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Dr Leg O Brick

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Dr Leg O Brick

  1. Hi, these are the Amazon links (thanks to FBTB for the news): Knowhere escape http://www.amazon.co.uk/LEGO-Super-Heroes-76020-Knowhere/dp/B00I4IWXBE/ref=pd_sim_sbs_k_h_b_cs_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0PHHEP62728GRDAE0YJZ Milano http://www.amazon.co.uk/LEGO-Super-Heroes-76021-Marvel/dp/B00I4IWYCM/ref=pd_sim_sbs_k_h_b_cs_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0PHHEP62728GRDAE0YJZ Nova ship http://www.amazon.co.uk/LEGO-Super-Heroes-76019-Marvel/dp/B00I4IWPNA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1397072492&sr=8-1&keywords=76019
  2. Thanks both! All the DS9 crew are finished, and then some, and are ready for photography. I've got a few things to finish, but I estimate that all of them will be up in around a week, but just like the Chief I'm sure they will ready before hand. I'm having problems with Quark's lobes, I'm thinking about trimming and repainting the Man Bat ears/head piece. Any ideas?
  3. Fixed, I think. Thanks for that, damn auto correct. Superb Supermen, MattZitron! Really like you Cyborg Superman, great recreations. Great use of the new Ninjago cyborg piece.
  4. Love the Peter Parker Spidey, great choice on the head and the hair. I hadn't considered using Anakin's hair to make Parker. Thanks about Thanos!
  5. Hello! Thanks to a good friend, I've set out to recreate some of my favourite comic panels. I invite people to post their own here, if you would like. I'll soon, I hope, be adding a whole thread with a comic battle recreated in Lego. So here's my first one, The Avengers V Count Nefaria, Avengers #166. Nefaria, thanks to his new powers, wipes the floor with most of the Avengers. Thor fights Nefaria in a heated battle, and opens a dimensional portal, using his hammer, and tries to dispense Nefaria in it. Nefaria responds by throwing a building at it. Thor is impressed. Thor summons lightning, then goes to strike Nefaria, full power. Nefaria blocks Thor's hammer. Here's the original: http://www.leaderslair.com/ionicpeople/nefaria3.jpg And a little teaser for my (hopefully) upcoming battle: "Come and get me!" Enjoy! As afore mentioned, if anyone's get any others I'd love to see them.
  6. My favourites in order: 1. Deadpool's chopper 2. Hydra Tank 3. Bank Truck 4. SHEILD Jeep 5. SHEILD Car 6. Speedboat I haven't added the Nova starship as, like all the GOTG sets, it hasn't been released yet. I don't own all the DC ones, however based on various factors, 1. Lex's Mech 2. Batboat 3. Bat-Helicopter 4. Black Zero Escape
  7. Dr Leg O Brick replied to Kilroy's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I look forward to it! May I ask, how long is the BOP?
  8. Solscud007, great Winter Soldier custom and great recreation, the chrome arm works extremely well. Forgive my terrible photography, just thought I'd share these. These aren't all official, so of them aren't even purist, just thought I'd share them. I'll remove them if theirs a problem. Fight, fight, fight! (Hawkeye V Cap) Cap's Avengers team
  9. Dr Leg O Brick replied to Jipay's post in a topic in Community
    Blues Brothers-Peter Gunn Theme
  10. MattZitron, thanks! These Chima torsos seem really useful for all sorts of characters. Quite obscure I know but he's one of my favourite villains, I'm considering making Count Nefaria's Ani Men using some Chima pieces. rosalind14, love the Panther, instantly recognizable and them eyes...fantastic work. Black Cat's great as well! Great detailing on the arms and the torso. Numbuh1Nerd, Great chameleon, the head and torso work extremely well together, very clever idea on using that head.
  11. Love all your latest figures MattZitron, in particular your space Avengers, Iron Man suits, and Nova prime! Love the use of some of the new armour pieces, very nice application of them! Is that a Chima torso you've used for the Sonar Iron Man? I posted these a while back in another thread and I realize the pics may not be great, just thought I'd share them here. This threads been great to me in the past so I thought I'd give something back. Namor Darkhawk Jocasta Dum Dum Dugan (Armour's the same as my SHEILD troopers) Moondragon Vindicator
  12. Perhaps, either he is grey at this point in the movie, closer to grey than sand green as strangely said or, that concept wise, he was grey to begin with. Consider this, who else is big, green, and tough? Perhaps Marvel's initial plan was to avoid confusion. I sure as hell can tell the difference, but could a five year old? Perhaps Marvel considered that his tattoos where different enough and when filming stuck with Drax's green colour. It's a shame Yondu or the collector isn't in the sets, if the Collector does play a part in the film it would've made nice to get part of the collector's collection, what a colourful set that would've been. Still, I'm bursting with anticipation for the three GOTG sets, can't wait till August.
  13. Dr Leg O Brick replied to Kilroy's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Great MOC! You've got the shape perfect, and I love the figures, in particular Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Sulu have a fantastic resemblance of the real articles, although all are great. And I personally think your green rap around shirt Kirk is fantastic, love the way it goes just over his hips, much like the real thing, much better than I could of accomplished! Any plans on further Trek MOCs?
  14. Batman retirement home 4000 piece set. Modular. 10 Batmen Description: When one of your Bat legion looses his cape, arm, leg, cowl, hand or some other vital part to fight your legion of Jokers, send him into the Bat retirement home! Packed to the brim with state of the facilities, from patching up old Bat's with Bat parts bins, Bat sleeping quarters, Bat toilet, Bat gym, Bat scooters, Bat bar, Bat shop, and, if your Batman is way over the hill, Bat Bricklink/eBay dispatch facility! Sell him of as spares! Make some cash! But be careful not to miss list him, otherwise Paypal will complain. (Disclaimer: Bricklink/eBay account not supplied).
  15. Thanks. Must of been me then. Very nice what Lego's doing, despite the fact the costumes are different, you've got Falcon and Cap from TWS, Electro and Goblin from AMS2, GOTG sets for GOTG, and the X-Men set for DOFP. I know the costumes are a world apart but, to a kid, Falcon is Falcon and Wolverine's Wolverine. Very clever marketing, not only are you cashing in on the cartoons, but the films as well.
  16. Excuse my ignorance of news, I haven't frequented here in a while. I thought, that, apparently, we had two sets after the Milano and Knowwhere, one was later revealed to be the Nova starship while the last was undisclosed due to spoilers. I believe the speculation at the time was that it was either something big or something really small (like the Avengers wave with the smallest being Cap and two army builders). Sorry if I've got that wrong.
  17. Thanks both, glad I could help! Thanks about Freeze's torso, certainly interested in that for perhaps an Iron Man armour (perhaps one under repair or a trashed one?) or even my own Cyborg, not to mention Panther, mine's looking a bit plain and a gold decoration with muscles is ideal. If/when I do make them I'll be sure to give you credit. Thanks for that!
  18. Damn, Lego certainly have upped their game. I don't know about anyone else, but I get a distinctly Avengers vibe from them, like they've returned to fine form. Not that I'm not knocking the sets since 2012, the SHEILD car, Bugle, Hydra tank, Bank Truck, and the AIM lab in particular, are all in my twenty favourite sets but, these new sets feel “special" in some way. Loving the Claremont-ish set, the Blackbird's looking good. Nice to see you could (with some minor modifications) seat 4/5 ish figs in the plane. Sentinel's looking great as well. All are day one purchases. I think my wallet's going to regret that. Any news on that last set? Do you think Yondu will be in it?
  19. Fantastic! All are very accurate and impressive, as mentioned, I particularly like Nemo. And great utilization of parts as always, great figures!
  20. Thanks! Unfortunately, Kreo have the licence and as such all Cussoo entries have been archived, so no Trek Lego for awhile, as least (IMO) 7-8 years at least, unless the Kero stuff bombs. Who's your favourite from my TNG line up? And, if it's alright to ask, what's your favourite series?
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, the torso your looking for is this Repeter: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=973pb795c01 Fantastic figures autorazr! Very clever use of torso's overall, but for me personally I think the use of the racing jacket for Quicksilver and the flesh Wonder Woman torso for Scarlet Witch is superb. And I love Cyborg's arm, very accurate. What's his torso may I ask, is it from Chima?
  22. Great paint job! Love the metallic paint on the ends of the spear and the shield, and the white patterns on the helmet. The shield in particular looks fantastic, you must have a lot of patience to get that level of detail. Great work . I look forward to more!
  23. Mhahaha! I've thawed your evil plan of utter confusion! (I bet you'll start typing sideways in a minute.)
  24. Exactly, though its always nice to hear what others think about your work. I get a lot of stick that I'm not using my creative skills when making a non purist but, am I not, expanding, the box to think in when I think about what I add to a non purist figure, still using my creative thinking?
  25. Stunning model and an uncanny resemblance to the real thing in T:TDW! I only just watched it on DVD, and thought about how the flying longboats would've made a good set, and you've come along and proved it. Love the curves on the front and back as well, very well executed. Are you planning on making more MOCs based on TDW or TWS?
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