- 2013 Galaxy Squad
31011 Aviation Adventures
I received this set for Christmas. So far I have only built the main model, and really like it. I don't have a full review to share, but here are my thoughts/observations: The build is fairly long due to the number of parts. Building the propeller mechanism and the fuselage with the sliding canopy are interesting. I was wondering how well the ratchet mechanism for the prop would work (it works really well!). The plane is patterned on the general low-wing warbird style. It's still a fictional design and it has a slight "cartoon-scale" feel. I especially like the long sleek fuselage in front of the canopy and the wing profile. It looks very powerful and aerobatic. I also have the 10226 Sopwith Camel, which pretty much sets the bar for all-out scale realism in a LEGO plane. 31011 is definitely not a scale model. But it is also a bit smaller and sturdier. Overall it says "pick me up and swoosh me" more than the Camel. I can let my six-year old play with it without having to put it back together when he is done. The engine spins with the propeller, which is correct for a rotary engine - which as far as I know, no plane of this style ever had. But, it creates more visual interest in the model. I also like to think that it acts as a flywheel to help keep the prop spinning. Speaking of wheels, the plane rolls wonderfully. The tail wheel swivels so the plane can be taxied as one would a real plane. The size of the plane allows for details like the various vents, the steps, exhaust pipes, and marker lights. The pitch of the propeller blades can be adjusted (by HoG of course). The color scheme is certainly bright and cheerful. It reminds me of a Blue Angels stunt plane. The tail section is probably the weakest area. The horizontal stabilizer is a little small and the vertical stabilizer is big and white. A sticker (even thought it would be a STAMP) would liven up this area considerably. But I am fine with it the the way it is. And of course, it fits two minifigs. Mine is currently being flown by a German pilot and has been commandeered by Indiana Jones.
2013 Galaxy Squad
Brickset has posted a link to scans of the 2014 German LEGO catalog (because it has pictures of all the Mixels). Sadly, Galaxy Squad sets are completely missing. Only Star Wars is there to represent LEGO Space. However, I do have to say that some of Ninjago and Chima ship/vehicle designs are really appealling, as are of course the LEGO Movie sets. It's obvious where the designers have invested their creative energies. The Scorpion Tribe set 70132 looks like something that the GS could easily encounter as a new galactic (or maybe just planetary) menace...
Adults not allowed! - LEGOLand Discovery Centres
In the USA (and possibly in other countries) we have something called Chuck E Cheese's, which is a kid's entertainment center/pizza parlor. Their approach to the whole security/safety issue is to put a UV stamp mark on the arms of all members of an arriving party with children. When a child leaves with an adult, their stamps have to match (and yes there is an employee at the exit at all times to monitor this). There is no entry fee, and a grown man or woman can certainly enter unchallenged - as I have when meeting my family there. This seems like a more reasonable approach than the LLDC method. As to the question of "are they discriminating," my guess is that because they charge an entry fee they have a lot more control over setting this type of policy than a "free" facility. An AFOL night is a good idea, but as mentioned above it doesn't help those from out of town (as in the example above) who need to come on a "day off" and may not want to drive back home late at night. Having said that - if they changed their policy there would almost certainly be a backlash in the other direction, and even more bad publicity, so I don't expect it to change.
LEGO prosthetic leg: an almost functional MOC
I saw this news story and had to post it here. Christina does not appear to be an AFOL, but she certainly thinks outside of the box! I bet she could use some Technic to add strength and flexibility to the ankle joint.
2013 Galaxy Squad
The new LEGO Club magazine has a new Galaxy Squad comic that shows some cool interaction between the Green and Orange teams. Also, there are some new product videos on the US LEGO website. At least, they are new to me. The one that describes the Blue Team actually gives the Blue Robot Sidekick's name, it is "Jezz" (unless I heard it wrong). But the similar Orange Team video doesn't even mention or show the orange robot, and the other teams don't have a video yet. The videos showing the "unveiling" of the alien bug weapons are really cute. I also thought that the mini game where you shoot the little alien larvae or whatever as they are launched from the HIve Crawler and cross the screen was a really fun, simple shoot'em up.
- Autographed "Lone Ranger" Stagecoach Box
[MOC] The Cube of Mondrian
There is set on LEGO CUUSOO set of a Mondrian-inspired house. This MOC is really nice. It reminds me of a 3D optical illusion where a picture can only bee seen from a certain angle. I like the inclusion of the LEGO logo and name in the right and back views!
What set/sets brought you out of your dark ages?
6913 Blue Roadster, followed a couple of months later by 10226 Sopwith Camel. Now collecting Galaxy Squad.
- Dragonfly Helo
Netflix just added a bunch of Lego shows
My son just found these, didn't know they were newly added. We will enjoy catching up.
[MOC] Not a Space SHIP
Cool! Looks like something Phineas and Ferb would build in their back yard! Until it gets destroyed/relocated by an "-inator." Also, it seems to be missing a sail for the "ocean voyages" part.
The Sperm Whale and the bowl of Petunias
Hitchhiker's heck yeah! I think your MOC may have better special effects than the original TV series! Seriously, I love the white "motion lines" above the subjects (I am sure they have some official cartooning name). Great MOC.
Lego Stickers
My 70704 Vermin Vaporizer actually came with a second sticker sheet. Oddly enough, even though I had to reposition a couple of the smaller stickers and so they are not perfect, I am not sure I would do any better of a job with a second sticker, so I haven't used sheet #2 yet. The large side stickers are already printed with "battle damage" so I figure any other dings can be chalked up to various bug skirmishes. I also remember my first encounter with LEGO stickers, I believe it was while helping my older son with one of his Exo-Force or Agents sets (I was still in my on Dark Ages). I thought, "Whatever happened to the printed bricks of my youth?" The only sticker I remember was a number sticker on my LEGO Expert Builder Go-Cart (a dreaded STAMP)... From my experience, overall sticker quality has improved over the last six or seven years. The clear ones definitely look the best when applied properly.
- (MOC vehicle) Frog-R starfighter
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