you? Joe
Eneloop rechargeable batteries in PF battery box........
I've been using Eneloops in my trains for a couple months now, and have been very happy with them. Maybe the charger is your problem? I got an awesome one from a company named 'La Crosse' off Amazon for less than $30. It's a huge step up from the basic chargers I've had. I'd never ever use another charger again, it's that good. Joe
- 2014 trains!
LEGO parts made of Chinese plastic?
A Lego exec said in an interview that initially they were hoping to bring 'real' ABS into China to make the CMFs, but they weren't allowed to, so they had to settle for local stuff. Interestingly; Lego says that the bricks made in their new Chinese factory will be the same quality as other plants, so I guess they've worked out how to get the good ABS in China? Joe
MOC: Monorail Train Station with "Schweineschnaeuzchen"
Hey, thanks so much for sharing that with us. Love the 'Pig Snout'. Lord Business has to wait in line? No wonder he looks pissed off. Joe
LEGO parts made of Chinese plastic?
“I love the smell of napalm in the morning“ Lt. Colonel Bill Kilgore I lived in China for a long time, and bought a number of pretty smelly locally-made sets while there. The absolute worst is unforgettable; the forklift tires in Enlighten's train boxcar. They still reek. The CMFs couldn't be that bad, could they? Joe
- 2014 trains!
- 2014 trains!
Expand the Winter Village Contest IV - Voting
Thanks so much to all the entrants. 'A' for effort all around! 4. majorna - 1 27. Galatek - 1 29. sdrnet - 1 46. laka - 1 48. rodiziorobs - 1
Floor-Layout at ZueriHB's
Hey, looks great! I especially like those large storage bricks doubling as what must be a station. Joe
2014 trains!
There's a Scholastic Lego book titled “All Aboard“ that I bought to read to my young son. It's very true to the sets we have gotten recently (yellow cargo and red passenger trains, station and crossing gate with yellow 'tractor'). It has a boxcar carrying horses, and a flat car with logs in it. Could be a spoiler? On a related note; children's books are great inspiration for sets. I'm sure the Lego designers have a nice library to browse in Billund. Joe
- MOC: Shark of the Pennsylvania Railroad
The fort, the Indian Camp and the Mine
Hey, I really like that a lot. It doesn't look cluttered to me. It's great to see those sets combined into an excellent MOC. Joe
3 meters long Octan train with 7777 oil refinery
Hey, thanks for sharing. Awesome tankers! Joe
Need some advice on Lego Trains
Amazon (not a third party) had some good sales on both the yellow cargo and red passenger trains in the months leading up to Xmas. The yellow one went as low as US$ 150 and I think I paid $100 for the red one. It's really hard to say if we'll see those prices again on those sets. has a handy page that lists sets on sale at Amazon. If you check it on a regular basis it will help you get some worthwhile discounts. Joe
- 2014 trains!
- 2014 trains!
- REVIEW: 70805 Trash Chomper
Happy New LEGO Year
Thanks and Happy New Year! Hope everyone gets all the sets that they want (need is a different story) this year. Peace on earth would be nice too. It's only 9.15pm in the U.S. Midwest presently. Joe
- 2014 trains!
- REVIEW: 70802 Bad Cop's Pursuit
- REVIEW: 70811 The Flying Flusher
- REVIEW: 70806 Castle Cavalry
- REVIEW: 70808 Super Cycle Chase
- Review: 60057 Camper Van
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