Everything posted by TheLegoNinja
WIP HMS Lusankya
please dont bump old topics thank you
CCCX - Life in the Shade of History
Wonderful MOC! I love the use of cheese slopes for the windows!
Bluecoats, ye be warned - this means war!
Wonderful Tech! I hear that we are developing a automatic cannon for ships as well!
- Mitgardian Prime Minister Election Round 2
Lost on ice
Wonderful Vig, I love the penguin! Got something against studs do you?
wonderful scene! I beleive the snow adds to the scene nicely. So does the alien kill all the grunts with his mind ray?
- RvB part II: Artillery
- Superhero Video Contest: Voting Thread
Tournament of Retribution III Avatar Authorization
1.) TheLegoNinja 2.) 3.) Redcoats FOR THE WIN!
TIE/I MOC Help needed
maybe you could use the cheap version with the printing from the republic gunship?
The pas de charge
Please dont bump old topics!
The Future of Star Wars Contest
Wonderful! Now i can finally build mocs about Admiral Thrawn with some purpose!
Tournament of Retribution III Avatar Authorization
I will have a picture in a day or so my camera is currently broken and is getting fixing.
- Returning to Valholl
- Ideas for changing the 9474 Battle of the Helms Deep
- Tournament of Retribution III Official Signups
Lest We Forget.
Wonderful Moc. The curved part is perfect! I'm glad someone took the time to remember those who have fought and fallen in defense of freedom!
- Spanish Sloop San Lucas
- OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME - Congratulations Capt. Stabbin!
Challenge V - Viking Treasure Boat
@Garmadon Oh I understand Now. Simple but effective . Once again wonderful moc.
Challenge V - Viking Treasure Boat
Wonderful Entry! I definitely laughed at the sparring, and the ruined ship is very well done. Is the treasure room mechanized so the lever works or is it just for show?
CCCX Classic Set reimagined: Return to the Nightlord's Tower
Interesting Remake! I really like the sorcery chamber! How did you make the giant bat-thing? I cant really tell from the pic....
Spanish Sloop San Lucas
Here is my newest ship. It is a Spanish Sloop, the San Lucas. It is a 2 gun ship used mostly used for cargo hauling. Here is the Flickr set: Sorry for the blurry photos, it had to shot inside due to weather. Thanks for looking! I have also finished a british frigate, and I will post that within a few days.
- OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME - Congratulations Capt. Stabbin!
OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME - Congratulations Capt. Stabbin!
Sorry im late! Heres an interesting idea for a modular ship that has been incorporated into a modular ship, I give you, THE POSIEDON"S WRATH! I shows great skill in the use of hinge techniques and the color scheme is great!
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