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Dr Leg O Brick

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Dr Leg O Brick

  1. My first DC's Batman in Superman battle armour from "The Dark Knight Returns" (ignore the cape, as it's custom, and ignore the cowl, the new 2015 one is much better suited to the style in the comic) Green Arrow from "The Dark Knight strikes again". (Still needs some work, but I thought I'd post him here while he's purist) The Question from "The Dark Knight strikes again". Martian Manhunter from "The Dark Knight strikes again" If anyone's got any suggestions on how to make Robin/Catgirl, Flash, or Lex Luthor from this reality, it'd be really appreciated! Finally, a quick Marvel figure: Jack of Hearts
  2. Too many
  3. Just a quick thing regarding the Milano. What I meant was, it's pretty much a given Groot in standard size won't be made, so conceding to this it leaves Rocket, Starlord, Gamora, and Drax, and with four seats, it works. Furthermore, with a couple of extra pieces, an extra seat can be added with room to spare, so you can sit plant Groot in it, or fill it with a custom made/knock off Groot, if you so desire. Great to hear the Quinjet might have some seating! Perhaps it's just a generic opening cargo door, perhaps even, based on the picture, it has something to do with Vision and that rope he's dangling off. Rapid deployment of Avengers perhaps?
  4. Thanks for the replies! Just in reply to those above, I think perhaps the annoying thing for me is, on the subject matter relating to seats in each teams jets, the Milano pulled it off perfectly, the Blackbird had under the right amount, and even DC wise the new Javelin (the JLA equivalent of the Quinjet) has four quite spacious seats with arm rests, and incorporates a play feature into this (the overhead bay doors blast open to allow those in the seats rapid deployment), so it can be done. Given the high quality of almost all Marvel sets so far (even the IM3 sets had good figures, good builds, and good play features in my opinion), I'm guessing means it must be done well and works, or it's not what it seems and perhaps ties into a later part of the film. Either way, regardless of features, it looks a fantastic build, a worthy successor of the original. As for how it works, perhaps some sort of cradle for the bike (like the SHIELD drone in the 2012 version), that flips down on some sort of swing that "fires" or "flings" the bike out with enough momentum to make it convincing, or to collide with Ultron's van for some unknown purpose .
  5. I''l say it now, as a disclaimer: SPOILERS . Some of you may not want to read on. Not sure if anyone's noticed this, if it's been mentioned, then sorry in advance for repeating. I think I've figured out a play feature of the AOU Quinjet that may preclude the possibility of a decent amount of seats. Have a look at the picture of the set: http://www.bricksandbloks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/LEGO-Avengers-Quinjet-Chase-76032-Set.jpg See Cap's bike? And the swoosh lines above? In one of the trailers, the Quinjet swoops above, some cargo doors open, and Black Widow comes out on a bike. My guess is that, based on visual evidence, it'll have some sort of bike dropping feature. While I'd have preferred seats, this doesn't sound too bad, depending on weather it can be re-purposed and how good the actual feature is (i.e. weather Cap lands smoothly and gracefully or its the return of the 70's Evel Knievel stunt cycle)
  6. Perhaps, based on the fact that two sets are listed on Brickset, the Batboat set comes with Deathstroke, Batman, Robin/Nightwing, and Beast Boy and Starfire that have been rumoured? The fact we've had Super Boy and Cyborg this year tends to lend credit to the idea of more Titans. I've been away for awhile, so excuse my ignorance, but how exactly are Super Boy and Lightning Lad available? And moreover, are they/will they be available in the UK?
  7. AKA the Rat Pack, but not called that here due to two things. One, Joey Bishop and Peter Lawford aren't in the picture, and two, because Frank didn't like the name, preferring the Summit if I remember correctly (strange given that any CD, DVD, and show all go by the name, the Rat Pack, these days). I guess they could've been made better if I went non purist, but I wanted to keep them as simple and as purist as possible, with parts that I had to hand. Enjoy!
  8. Thanks Robianco! Haha, everyone I've showed them to has said something similar, I'm looking at adding "Lego curves" to make her look more feminine at the moment.
  9. Slurpifier Thanks! I've been catching the reruns of entire seasons in the UK every Saturday, and watching some on video in between. I've had a few extra ideas, so keep an eye out for them! Artanis I I've been looking at just using a regular leaver piece (http://brickowl.com/files/image_cache/larger/lego-black-lever-base-with-light-gray-lever-25-242585-38.jpg) for the main part of a scutter. I've tried pretty much everything, and nothing works without making it ridiculously big.
  10. Thanks! Regarding Phlox, I'll have a look through my spares, I picked a couple of smiling heads out when I was going to make Phlox, so I'll have a looking through those first, but I like your flesh minifig head suggestion. Hahaha, perfect for crazy smile Phlox! I remember when I first saw that on TV, for me it was both incredibly scary and hilarious at the same time. On the uniform note, those aren't mine! Some very skilled people made the decals, and they've had a wide selection of Lego Star Trek uniform stickers that I've been purchasing to get all five TV crews. Admiral Forest...now I can make him! I have about ten spares of each uniform with various rank, I'm sure with some modifications I can create an Admiral uniform, and the head and hair should be pretty easy.
  11. Haha, thanks! I tried making the old one again with an additional Christmas hat, but it didn't work out. So then I thought, why not do the double face palm?
  12. I'll probably make "John Harrison", AKA Khan, Nero, and maybe some others, but yes, no Abrams crew at the moment. However, I may make another couple of sets, depending on the price/availability/credibility of the parts/look of them. Thanks on the Voyager figures! Neelix is the only one that I'm not 100% convinced on, I may try making "bar rodent" (as Q called him once) in a blue suit, and see how that looks.
  13. My final set of Star Trek customs, Voyager! Captain Janeway Commander Chakotay Lt Tuvok Neelix The Doc With his mobile emitter Seven of Nine Lt Torres Lt Paris Ensign Kim And a group shot: Any suggestions are always welcome!
  14. Thanks as always Rinzler! Porthos...any ideas on how to make him? I couldn't find anything suitable that'd fit the regular Porthos (not the mirror universe version, as the regular City dog would suffice for that role methinks). I tried the older head again on T'Pol, and it looked much better, hence I've replaced it. I'll take an updated picture as soon as possible.
  15. Haha, to quote Stephen Hawking, I'm working on that! I was looking at making some to go with Holly, but I couldn't perfect the design. Rest assured, I've got them high on my "to do" list. I was also thinking, though it wouldn't be impressive at all compared to versions I've seen around, I was thinking about making the bunks from season 3 and/or the white circular table from season 3 onwards to display the Dwarfers with.
  16. An Interesting read. Personally, I don't think I can add much more to what people have said many times on this subject, or are no doubt going to add to this topic, or others. My personal view is that large specialised parts are a necessary evil, there's no way at the moment you could get the same desired results using regular parts in most cases without sacrificing look, price, or stability, big things when your target audience are kids. However, the one thing that nagged me while reading it was, for me, am I not using my imagination when I rethink a large, specialised piece as something else other than the intended purpose?
  17. At long last, they're here! After a break, that may or may not continue, I'm back, with more Star Trek figures. Continuing my line-up, Enterprise! With Voyager, I hope, not far behind (keep a look out around Christmas). And for the record, the stickers aren't mine, they're made and sold by an exceptionally talented guy, in my opinion, from whom I get my supply of Trek uniforms. Without further ado, the crew: Captain Jonathan Archer Commander T'Pol Commander Trip Tucker Lt Malcolm Reed Ensign Travis Mayweather Dr Phlox Ensign Hoshi Sato And a group shot: Thanks for looking, any suggestions are always welcome! (personally, I think T'Pol's "smirk" may need replacing. The only "serious" head I could find was an old Star Wars Padme head, but the lack of pupils made the figure stand out with the crew)
  18. Krikkit For me, it was his green suit from "Backwards" that I remember the most, probably due to the cap he had. I too watched it while growing up, though it was a couple of seasons after Backwards when I started properly watching it. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll definitely keep those in mind (particularly the hair, I'll be sculpting my first Lego heads soon so I may take the opportunity to make some dreads using that as a base). I'm still looking at making Ace, though the silver jacket's becoming a bit of problem. However, a day late, Holly! Hilly/Holly (damn I need some better bricks that aren't 30 years old) The TV/trolley (based on something similar the original Holly used in the first couple of seasons) And well, after making the TV, and the Trolley, it was only right I had a go at the original: "What's happening, dudes?"
  19. Thanks about the hat. The closest to the dreads, if I went for dreads, is the Gui-Gon Jin's hair, put it'd need a few modifications (though it just occurred, his hair is brown at the start, and I have some spare. I may give it a try...). That's exactly the problem. Nothing is truly right or Lister looking. In all honestly, with the lighting and all on the Dwarf, I thought he was grey too till I watched a few season 3's recently. Haha, that was the hair I tried first, but it always prevented his H from being seen. That's kind of scary, I've got a Hilly-Holly head and hair, and the hair is the top one you suggested. I'm just half way through designing a TV set and caster wheeled trolley to put her on, I'll keep you all posted (most likely Friday, more or less)!
  20. I like the Big Bang Theory because, as many others have said above, I find it very funny, at times incredibly hilarious, I relate to it (as you may have guessed), It has damn good writing, fantastic actresses/actors, entertaining, and overall, it's a fantastic show (all my opinion, or course). Why does there need to be a Lego set? 10,000 people voted for it, and it passed the review stage, hence the existence of the forthcoming set.
  21. Right, a bit late, but improved Dave and Rimmer. In the end, I settled upon making my own blue suit for Rimmer. The sticker needs work, but I like it better than my previous attempt. Still not sure on Lister, I tried a few heads and this was the only one that looked "Listerish". The big benefit of the new Rimmer head is the reverse side, a screaming head that has the authentic "tactical retreat under a sturdy table to outfox the ememy" look Holly should be coming up soon, more likely next week now.
  22. Dr Leg O Brick posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Something I started awhile back, but finally finished yesterday, a Space Bar! Nothing special, particularly compared to the stuff here on the EB, but still, I thought I'd post it here. Any feedback is always welcomed, as always. Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go Where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same You wanna be where everybody knows Your name. "Hi, I'm Han Solo, and I have a Spaceship." "What's a knock out like you doing in a gin joint like this? I'm William T Riker, and my starship separates into two" "Nice Pyjamas." "Thanks. You know, I have no idea what I'm doing here, they don't even serve tea. I'm Arthur Dent, from Earth, my friend next to me is Ford Prefect, from a place called Betelgeuse. You?" "Oh, a bit further away, to say the least." "Where the smeg is the lager?" No party is complete without Bill Murray. "Where are you from?" "Moonbase Alpha. You?" "Earth, I work for an organisation called SHADO" "Earth?" "No Silicon heaven Marvin? Preposterous! Where would all of the calculators go?" "Sorry, did I say something wrong? Pardon me for breathing which I never do anyway so I don't know why I bother to say it oh God I'm so depressed." "My friend Bender doesn't believe in Silicon heaven. Though he did believe in Robotology for awhile." "Another non believer! When will this stop?" And one last picture:
  23. Heppeng Haha, sounds like first degree toasterside. Nice to see another fan! Thanks about them, I'm very much of the same opinion, I spent hours looking for a head, body, and hair that suits Listey and Rimmer, but alas that was the best I could do. Everything that's close isn't great in some way, Mutt William's jacket torso from Indiana Jones has the the jacket open, but no badges, and more importantly, the shirt under the jacket is clean, no Curry stains to be seen anywhere on it. The same for Rimmer, nothing is quite right, it's either too bland or too detailed for his shirt and quite a few hairstyles obscure the H on his head. Artanis I Glad you like them. It probably is the lighting, I've changed my "studio" since I last took Lego pictures, and I'm still adjusting to it. The head is the same colour as his hands, if that helps. I'm not 100% sure about the hair. Is it a new piece? Thanks for the suggestions, after a brief look over Bricklink, for Lister, I've got a few ideas based on your suggestion. I'll see if I can get some pictures of them tonight. This hairpiece? http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=99930 I've tried just tried it and it looks pretty damn good, not to mention it doesn't cover his H. I've also got a head in mind that I'll post with Lister. Kryten wise, I was going for his season 3-4-5, maybe later look, with the black panels instead of the grey he had later: http://pthumb.lisimg...666/411full.jpg I may try the grey though. I'd like to make them in flesh too, but the honest truth is that I don't have the spares to make it a viable option at the moment! Holly! Er, maybe Lister left the bath running for 9 years and fused the circuits like in the show? No, I'm working on him/her, just not sure what version to go for at the moment (though I'm leaning in the Hattie Hayridge direction at the moment). mmcclelland I hadn't considered it, thanks for the suggestion! So after half an hour googling, here are my options, costume wise for Rimmer: Shirt and tie: http://media1.break....nold Rimmer.jpg Blue Jacket: http://www.reddwarf....ostumes-15l.jpg Blue suit: http://img1.wikia.no...0x960Rimmer.jpg Red suit: http://i.kinja-img.c...10226921798.jpg And...green suit (I forgot how much stuff he wore): http://www.prowritew...ages/rimmer.jpg In addition to mmcclelland's suggestion of the shirt, I've got a green jacket that has the same pattern as the blue jacket, and I've got something similar to the blue jacket that I'll try. Lister wise, I've got a choice of two torso's, the one I used, or a 90's back jacket with a red undershirt, similar to what Lister wore recently: http://www.ganymede....s/deardave1.jpg Do you think I should keep the hat I've got for Lister? Or try and find some dreadlocks for him? And one, final, thing. While I'd love to make a Polymorph to menace my other space folk, I've thought about making this guy: http://www.virginmed...-5-Stoke-Me.jpg Crocodile surfing and all to put in my space bar with the Dwarfers. Thanks everyone for the suggestions, they're very much appreciated!
  24. I've been in a bit of a Lego community dark age, but I made these awhile back and I thought I'd photograph and post them! Red Dwarf is a Sci fi/comedy series set on the Jupiter mining corporation ship, Red Dwarf, with the crew consisting of Dave Lister, chicken soup technician, last human alive after being left in stasis for 3 million years (after a disaster aboard the ship that killed every human being), Arnold Rimmer, Dave's bunkmate resurrected by Holly, the computer, as a hologram to keep Dave company (at the start, at least), Cat, a descendent of the cat's originating from Dave's pregnant cat left outside stasis for the three million years, and Kryten, series 4000 mechanoid rescued from a downed starship, the Nova 5. Without further ado, pictures! Dave Lister (Not 100% sold on the head. Any suggestions are appreciated!) Arnold Rimmer Cat Kryten A group shot And an added bonus, if any fans are reading this: "Howdy doodly do. How's it going? I'm Talkie, Talkie Toaster, your chirpy breakfast companion. Talkie's the name, toasting's the game." "Anyone like any toast?"
  25. Thanks everyone, It's very much appreciated. I should have some new stuff coming up in the next couple of months, so keep your eyes peeled as they say here in the UK!
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