Everything posted by kboleen
How well are LEGO Lord of the Rings / Hobbit selling? Speculate here
That kind of sucks because I was looking forward to another LotR wave. But if they're not selling well, we may only get more Hobbit sets.
Hi! I am a newbie!
Welcome. At 27, are you emerging from your "dark ages."
2013 Lone Ranger Sets
Speaking of the movie and whether it will be good or not... I was highly skeptical of Dark Shadows and my wife and I loved the 60's classic and even the 80's revival. We were so skeptical we skipped the theater but rented it recently on dvd and we loved it. So I think I'm going to leave my opinion open until I see it.
REVIEW: 75013 Umbaran HMC (Mobile Heavy Canon)
Great review, but I think I'm not going to get this one. The new figs (other than Ashoka and Clones) really don't look very Star-Warsian. I don't remember the episode(s) they were in, but then, I wasn't able to catch most of the 3rd and 4th seasons. In reference to the price: I too was balking at the price of Lego's recently when I realized that Legos have always been pricey. I got the Galaxy Explorer in 1979 and that set was $30 (US) then. Run that through an inflation converter and it comes out to almost $90 in current money. So its all relative. I've come to the conclusion that I would rather pay for Lego's quality than substandard plastic.
2013 Lone Ranger Sets
Lone Ranger was one of the first toys I have memories of as a child in the early 70's. I had an 11 inch figure of the Ranger with a horse (Silver, of course) plus a tri-fold vinyl town. As of this movie, I have mixed feelings as the classic blue suit is so ingrained in my mind, the image of the black coat of the Ranger in this movie is startling.
Review: 5000202 Elrond
I got my figure when I pre-purchased the game. I've played and enjoyed all the lego games before this but none have made me want to pre-pay until I saw the Elrond figure and the code is for an in-game figure which is just a blast within the game.
Battle of the Weathertop
Great set. Elendil also placed a Palantir in the tower. This particular Palantir did not fall into the hands of Sauron. Weathertop was the tallest in a chain of hills called...wait for it.... The Weather Hills. Weathertop was what Men called it as the Elves called it Amon Sul.
Disney buys out Lucasfilm
Ten years ago I would have been appalled by this news. But now, I think this is a good thing. Lucasfilm will still do their own thing just like Marvel, Pixar, Miramax and the many other companies Disney owns. Disney has done good things with their properties. Personally I've enjoyed all the Pirate movies and Prince of Persia. I even enjoyed John Carter. Are they perfect movies? Definitely not; I just know I enjoyed them. And while I liked Avengers, I didn't think it was the be all/end all of movies that so many people heralded it as. Lego Star Wars will continue as Lego has a relationship with Disney outside of Star Wars (i.e. Pirates/Prince of Persia). Having said that I'm with a lot of other folks that's worried the entire Expanded Universe will be stricken from Canon. I'm a great fan of the EU and would hate to see it go. On the news of the new movies, I think they should begin with another Episode 1. Now, I don't mean remaking Phantom Menace. I mean a new Chapter 1 of a new series. Such as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Episode 1 - The Rise of Darth Revan. Just an example, we know that will never happen.
Classic Space Restoration Project
Good luck on your restoration. Personally, I think you should just go with a mild detergent cleaning and leave it at that. I had this set as a child also. Actually I still have it scattered amongst my collection but I haven't assembled it for more than thirty years. It wasn't my first set (that was the Coast Guard Station) but as I was an absolute nut for Star Wars at the time (and still am) my parents bought me this set. It set a precedence for my building style that I have a hard time breaking from. Here is a model I built a few weeks ago before I knew of this thread, clearly inspired by the Classic Space: EDIT: I didn't pay attention until I was reviewing my post that my ceramic ET was in frame, LOL. Talk about 80's. I even remember building this variant:
- Lucky LEGO finds
Basement Table Workspace
Great work area; mine pales in comparison. Good lord, who has to dust all that stuff?
Lucky LEGO finds
Yesterday, I found Star Wars 7930 - Bounty Hunter Gunship complete and sealed for $20 USD at the very same Goodwill I found the big box.
- Lucky LEGO finds
Review: 7103 Jedi Duel
I was unloading a storage unit where I had all my Star Wars stuff stashed and came upon this set. I have no recollection of ever having gotten it. I probably received it for Christmas, never opened it and packed it away. It was like Christmas all over again. I can't tell you how many times I ALMOST bought this set from eBay.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Lucky LEGO finds
I just found a huge box full of Legos at a local Goodwill. I had to take some pics.Does anyone know what sets these are? I know they're Bionicle. Does anyone know what set this came from? Only three minifigs came with this find. I think it had been bought at a garage sale, culled of figures, and the remaining pieces donated to Goodwill. Quite a few of these mini-Bionicles.
I enlisted in the Army right out of High School before college but I took my Legos with me though I never once built with them. They went with me to Germany also. I never played with them until I was married and my wife thought it was a kick. Hang on to them and you may never know when you will pill them out again.
Discontinued and ongoing licensed themes?
I see now why the non-Avengers Marvel Super Heroes sets are so generic: the X-Men movies were produced by Fox and the Spiderman movies were produced by Sony and the Lego License is with Marvel Studios. So how does Disney fit in with the Marvel license now that Disney owns marvel?
American Pickers go to Tatooine - Episode I
Haha, this is great. I can't stand the TV show but this was funny. Can't wait for the next installment.
Review: 9474 The Battle of Helm's Deep
That was a great review of a terrific set. I'm a big fan of Tolkien and have studied The Battle of Helm's Deep extensively, though I am hardly an expert. I except the set for what it is; a Lego representation of a classic literature location. My only complaint is the tower in the book is connected to the Hornburg and not the Wall. But that's just nitpicking. On a side note, I watched a program on the Military Channel where researchers would input classic battles, such as the Battle of Troy from The Iliad, into a computer and run simulations to access their plausibility. They inputted the Battle of Helms Deep and it was totally plausible that the Rohirrim could hold off an attack of 10,000 as they did in the book.
Where is Space 2012?
Speaking of Starship Troopers, there are rumors about that there is another movie gearing up production and is "SUPPOSED" to follow the book more.
Steampunk: Flying Lighthouse
Excellent MOC. I too love the Steampunk genre. I like the use of the finishing plates on the sides.
Show your Sci-Fi Displays and Collections
Personally, I like the Exo-Force sets better than the Bionicle/Hero Factory. Are all those mechs official releases or are some of them MOCs?
Space Marines!
Is this on Cuusoo? Because I "supported" something there very similar to this. EDIT: As i read through the thread I saw that it is the same set. Good luck on your Cuusoo endeavor.
Our favorite Lego CMF minifigures!
I know this would be a rather large undertaking but maybe we could create a Poll for each Series to see which is preferred. Then, once a consensus is established, create a final poll with just the top figures from each series. I'm relatively new to EB, can anyone create polls or do moderators have to do it?
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