Everything posted by naugem
[M4-22 - Purist Minifigures] - Republic NhM Squad
Has any non-mandalorian armor in Star Wars ever kept anyone from being killed by a blaster shot?
M4-22 The Winners!
Congrats to the winners!
[M4-22 - Brick Built Creature] – Kowakian Monkey-lizard.
Very cool outside the box thinking build.
[M4-22 - 12x12 Vignette] – Unexpected Force Bond
Nice one! I have my issues with that movie, but thought the relationship between Rey and Kylo was handled well. Great build!
[M4-22 - 12x12 Vignette] Maul vs. Ahsoka
When the contest was announced I tried to think of scenes for a vignette, and I thought of this duel since I just recently watched the Clone Wars final season. In the end I had no time to build a vignette, but my build wouldn't have looked nearly as cool as this one. Great build!
[M4-22 - Alphabet Fighter] T-Wing
Thanks! Agreed, with all the characters in the alphabet, it seems there were a bunch of repeated ones for this contest
May the 4th Contest - 2022
A couple of entries for the contest. It had been years since I'd built anything, so it felt good to dust-off the bricks. T-Wing Republic NhM Squad
[M4-22 - Alphabet Fighter] T-Wing
The T-Wing was an experimental starfighter designed to challenge the X-Wing, but in an attempt to provide better speed, the astromech slot was removed and the cognitive units were included as part of the ship's computer. It was a challenging build, as most of the body and the wings are sideways built. However, the ship ended up being quite sturdy, as there are technic liftarms running through the ship's core, and upside-down plates holding the weight of the wings and engines.
[M4-22 - Purist Minifigures] - Republic NhM Squad
During the Clone Wars, the Republic created an experimental squad of non-human volunteers, who brought to the army some special abilities inherent to their species.
[M4-22 - Brick Built Creature] – Beware the Rancor
Nice build! The rancor looks great.
- May the 4th 2021: Star Wars Concept Art Contest
- Star Wars Concept Art Contest Voting Thread
- May the 4th 2021: Star Wars Concept Art Contest
- May the 4th 2021: Star Wars Concept Art Contest
- May the 4th 2021: Star Wars Concept Art Contest
[Economy] - Starfinders
Yep, it’s supposed to be the old Kenner MTV-7 ride ?
- May the 4th, 2020: Star Wars Economy Contest
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I haven't been interested in a Star Wars set in a while, but I like the Resistance Transport.
- May the 4th, 2020: Star Wars Economy Contest
[Economy] - Starfinders
Starfinders Lost Items Recovery Company People lose things that they later want back, and in a large galaxy with many dangerous places, that sometimes gets complicated. That's where the Starfinders come in, experts in tracking down lost items and bringing them back to their rightful owners. They operate mainly on the Outer Rim, in inhospitable and dangerous environments. The Starfinders: Omoro: The boss of the group. He has a bad temper but a kind heart. Narm Leep: The technician of the group. Also helps during the searches with his many gadgets. Lobot: Yes that Lobot, he spent a while with this crew, but he doesn't like to talk about it. Gr'ror (and Greeny): He and his Dewback where the first members of the group. He and Omoro seem to go a way back from their days on Tatooine. Expert at scouting and reading terrain. Dina Cloudrise: A former mercenary, decided to turn to a 'less' dangerous career after a close call with death. She drives an old imperial MTV-7 for reconnaissance and security. Netnit and Kukkit: Jawas rescued from slavers and later hired by Omoro. Experts at terrain combing and other manual tasks.
[Landspeeder][Cat B] The Vagrant Mobile Workshop
Untitled by naugem, on Flickr Untitled by naugem, on Flickr Untitled by naugem, on Flickr
[Landspeeder][Cat. C] Race over the purple canals of Felucia
Untitled by naugem, on Flickr Untitled by naugem, on Flickr Untitled by naugem, on Flickr
[Landspeeder][Cat B] The Vagrant Mobile Workshop
The Vagrant is a salvaged Reek-Class Republic Troop Transport from the Clone Wars era, refitted to be a mobile workshop. It now roams the forests of Takodana, looking for vehicles and droids to repair. By building a vehicle I went a little out of the box with this, but hopefully it's OK. Untitled by naugem, on Flickr Untitled by naugem, on Flickr Untitled by naugem, on Flickr Extended ramp-platform, with lift and mechanical arm. There's also a a removable platform inside to place speeders. Untitled by naugem, on Flickr Close-up of the tool area. Untitled by naugem, on Flickr Command center Untitled by naugem, on Flickr
- May 2019: Star Wars Landspeeder Contest
[Landspeeder][Cat A] XR-98
Untitled by naugem, on Flickr Untitled by naugem, on Flickr Untitled by naugem, on Flickr
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