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  1. Yeah, at least there are new consols
  2. wow, thanks (my 100th post!!!!!!)
  3. We have developed technology thanks to me, we have abondoned endor and have developed improved gliders to take out your walkers
  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO we yub yubs will not submit to your rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, robo never said that he agreed to join you "I'll think about it" he said
  5. But still, sony "copied" the idea of a handheld gaming device from nintendo
  6. Muwahhahahahahahahahah I have some news from the front!!! Ewok Commander) Lord Green, we have just captured a small fleet of star destroyers!!!! Most of the tie fighters got away though We are returning to base.... Yub Yub out
  7. Why do you need a nickle Darth? :/
  8. That would be cool..... I can only imagine :oD
  9. I think she is licking the helmet... :P she doesn't even know where it has been :P
  10. It looks like her front zipper is a little undone :-D
  11. well, who would want to play crappy games anyway? And making a consol doesn't mean anything Sony copied nintendo, nintendo had the NES (which was like the first consol) so that means that every consol after that copied it. But sony really copied nintendo with the PSP I mean, nintendo has had handheld games since the late 90's now, right after the DS comes out Sony brings out the PSP which costs over $300 if you wanted to buy one game to start!
  12. do you have any pics? i would like to see them
  13. come on guys :'( does anyone know?
  14. Well, that is too bad, the ties will all die and you with them You are forever in our line of fire!
  15. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( >:( >:( You are a betrayer! Ewoks, turn your catapults towards the droids!!!!!! *twisted* jewoks prepare to attack.... :D you will die My master will have to be informed of this at once
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