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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. So it has begun. I would just like to state that a somewhat perfect Lego block sqaure would be 5 plates high. So everyone who is like me: Get some 2x2 plates in all colours and 1x1 plates to add more texture. So much more to customize than the Microworlds.
  2. The gold masks will most likley be scalper items. Limited number and hard to get, as usual.
  3. Also: The top rowand bottom row consists of the 3 Toa that formed a Kaita in G1. Kaita confirmed...?
  4. Onya? Is that a typo that Onua is called Onya on the Lego page?
  5. Just going back to the exclusive Hau: I feared this would happen. Get ready for convention exclusive masks, that go for 200$ on ebay.
  6. As horrible as it is to watch: At 11:00 : The Diamond helmet is seperate from the head and the Endermen have giant one-pice-torsos.
  7. German Toys'r'us site has the Minecraft sets avaiable for preorder. http://www.toysrus.d...go_BS_Minecraft Also: More pics. Cow-Udder and Pixel-Bow confirmed I hope the link works for all of you.
  8. Wow, the sets seem reasonably priced, look interesting and all have an inetresting minfigure lineup. Yep, great wave!
  9. Just something to the actual topic of this thread: Any word from Lego about the theft? Was it a theft? Was it just a promo-guy making a picture of the figures? I saw CopMike reporting to Lego, thus the question. I'd be really interested what TLG thinks. Don't remember them ever giving any kind of statement about this rather big uproar about the figures.
  10. Sure, it's about creativity. But one thing I have to address: Hero Factory left many things open for... creativity. And I think that that is the reason we got so many open endings. So many things never again talked about. Plans of the Hero Factory stolen? Let the kids come up with, how the Heroes get it fixed. Brain-Outbreak right under the factory? Well, they maybe get rid of all of them eventually. One of the Cocoons going straight to the factory? Huff, maybe they find it in time. I mean to say, that the story they are telling should maybe be closed and done. Let have dealt with the enemy of summer and then go to the next one. There are too many things left open in Hero Factory that are never addressed ever again. Might be one point why the story felt so flat.
  11. Don't know if it has come up yet, but where is Green Lantern's ring? That on the lantern is just a stud.
  12. Man, Onua is ripped! The Akaku, Hau and the Pakari look very much like the original masks. The others are hard to make out. But no matter how they look, I'll just buy all of them in the end. Nostalgia kicked me. Pretty hard. Tahu has his lava board, he would have gotten as a Nuva, so maybe we skip them with this reboot. And the facehugger-Style villains just do it for me. Just make them like the Bohrok. Be evil to everyone, but have a greater purpose. No mean Rahi, please. And the "Defenders".. or do we already call them Matoran? I don't care about the masks being the same. The Bohrok were only different in their shields and until 2007, most of the sets were terribly similair. This is such a fresh wind. Aaaand, all those Hero Factory pieces I have collected will actually prove to be usefull. Just got Chi Cragger for olive green bone pieces and hands. This is the best thing this month for me.
  13. I also can't think of any Middle Earth-material it could be made of as an excuse. But hey: Trans-Dark Green Axe pieces, so we got that going for us. I will use that for Fantasy figures and make an enchanted axe.
  14. I don't know if this is true or not, but the SDCC Bard does not seem to be exclusive. At least that's what is written at fbtb.net . from Ace Kim's article on fbtbnet from the 25th July
  15. I'm still surprised that TLG will release this small set with an exclusive Batman and Unikitty in it. I'm really looking forward to it. And I just realized how bad I want a new Shaq-Minifigure. Shaq-Fu is coming!
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