thank you very much, it is true that the Pirate Duel of the Brickpirate Forum was intense and tiring. My opponent is also excellent Pistash
Wooden Roller Coaster "Catapult"
[MOC] Star Wars Steampunk
not at the moment, I did for a contest Duel Of Pirate Forum Brickpirate
[MOC] Star Wars Steampunk
Hello, here's a steampunk version of the basis of Jawa .
MOC City Post Apocalyptique
pourquoi pas il faut que je demande à Florian
MOC City Post Apocalyptique
Hello, I present you our collaborative MOC during the exhibition(exposure) Lego de Rosheim in France Par / By : Domino39 – FOX – ICARE – Florian Type : MOC1 collaboratif Dimensions : 2m x 2m Année / Year : 2014 Description / Summary : Ville Post Apocalyptique reproduisant les quartiers bien connus de la ville de New-York (Pont de Brooklyn, Statue de la Liberté, Empire State Building,..) le tout dans des scènes de films cultes A Post-Apocalyptic City illustrating well-known districts of New York City (the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building...) all of which are in the scenes of cult films. Eine nach apokalyptische Stadt, die die bekannten Viertel von New Tork darstellt, ( die Brooklyn Bridge, die Freiheitsstatue, Empire State Building), das Ganze in Szenen aus Kultfilmen. A Video
- Steam Castle Falls
MOC The manor house of the horrors
Here are videos on the animations of the manor house of the horrors Sinister Scream Exorciste Freddy 69
MOC The manor house of the horrors
- MOC The manor house of the horrors
I shall post detailed photos soon- MOC The manor house of the horrors
Hello, Here is my last realization the manor house of the horrors. My two accomplice Clicketbrick and N3rik68 realized the cemetery and the pond who are of every quoted of the manor house. Clicketbrick, domino39 and N3rik68 at Fana'briaques 2013 Right part by N3rick68 left part by Clicketbrick Other photos shall come with explanations- Superhero Video Contest: Voting Thread
- Monster Fighters Haunted House
Hello, Here is the mini haunted house copied to Set Monster Fighters 10228- Modular Madness - Voting: Category 3: Classic Modular
1. French Mansion by castor-troy: 1 pt 2. Hats & Clocks by cimddwc: 1 pt 14. Perfume Shop by alex54: 1 pt 27. Terrace Apartments / Barbershop by Myko: 1 pt 33. French Cafe by CarsonBrick: 1 pt- The Unofficial LEGO Collectors Guide RAFFLE
I would choose the 10123 Cloud City - MOC The manor house of the horrors
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