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  1. Fintendo64 replied to Runamuck's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Wow! I absolutely love the Temple of NOD and the MLRS. Great building skill!
  2. Fintendo64 replied to Fintendo64's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Thanks for the great replies guys! Rocketbilly, I'll have to look into the badges concept!
  3. Wow! I'd better get my creative juices flowing! I like Sandy's idea of something thats not just 'x must battle y to obtain z' and that maybe another idea of a story would be good. I think I'm going to look back to old space sets such as futuron or classic space for inspiration, as those themes were some of the best ever and did not revolve around so much violence.
  4. Fintendo64 posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Whilst rooting through my lego box, I have found something very peculiar... Not one, but TWO Red Futuron minifigs with what appear to be molding errors on their backs. These must have gone unnoticed for many years, but it means they won't be able to survive long in space without oxygen packs. Anyway, they dont fit studs and I have no Idea how they appeared. Can any of you guys shed some light on this mystery?
  5. Fintendo64 replied to Fintendo64's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
  6. Fintendo64 posted a post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Hello there! I am Finn, an avid lego fan since birth and new member of the Eurobricks forum! I have around 100000 to 150000 of the little plastic beauties spanning about 3 decades and at the moment they're all in two huge tubs being sorted and built. I am very proficient and knowledgable about the LEGO story, and love the very individual and unique themes (such as the LEGO Space universe and story) and their sets. My favourite theme is Blacktron 1 and 2, closely followed by Classic Space and Futuron. I am great at helping other members like you and can answer almost any question related to 'retro' (1978-2000) LEGO and love discuss what keeps us all going!
  7. Hello! I am in a huge predicament when it comes to my collection of lego. After years of neglect, my around 10000 or more piece lego stash has been dumped in two large tubs which I despise. I have many retro and modern sets which I want to build and display, but even building tiny Ice Planet rovers has become a chore, and I need help from you guys to point me in the right direction. I can't opt for anything expensive, but I need a solution that will last. Space is also an issue, so something compact would suit my needs best. I look forward to suggestion!
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