Frank Lloyd Wright's Thomas P Hardy House
Being someone who has an interest in architecture and Frank Lloyd Wright, I have to say that you really captured the details of this house very well.
MOC: Galaxy Diner and Empire Theater
I remember seeing this on cuusoo and liked it enough to support it . One of the features that I like is how you made the diner have rounded edges. Also, the color choice works well, in my opinion
MOC: Modular Butcher
I like how you used the stone pattern on the first floor exterior. I used a similar feature on my moc
BCD (4) Mini Modulars
After seeing your full sized model of the Chili's restaurant, I have to say, the mini version looks amazing
Modular Madness: Hats & Clocks
I love the awesome exterior details and the level of detail that you used in the interior. This is going to be a hard one to beat!
Modular Madness: French Mansion
Given how well you have made the exterior look, I can't wait to see what you do for the interior!
MOC: Greek Revival Modular
I like the interior of this building a lot. My only little complaint is that the tan part of the facade seems a bit plain when put next to other modulars, but other than that, nice job!
Modular lighting kit
Around the holidays, when my modular street is on display, I use the cheap way of lighting up the buildings. Night lights + extension cords + holes in the back of the buildings = a semi-decent lighting job (as long as you don't look too close)
What do you do with your sets/MOC once you've built them?
I generally leave the bigger sets intact. However, for the smaller sets that don't fit with my town theme, I usually disassemble them if I need the pieces to make improvements to existing modulars (For example, I used pieces from smaller sets to make the single story market street section look better).
MOC: Bricklyn Borough Courthouse favorite parts of this are the cheese wedge floors and the dome on the roof.
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