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Eurobricks Vassals
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    winter village

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  1. Definitely a bit underwhelming to my eyes …. Fairly random shoe horning together a balloon and a post office not sure of the reasoning - will buy it any way but feel this is the weakest release since well I can think of !! Seems a fairly muted response on here to - I feel this used to be a highly anticipated release now not so much …
  2. Thanks for info
  3. Do we know when the VIP release is this year ? 1st October for VIP 15th for everyone else ? Or last year was it 23rd Sep for VIP 30th everyone else …. Definitely seems a lack of interest this year compared to other years ?
  4. Disappointed no light brick in this years set - one of the things I always like to see Interiors are really compact too - but I guess I will buy it like I always do - the sage green tea pot is nice though
  5. Do we get the official press release today ??
  6. Does it have a light brick ?? interesting to wonder what the rear looks like apartment details etc ..! ?
  7. Looks good as expected !
  8. I really like Chris’ work - but you are probably correct , I think one of the bloggers who has seen it said it looks different in style to last years so probs a different designer ..?
  9. I wonder who the designer of the forthcoming set was ..? Still hopeful we might get a leaked image today ! I think there is no doubt that it will be the tram and double building tableau …?
  10. Think we might get a leaked pic tomorrow…!
  11. Yes have seen that too … sounds plausible and also really exciting !
  12. Yes it was Thursday 9th last year !!
  13. Normally the odd leak and a solid rumour that turns out partially true ! This year nothing ? I think the TLG could be more strategic and do a teaser campaign for us die hard fans !
  14. Was just wondering when we found out last year …. Thanks re above ! I think it will be an inn / boarding house / hospitality based business !
  15. Sounds about right - but even last year we had the half baked rumour about the blue cottage re make - which was a little correct !!?? This year not anything can’t even think of a rumour ? TLG really seem to have leaks under control.
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