Everything posted by Dr Leg O Brick
- My New Train Room
Dr Leg O'Brick's Superhero Customs
Thanks again! I'm going to add a bandanna, a flesh right arm and blue hand at least to make her more accurate. rosalind14 asked when I'd make some DC figures. Though these aren't DC figures, their Marvel characters based on DC's JLA (I know, a bit of a stretch!). Power Princess (if anyone knows a good helmet for her, like in this pic: , I'd be very grateful!). The Whizzer Doctor Spectrum Squadron Supreme so far (I'm working on Lady Lark, Golden Archer, and Nighthawk) Enjoy!
What if LEGO Stores had sets stored behind glass doors like video game
A store I frequent on holiday has it's older minifigs/sets in the same sort of cases. I believe the place is endorsed by Lego as they sell exclusives and have official Lego bags. But I agree, holding a set, hearing the bricks rattle around inside, nothing beats it. Not to mention the problems of opening the case all the time.
Town/City MOC's/MOD's by Dr Leg O Brick
Ever since I started collecting Lego and visiting EB back in 2008, I've loved Town/City stuff, probably due to my love of building cities with Matchbox cars and cardboard boxes when I was a kid. So, with all that in mind, I thought after years of visiting and enjoying the Town forum, it was about time I put something back. I plan to add something every week, whether that be a four wide car or a Police complex, so stay tuned! My first model I present is actually a MOD of sorts. I recently got a lot of Lego that's, basically, a jumble of 20 town sets half complete, so instead of sitting under my layout gathering dust, I decided I'd pick out some useful cars/trucks/vans via Brickset, vehicles I'd got nothing similar to in my collection, and build them via Peeron with various changes. This MOD is one such set. Based on 105 Canadian Mail Van, ( ) it's a van (how exciting)! I changed the colours, and changed some of the parts here and there, but I made sure I retained the classic feel. It's meant to have a refrigeration unit in the back, to transport fresh produce around my city. Meet Tom, the driver. (I knocked the door slightly while taking photos, so just ignore the misaligned door!) A side view, you can see how I achieved the white-blue-white look. You can also (just about) see the radio aerial I attached to the roof. A side view, not the added tail lights and the afore mentioned aerial. A back view. I added a small step for Tom to unload his cargo. Tom shows off the rear doors. "Nothing to see here folks.." he says. Only items that are 2X2 fit in the back, but Lego's smallest crate variety will fit fine. Tom shows the cab. I added nothing inside, so just your regular steering wheel. Wait a minute, who's that with the shot gun? It's Captain Black of Captain Scarlet fame! Looks like he has other plans for the truck's contents... If you have any questions, criticisms, suggestions, I'd be more than happy to answer them. Enjoy!
Ideas for new City sets
I have no idea if similar ideas have been posted, but I thought I'd share a few ideas of mine for some "great vehicles" as Lego calls them. TV Camera crew, a van, blue and grey, maybe the same logo as the classic town version? Three minifigs, a news reporter, one camera man, and a technician perhaps. The inside of the van would have various appropriate monitors, and space to store camera equipment/lights etc. A tram. Similar design to the public transport version, maybe white and blue, or green? Two figs, a driver and a passenger. White van. Well, a white van, it'd be white, and it'd look like a Ford transit! Two minifigs, just average people, and some crates to go in the back. Freezer truck. An updated version of the Tine truck from 1999 is what I'm thinking. Two minifigs, one to drive, one to get out and move the goods. Taxi. Yellow cab, similar to the one in this years train station. One passenger, one driver. Double decker bus. Like the City Corner one just stairs at the back and more seating at the top. Maybe a blue/black colour scheme? Three minifigs, one driver, two passengers.
Custom X-Men Cyclops
Wow!! Love it, adds so much to the figure, makes you wonder why Lego never went down this route themselves. Excellent upgrade to Cyke Colossus! Will you be posting any more of your customs?
The end of Shouting Win Kid?
The girl's better than the Win kid, but theirs something about her, sinister, like she's concealing a machete or knows something I don't know with a very suspicious smile. I know I've already commented, but I've been sorting 1000 plus instruction manuals, and the win kid on the back of the City Chinook is massive. These huge, unblinking eyes...Scared the hell out of me at one in the morning yesterday.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
To be honest, I would buy it if it was that fantastic Batwing, Adam West Batmobile, and Bat-tank. Maybe the tumbler from the poster (AKA recolored Bane Tumbler), along with the other models? Perhaps a few Batsuits (that recolored one from the Riddler set this year, purple Batman and Adam West one from this year?).
Any pics or links for Classic Town/City layouts?
You know I've been doing the same thing, looking for classic layouts, as I've been refitting my town and I've been looking for inspiration. I never got any of the classic sets unfortunately (I started in 08), but I've been amending that recently, theirs something about them I really love. My City is completely Town/City sets (I can't afford at the moment Modular's, road plates or Trains, plus, if I did get a modular, I'd probably take the back off), but it's not ready just yet for viewing. However, I do know there are plenty of Town/City layouts that aren't in the layout registry (I can think of at least three and I've only really been active here just over a year). I'll see if I can find any.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I know. If this Tumbler happens this will be DC's second whereas Marvel has zero. I can understand that we've got nine Marvel sets this year, but I can't help feeling a bit disappointed that Marvel's missing quite a large section of the market, and us Marvel Lego fans are too as a result. Maybe Marvel's waiting till next year with Avengers 2?
Marvel Cinematic Universe
I concur! Who can you not forget the oh so funny "Guardians Gather!!" by Vance when the teams been slaughtered by Captain Universe? In all serious I love them, my fourth favourite team. The concept was brilliant, seeing what the universe was like in the future of the Marvel universe. What effects where of the heroic age on this history? What happened to all the Mutants? Who was left from our time? Who's ancestors where around? The characters where all developed to a degree, the art was great, the stories compelling, and although not part of the 1990's series the moment from the Korvac saga when Charlie 27 picks up Beast is hilarious and memorable on its own. "Oh, I'd say it must be some sort of space monkey, Nikki! Ugly, isn't it?". The ensuring conversation is IMO hilarious.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Correct. Astro's/Martinex's team was the first, labelled "explore the Marvel universe in the 31st century!" (a brilliant, brilliant, series IMO), whereas the latest bunch that the film's based on are set in the "present day" (Iron Man joins them on a holiday for awhile).
Fake CMF Series
Jeez, looks like they ripped off Oky's racers! Damn clone brands. I'll be honest, I'm going to get some of the superhero figures. I know a lot of people are against it, I am too, but as a customizer and a superhero nut, for a couple of pounds I'm not really risking anything. Dump the arms, legs, hands and any other parts necessary, swap them for the pure stuff, and I've got a new figure with better printing than anything I could do myself. I have a great deal of time for all customizers out there, but $80 for an FF set or £4 for a set? As much as it saddens me, It's a no brainer personally. $80-£48 is over half the spare cash I normally have. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
I understand that, giant, 60's angry purple and blue spaceman outfits are out of the picture, but honestly, if they dressed him in a chicken suit with platform boots he would've been more menacing than "the cloud". Since I was a kid to me Galactus was a force to be reckoned with, a huge unstoppable menace the likes the heroes of the Marvel universe had rarely seen. He's up at the top in my opinion in regards to how powerful he is, people like Korvac, The Grandmaster, Those Who Sit Above In Shadow, Death, The Stranger, Lord Chaos and Lord Order, them kind of people. To then see this cloud, who was meant to be Galactus, destroyer of worlds, consumer of planets, a storm cloud?!? I sat a laughed in the Cinema. Sorry to those who liked him. True, the X-Men films have mostly been good to excellent, I'm not knocking what they've done, it's just some part of me would like to see them all in one universe, like how Professor X would casually drop out that these costumes are made by his friend Reed Richards and are made of unstable molecules, or the FF and Avengers are out hunting angry space clouds or something. It's, nice, I suppose, to me at least, when they acknowledge another part of the Marvel universe. It gives itself a larger continuity between everything, something I loved about EMH. I'm not sure, perhaps it was. I'll see if I can find anything on it.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 12 Rumours and Discussion
Nice to see you got the reference! It's extremely unlikely due to a whole truck load of things, whoever, I hold out hope due to the uncanny resemblances some previous minifigs have had to people. That's what I was thinking. Maybe a new Pizza box mould or just a printed tile with a Lego reference, yours being the one I'd say was the most likely, as Lego Island is held with high regard and nostalgia among many fans.
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Well, a bit of a let down personally. Sure, it's all right, but non minifig vehicles have never been my department, particular the Tumbler. I don't really know what Lego is going for personally, I know many who won't buy this, it seems like a bad move personally but still, what do I know? I'm not even a big DC fan. Maybe it'll be the next big thing, but I would've preferred an Adam West Batmobile any day of the week, and I'm sure many here would too. Still, I'm happy for those who want to get this.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Just to add in here, I'm pretty much of the same opinion of Faefrost, both in regards to the Beast (him and Wonder Man getting drunk, then looking over the bay to see Red Ronin still cracks me up, such a brilliant, hilarious character) and Hank Pym. I liked him, a bit, when he became the blue/yellow Goliath, I liked the costume! Then Clint came along and I preferred him as a Goliath (Clint's also been one of my most favoured characters, ever, along with Beast and Wonder Man, no matter him being Hawkeye/Goliath/Ronin etc.). Like many others I liked him in EMH, such a brilliant cartoon I found it hard to dislike anyone as everyone in it was superbly written and executed (Accept for Red Hulk. I'm of the same opinion as Nick Fury). Back to Pym. It has potential, I don't think it's a train wreck just yet, I think it'll do OK. Scott Lang's meant to be the Ant Man in the film anyway isn't he? As for the FF film? I lost interest when I heard the rumour Fox was looking for a woman to play Doom, it was in this thread I think. Just give the rights back to Marvel already before you tarnish the FF again! I still hate "Galactus" the fart cloud...
Hello from Eastbourne, UK
It's always great to see another Bricksetter over here, welcome to EB Capn!
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 12 Rumours and Discussion
I'd be pretty pleased if the Pizza guy had ginger hair, blue trousers, and a red jacket. Maybe instead an update or a reference to Pepper from Lego island? Other than that figure, the Hun warrior, the prospector, the rock star, the detail under the armour on the space miner, and the lifeguard are the stuff I'm most interested in seeing pictures of.
KingPixels' Marvel Customs
Just superb! I love them all, in particular your Murdock (perhaps one of the best uses for a flick missile), Agents Of SHIELD crew, the modified Decool FF, Zola is very clever, the Professor's chair is great as discussed, and your young Avengers are spot on. Are you going to base Zola on his comic look? If you do, maybe some orange parts? Either way, I eagerly await more.
Practise Posting Here!
Dr Leg O Brick replied to Pandora's post in a topic in New Member Section - PLEASE READ BEFORE STARTING!Spam you say? I'm a waffle man! No muffins, no toast, no teacakes, no buns, baps, baguettes or bagels, no croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes and no hot-cross buns and definitely no flapjacks. These new members, we never had anything like this when I joined. I like trains too. And Spaceships. But not planes. I can't fly. Our we OK to do this? I mean while we can see it of course.
- LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 12 Rumours and Discussion
Dr Leg O'Brick's Superhero Customs
KingPixels, Sorry to hear about your Wolverine. I nearly got mine stuck, it got really, really stuck half way, but between a few minifig neck poles and plying it sideways it got out fine. I thought it may be just the head, so I tried it on the other one and well, you know the rest! CustomJoe_MD I think I'm familiar with that shield...I believe it came in some of the classic space sets. The same mould as the much revered grey castle shield, thanks, I'll look into that! At the moment my minifig of Vance Astro has an energy shield I made using one of these: http://www.bricklink...asp?P=91884pb03 With a trans red dish on top (the same construction as Taskmaster's). The Aztec patterns make it look like energy ripples, but the older shield would look much better due to the grooves. Thanks! Thing's called him that a few times, over the way windbag goes on about this that and the other. As Captain America said while battling Entropy in a Marvel Two in One, their kind always does that (in regards to villains) .
Purist Superhero Figures
Love the Cyborg custom! As KingPixels says fantastic idea on the helmet, the torso looks extremely appropriate for Cyborg, and his blaster is executed well. Great work!
Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
I was thinking, for those who want a black Blackbird, (I'm personally fine with the new set), I was looking through the Town sets on Brickset and came across this: Blocky, yes, and from 1998, and it'd have to be modified, but it's black, it has X logos and it looks like it might seat a couple of people. It's a shame though it was US exclusive.
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