- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
LEGO LotR - general discussion
In hobbit, I will not say aanything because even if I have read the book I want to wait. But in LOTR my ideas are these: I ) Lothlorien with 2 trees like the pics we have seen and tith Galadriel and maybe some more elf, even if I don't want it I think lego would have Frodo, and the mirror. II )Eowyn vs fell beast and witchking, and a brick-built oliphant. Maybe some harad men or armored merry. III )Treebeard with merry and pippin, maybe some small plate with asmall tree and grishnak. IV ) A smaller set, as shelob or gandalf arrives, with Frodo/Sam/both and Faramir and a Ithilien ranger, and some tree or floor. V )Something with Gondorian soldiers, maybe the gates of Minas Tirith. Maybe Gandalf on shadowfaxe That's my ideas, hope you like them
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I have seen the movie twice, once yesterday and one at wednesday (121212) and it was awesome! Can't wait for desolution of smaug (363 days left). But still, the book is the best I think.
- Tournament of Retribution III Rules and Entries Overview
Ragnars House
Ok. I like the first pic, it look both as a house and a castle really good work! Keep it up
- The Pied Piper Of Hamelin
- Frog Legs in the Forest
Ragnars House
Avalonian Elf Army en route to Besiege Ondyllion
Really great army!
Review: 5000202 Elrond
I went for a game stop here in Tyresö and the guy in the shop showed me a lot of figs, and he said "We have some left. If you buy the game I can give it to you". I stared at the figures, and who do you think buyed the game? Me! But he had none for wii, so I preordered the game, so I get the game and Elrond on friday. Really good review!
- Tournament of Retribution III Rules and Entries Overview
Non-Pirate Mini-Figures Useful for Pirate MOCing?
Ok. But are brickset a official website? I thougt brickset was a fansite. Really nice, but I hope it's series 10 because if it is a set, it would be expensive to get many
Non-Pirate Mini-Figures Useful for Pirate MOCing?
If this is one of the collectible minifigures series 9, I need 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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