Everything posted by Spider-Man
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I really hope they don't make having a Spider-Man related fig a yearly thing or my hard earned money will start hating me
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Yeah I hope so too! Marvel is such a deep universe that there really are endless possibilities! As for the covers, after looking at them I am glad they all appear to be pretty close (if not spot on) to looking like their minifigure counterpart. I'm going to start crossing my fingers now for a Wolverine mask at some point because it just looks way too awesome!
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I guess that still leaves some hope then that LEGO might have that mask in future sets! Thanks for posting the cover, I can't wait to see all the rest!
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Yeah I agree completely. The mask itself looks awesome! I would love if they actually made it like that one day. I would be interested to know if the comic book artists were allowed to use their artistic interpretation to make the characters into LEGO, or if the LEGO designers made the drawings and told the comic people what to do with it.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
But we have seen that this isn't how TLG is handling these licenses. I know we all wish they would just give us max amounts of unique minifigures in every set, or maybe just a bunch of $10 sets with a hero and their most notable villain, but that's just not what TLG is going to do.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
I wouldn't worry about it at all. The backlash from a move like this would be way more than any good it would do. Making a character gay just for the sake of making some waves and getting publicity seems like an insult to the entire gay community.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I understand how it is frustrating, but if this is the only way for these characters to be made then I would rather have it this way then not have them at all because this way they aren't unattainable. I know the prices are astronomically high for a piece of plastic, but if it is something you want and can figure out the way to get the funds for it then are ways to get them. Edit: I know there are going to be people who don't agree with me, and everyone is definitely entitled to their opinions, but this is just my opinion on the subject.
Legends of Chima 2013
Well on August 1st you can order it from LEGO S@H for $119.99 Look at that, saved $20 right there
What DC/Marvel Hero/Villain Do You Most Want To See Made In LEGO?
I think they are talking about Dr. Doom And I really don't have any problem with it. It is comic accurate and I don't really know what they could do to improve upon it? IMO it has just enough detail to look accurate and still have the LEGO feel to it.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
My boots!!! About time! That fig will be mine, even at the ridiculous cost. Can't pass that one up!
Official Lego Movie
I noticed that on the product page for it that it has a countdown for the movie release and then it switches over to a countdown until Comic Con so I think there is a pretty good chance we will see at least something related to this movie! It might not be sets (but I do suspect we will get those at some point) but I do think we might see some more footage or something
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Well considering the team isn't an overly serious group I don't see the movie being so, I mean a gun wielding raccoon bickering with a giant alien tree doesn't scream serious to me I think we will see 3 sets for the movie (since that seems to be the norm now for movies). Just because something isn't "well known" doesn't mean it doesn't need merchandise. I mean look at PoP, I don't recall a lot of hype over that movie and yet we still got sets for it. Besides, it looks like the way things are going that absolutely anything tied into Marvel and the Avengers is absolute gold so I would be shocked if GotG doesn't take a lot of people by surprise.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Probably not anymore...
What was the last movie you watched?
Saw Man of Steel last night and I agree that it is definitely the best Supes on the big screen. My biggest problem is I feel there was too much CGI and I felt the action scenes were extremely quick paced. I also don't think they can jump right from the movie into the Justice League. Supes needs some more time to learn how to get a grasp on how to be a Super Hero.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
I hope that Marc Webb just nods his head and moves on from that idea. You can't just completely change a character like that in order to try and make a ground breaking movie, which it would be. I don't think there is anything substantial to that report, but I guess we will have to wait and see.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Yeah I've always seen it as he's more engulfed in flames as opposed to actually just becoming entirely made of fire, despite the name Human Torch. With that said, I would expect Torch to be more like those Ninjago NRG guys that were released last year.
Custom Iron Patriot
This is definitely more of the comic version, and I like it! Is there any back printing on it?
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Would you rather it be released this way where you can actually own it for the high price, or would you rather not have it made at all because by the way the DC license is heading I don't see Booster Gold coming anytime soon
Bold predictions on the future of Cuusoo...
Interesting read. The first thing I think will happen is that the needed amount of votes will increase just like it did from Alpha to Beta. Seeing how long it takes them to work through project approvals now I think there will have to be some sort of drastic change. Either there will be a larger CuuSoo dedicated staff so they can get through projects quicker, or they will have to slow the pace of projects reaching the "achieved" state with the estimated amount of new traffic to the site. Another prediction I would like to add is that there will be some sort of larger screening process in order for projects to get published to the public. When the site goes live there will surely be a lot more people adding projects, and with that there will definitely be a lot more that don't follow the CuuSoo rules. As of now, projects that don't follow the rules (i.e. new parts and such) seem to just sit on the site and take up space. In the future I would like to see those projects weeded out before they even have the option to accumulate votes.
MOC The manor house of the horrors
Fantastic build! The fire in the house looks fantastic and I love the giant evil tree! There is a lot to love about this huge MOC. Great job guys!
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I agree 100%. I wish that TLG would ONLY make sets based on comics. I know that will never happen since they just use the popularity of the movies to sell sets, and then they use their "comic book" license to work as a loophole so that they can make popular characters that have been in movies that Marvel doesn't currently own.
Batman: Arkham Origins
That's a nice addition to the game! I wonder if it will all be through cut scenes, or if we will actually get to play it out?
2013 Lone Ranger Sets
I'll say the set is definitely really nice. The sheriffs building is really well done and the overall completed look is really cool, with no definite discounts in the future I say go for it
Which Comic Do You Read?
Just finished off Age of Ultron and I have to say it was a pretty awful ending I guess Marvel still wins since it gets my money for purchasing all the issues.
The Gates of Mt. Bâra-Kìr
Wow this is amazing! I really like all the details you put in like the apple trees, the stone entrance, and one of my favorite parts is actually the waterfall coming down the rock into the little stream, those lily pads and frog look awesome in there. The contrast of black and gray where the tower comes out of the rock is really nice as well! Great job and I look forward to your next build!
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