Everything posted by Hey Joe
Which 'Space' theme should LEGO revive?
Hey, what about Alien Conquest? It's a great Space theme that fits right into Town. Joe
MOC: Amtrak EMD F40PH
Hey, looks great! You will add decals? Joe
LDD MOC: The Forgotten Daylight: Southern Pacific #4460
Hey, thanks a lot. I have to admit that I prefer the Daylight. Who doesn't admire those beautiful orange and red colors? Also, I saw it running at Portland, Oregon's Union Station once (and also stationary at the Arch in 1976 in the American Freedom Train colors). I wonder what it would take to get 4460 running again? It sounds from your first post like it ran perfectly until it was given to the museum. Joe
- MOC: Bahnhof Neuffen
LDD MOC: The Forgotten Daylight: Southern Pacific #4460
Hey! Looks great, will you build it? It would be great to see it in real bricks. I'd like the .lxf file if you'd care to post it, thanks. I guess you'd prefer NOT to share the Daylight one from Cuusoo as it's not yours, but if it's not too much trouble could you post the link to the model on Cuusoo? Cuusoo works soooo slowly here in China that I rarely venture there. I've seen that engine pictured at the museum as well as #4449, and from what I remember it's very streamlined, not many opportunities for greebling. Actually, I've got a poster of #4449 in American Freedom Train (1976 Bi-centennial celebration) colors here on my wall in Beijing. Have fun, Joe
MOC: Union Pacific Challenger
Hey! Wow, what a gorgeous engine. That would look right at home in Cheyenne with the real one. Thanks for sharing. Joe
New vehicles of Panzerbricks
Hey! Your work is really great, thanks! Joe
MOC Arnotts Department Store
Hey, it's really great! I like the subway and window displays especially. Joe
Alegorias in Cusco 2013 - GIANT LEGO Inca!
Hey, nice photo, thanks! Joe
Duplo Trains discussion
Lego does have a database of it, and there's a site called Brickset that has started to incorporate it into their set listings. As far as I know; Brickset lists the parts (with pictures) broken down by set, so that may not be exactly how you would like the data to be presented. Go take a look, it's an all-around excellent Lego resource. This is the page for 10506, and you'll need to click on the 'Parts' tab: I myself have been a little vocal lately about the overall lack of options regarding Lego track. We've been discussing it over in this thread: http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=82023 My solution was just to bypass Lego track altogether for my new layout and buy a Chinese knock-off brand. I'm living in China, so it's very reasonably priced. My thread for that is here: http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=85623 Have fun, Joe
- MOC: Blokstad station
- Duplo Trains discussion
Hoopers Hardware Store
Hey; great stuff, but where are the stickers?!? I like the drawers best myself. Joe
- Modulair layout 2.0
- Review: 79110 Silver Mine Shootout
Hello from Saint Louis
Welcome! We'll be moving back to St. Louis shortly, maybe we'll see you at the Lego shop. Eurobricks is a great site, isn't it? Joe
Modulair layout 2.0
Those houses fit in well on the layout. Yeah, I thought it was Utrecht, but wasn't sure. It was twenty years ago during my backpacking days when I was there. I love train stations and museums, so if you put the two together - well, that's fine by me. There were (and still are I guess) some very well preserved engines there, I was very impressed. My favorite art museum has to be the Musee D'Orsay as it's in an old train station! Speaking of France, the rail museum in Mulhouse was impressive too. The USA's largest train museum (which is in St. Louis, Missouri) was within walking distance (well, kind of a long walk, but do-able - especially if you walked the tracks) of my home where I grew up, but a lot of the rolling stock was left out in the elements and not very well-cared for, so it's always nice to go to a museum where they preserve the pieces well. The museum I'm referring to is doing a much better job today of preserving the equipment, I believe, thankfully as they have some important historical pieces there. I've been thinking of starting a thread about train museums, I will do so shortly (if no one beats me to it). Joe
- Modulair layout 2.0
MOC: Blazing Modulars (some stupid with a flare gun)
Hey! I really like both, this second one perhaps being more realistic. I'm a little surprised that the weight of those water drums on the roof didn't send them crashing down to the ground! Joe
MOCs: Victorian Railways rollingstock
Oh, my Australian knowledge is woefully inadequate. The conductor is the person who collects the tickets in the US, and he's also in charge of the train. Is the guard also in charge of the train in Australia, or do you also have a conductor? Thanks, Joe
[10218] Why is there a 1x4 tile...
I was wondering about this as well, and thought that it somehow stabilized the baseplate (and thereby the structure as well)? That was just a wild guess on my part as I'm no structural engineer. Joe
Hey Joe's Layout - Comments and Suggestions?
I was thinking that I could make a second, much smaller Winter Village layout with my grey Lego track. Ok, thanks. I hate to get out the hacksaw that way, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? It's the grey Lego track I'd have to hide in a tunnel as I'm using the brown Enlighten track. Joe
Furnishing a Creator house
If you go to the Creator section of you can see a video or two of the Creator designers making furnishings for the houses. Joe
MOCs: Victorian Railways rollingstock
Ok thanks, I kinda thought that that is what it was, but wasn't quite sure. I guess the term 'guard' kinda threw me. I didn't realize that the Australian Outback had it's own version of Jesse James. Joe
MOCs: Victorian Railways rollingstock
Hey! I really like those a lot, I'm not so familiar with Australian rolling stock, but I know nice work when I see it. That guard's van is huge, I'm going to have to research what that was used for exactly as - to the best of my knowledge - we didn't have things like that in the States. Thanks for sharing. Joe
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