Everything posted by Dr Leg O Brick
Purist Superhero Figures
Thanks! Yep, the grey alien from Series 6, I added the neck bracket to boost the brick as well, to create the illusion of a neck.
Purist Superhero Figures
I believe it's the evil Mech's from the CMF's. Here's a link:
Rosalind's Superheroes
The coat isn't, but the hair might be (from "Friends", I believe). As rosalind14 said he sprayed the coat yellow. If you infer the coat isn't from Lego then you would be correct, it's a high quality custom made batch produced cloak that pegs between the arms of a minifigure. If you mean the costume? Then I'm not sure, I've seen Jubilee in similar costumes over the years, almost every X-Man has worn one of the black uniforms, and I quickly recognized it as Jubilee due to the jacket, head, hair, and glasses. It's up to the customizer to decide weather they want to go for a cannon costume of not, as after all it is their minifigure. I myself have many a time taken "creative licence" with a costume. Sorry if I've got the wrong end of the stick and misinterpreted what you've posted! Back on topic, I'm interested to see what, or who, you would make with one of the cheap bigfigs! I'd like to sometime make a Joe Fixit Hulk, with coat, hat and gloves.
Purist Superhero Figures
Hulk_Smash, thanks regarding your Barnes Cap, and great Goblin Glider and Schmidt! A few more, Deathlok The Mad Thinker and his Awesome Android Andy Professor X
Rosalind's Superheroes
Fantastic Jubilee, the use of both the coat and the glasses is fantastic! Very clever use of the Extreme Team torso for the X suit as well, it's great to see a Lego version of her around.
Dr Leg O'Brick's Superhero Customs
I'm back! With more Spider-Men! And others, don't worry. Black and red Spidey Green Goblin Blastaar the living windbag bomb burst! Improved Doom 2099 ROM, the Galadorain spaceknight! With jet pack and Dire Wraith neutralizer, I'm really proud of this one. Enjoy!
Hello from New York
As I say, I don't know, but I seem to remember something along those lines. Even if it wasn't true, the fakes still have the license, so any which way you look at it, it unfortunately isn't going to happen, at the moment. Enterprise gets such a bad rep. I really liked it before S3, a nice return to the exploring strange new worlds feel. That's not to say S4 was bad, I loved in a mirror darkly, the WW2 episodes, the explanation of the Klingon ridges going and reappearing between ENT and TNG, and a few others. It was never given a chance in my opinion, and as you say, it had a hell of a lot of potential.
Hello from New York
I'd agree with you there, in regards to TOS. Even so, TOS and DS9 are my favourites, followed by TNG, Voyager, and Enterprise. Then the animated series, which I count due to the original cast staring in it (bar Chekov). I must say it's nice to find a DS9 fan, I've found a lot of negativity towards it over the years, to me DS9 is the most relatable and the most realistic out of the sequels. That's not to say any of the others are bad, far from it in fact. I know, right? They've even branched further to TNG, DS9, TOS, and ENT with the "kerons", their minifigures, meaning they have the whole licence. Their alright, I guess, but if only Lego would make some...I've heard something awhile back, rumour and hearsay perhaps, the Star Wars licence has some kind of clause that states anything similar can't be made (I guess that includes Trek, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica and anything else they deem takes place in space). That doesn't really add up, considering Hasbo has got both Trek and Wars, so I wouldn't hold it as fact (rule of acquisition 190: Here all, trust nothing). Sorry to go of topic!
Hello from New York
Thanks, always nice to see another Star Trek fan around, particularly one who likes Vic! May I ask, what's your favourite series?
Hello from New York
Hi BirdOPrey5, I'm sorry to here about your situation. I hope you find the site as great as I've found it, and that you make a full recovery via some great plastic bricks! Enjoy the site! P.S I like your username and picture!
Purist Superhero Figures
Superb figs paddraigphoto! Some really clever, really unique designs! I love all your mechs, though for me personally Iron Monger is best. I look forward to more!
LEGO Super Heroes - Avengers Assemble!
I really enjoyed that! Great animation, and great story too, a brilliant twist at the end. Great work!
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Star Trek DS9 Customs
Thanks both! benjwgarner - Thank you! I'm thinking either getting the afore mentioned lobes from the Kero fig or, the man bat ears. Cut and file them down till I get two oval shapes, smooth the head down, then find some paint that matches the head. Rinzler - I stocked up on these: awhile back (I've got a shot somewhere of my TNG Worf with one). I've also got a smashed up Pirate cutlass and my plan is to trim the end of, about half way, and cut the handle a bit to make a Mek'leth. I'm looking at making Martog as well, so I may have more Klingon's soon!
Rosalind's Superheroes
Great Longshot, the whole figure is spot on, though I particularly like the head! Perfect for him. He must have taken a good long time to get right, fantastic work!
Pre-production design
Wow, some great stuff on here. Credit goes to FBTB and jpog on Flickr for these pics of the figs: Prototype Marvel figs Prototype Hawkeye Prototype Hulk and Loki Black Widow, Iron Man, Thor The sets are more or less the same, though on this: The stickers are different and Cap's heads closer to the exclusive Barnes Cap. DC fig Prototypes Hope I've helped!
The end of Shouting Win Kid?
Wohoooo! So long, annoying whiney kid of evil! We are forever freed of his haunting whine. Nice to see they've gone for a much better approach IMO, much more fitting to have minifgs on the back, great move!
Marvel Cinematic Universe
SPOILERS Maybe an injured Atlantian in regards to Skye's father? Does anyone have a screenshot of this language? I've got comics with both (ancient) Kree and Skrull language to hand. I'm wondering when the Maggia will turn up, either through AoS or the upcoming Netflix shows.
LEGO Ultra Agents 2014
The Chosen Minifigure, extremely true on the flame, maybe you could even keep a regular Johnny Storm head under it. And, Red Hulk head anyone in regards to Infearno's head? On topic, I'm loving these, so much better than I would have thought. Great minifigs, great sets, overall I'm very impressed. Just get to my country! Echo, I'm not asking for pictures, but, how good is the ejector "seat" in Solomon's Tron car?
Star Trek DS9 Customs
Thank you! Who's your favourite?
Star Trek DS9 Customs
"So, have a seat my friend! The crowd's getting restless." "What crowd?" "That one." "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm Vic Fontaine. And tonight is going to be a gas. Hit it Nanook." So, as you may have guessed, I'm a big DS9 fan. The kind people write psychology papers on. Suffice to say, it's my favourite Star Trek series, and it has influenced me greatly in life. So what better way to show my fondness for the show by making some Lego minifigs of (most) of the main crew? The starfleet uniforms I acquired off the internet, so credit goes to those who made these designs in the first place. Captain Benjamin Sisko Jake Sisko Major Kira Nerys (I guess you could say Colonel as well, but I based all my figures on their Season 6 appearances) Constable Odo Elim Garak. Plain, simple, Garak, the tailor... Dr Julian Bashir (still working on his head, any suggestions would be great!) Chief Miles O'Brien Lt. Commander Worf Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax Hard to see, I spent an hour pencilling Dax's spots on. Quark. An extreme work in progress in regards to the lobes, hence no other Ferengi's in my post. Does anybody know if the lobes detach of the Kreo one? And if they do, do they attach to a minifigure? Vic Fontaine The whole crew Various group shots: Father and Son Kira and Odo Dax and Worf And...don't forget the Redshirts! Ready to be shot, stabbed, vaporized, beheaded, blown to bits, thrown over cliffs, run over, blown into space, cooked alive and any other terrible death you can think of. I have 7 at the moment, though I'm expanding. Enjoy!!
Dr Leg O'Brick's Superhero Customs
"Spiderman, Spiderman, Does whatever a spider can Spins a web, any size, Catches thieves just like flies Look Out! Here comes the Spiderman." Classic Spidey (i.e. Ben Reilly Spider-Man Enjoy!
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Hi all! Good and bad news it seems. Amazon has removed the GOTG sets,, but the X-Men set sounds like it'll be out by the end of the month,
Purist Superhero Figures
autorazr, thanks on Cassy! I can't guarantee her legs are the correct colour, as I was basing it on my memory of her (I did have the comic out, but I was instead looking at ugly John to make, I kind of shelved the book and the idea and then it hit me, why not make her?). Thanks on Logan's legs, much appreciated. Hulk_Smash, thanks, and I agree, great choice! If it's alright, may I use your idea for Barnes? I was going to buy a spare Hydra tank to increase my Hydra army, and use the spare Cap to upgrade my Major Victory, but, after I've found a non purist solution for Vance, the spare Cap'll be up for customizing. ianmrid, fantastic customs! Your use of parts is fantastic on No-Girl, and your Enchantress and Lorelei are spot on! Glad I could help with Cassandra.
- Who have you banned from looking at/touching/playing with your LEGO
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