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Everything posted by Spider-Man

  1. I'm finally all caught up in the new Scarlet Spider series and I love it! Kaine is an awesome character and the development within him being confused on what his life should be considering he is a clone is fantastic. I would recommend it to anyone
  2. Not sure if anyone posted it or not, but the official release date is October 22
  3. Typically yes because retail catalogues usually go out and my guess would be that TLG knows that the pictures will be leaked inevitably so they usually step in and reveal some stuff first. Here's to hoping!
  4. Awesome scene! I love the trailer and your build is pretty spot! Keep it up Cap!
  5. Thanks for the review but I think you posted in the wrong thread
  6. I'm right there with you! I'm all in to find out what really went on with Coulson! Is he a life model decoy? I don't know, but they got me interested! The other thing I want to know is if the mysterious "group" they keep talking about who supplied the super serum is actually A.I.M.! I think that would be awesome to have a S.H.I.E.L.D. vs A.I.M. kind of show. Of course A.I.M. would have to be in full beehive suits though
  7. It could be for a different movie and not necessarily the Bat vs Supes movie? I realize that that's a long shot but I can't believe they would try to throw her into the movie as well. The movie needs to just set the foundation with Batman and Superman handling their differences and eventually teaming up (I guarantee the movie will follow the exact same pattern as every team-up comic book ever made). DC could royally mess this up by trying to get it all together too fast, but I will stay optimistic and hope they do it right! Wonder Woman on the big screen should be pretty cool regardless!
  8. I would think there is a pretty good chance at all those characters being in the game. All of them are mainstream and pretty popular so I would guess that out of the 100 characters we will definitely see those
  9. Oops thought it was April! Still I would have been wrong then And I agree that it is far from confirmed that Tony creates Ultron, however given how popular RDJ's Tony Stark is and how much they have been pushing Jarvis (new Iphone app anyone?), it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it does end up being Tony's fault.
  10. Hopefully the Spidey sets are based off of ASM 2, but I still remain a little skeptical just based off of the wording in the release. Also GotG is absolutely fantastic news! I can't wait until we get screen shots from the game so we can see what figures we will most likely be getting Groot and Rocket Raccoon
  11. Wow this is great! I love the dice and all the little details you have in it. Keep it coming!
  12. Yeah it's just the cover, and $20 is what I have seen most of them going for in my comic shops. They are nice, but they aren't in any of the lines I'm actually reading at the moment so I think I'll spend the money elsewhere
  13. Talk about DC shooting themselves in the foot if that was to happen! I just can't believe that DC would be that stupid....
  14. This is awesome! When I first read, "running water" I assumed it would be LEGO pieces falling not ACTUAL water! Super cool, keep it up
  15. Antman got pushed up a few months! It is now set to release July 31, 2015, which is only a couple of months after the release of Avengers 2 on May 31, 2015!
  16. Spider-Man replied to Leo604's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Slow your roll there hot shot
  17. You know when you read a character and you get a set voice in your head for that person? Well Bradley Cooper isn't exactly what I had in mind for Rocket Raccoon, but oh well! Let the Sly Cooper references begin!
  18. Stan Lee is literally the man! I really think that there will be an official fig for him sooner or later. Maybe in the visual dictionary or something?
  19. That 3rd clip should have been in the movie! It shows Jarvis starting to turn evil and to believe in some very Ultron-esque ideals I wonder what else LEGO got to work with to make their sets though, because the set they made seemed like a mix of that 2nd clip with what actually happened.
  20. "I'm the reason the criminals breathe easier when the sun rises"
  21. Can't believe I missed this! Congratulations Clonie! I'm sure you will have your work cut out for you right away! We tend to be an impatient bunch
  22. If that's the case then I am definitely excited! Less cartoony is definitely a start, and if it is molded in a lighter color I would just be ecstatic!
  23. I definitely am now that I know about it! I'm so happy they are going back to the beginning!
  24. I don't know if it has been said yet, but how is that General Grevious new? It looks exactly like the one that has been used in Clone Wars sets to me
  25. Good job! Another nice chapter
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