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Pulp Detective

Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Pulp Detective

  1. Probably because the overton window gets pushed every year even further left.The DIEversity quota has reached the point were nowdays both the good guys and the bad guys need to be diverse.
  2. Man you anti racists are a real riot.With your mindset I might as well hate every turk out there considering their whole history is them commiting war crimes or the mongols. Truth hurts huh?
  3. You accuse me of strawmanning and yet here you are unironically calling me a "nAzI" because I have an issue with an entire population getting demonised.Besides I'm Greek and unless you didn't know the Germans commited war crimes against my people in WWII but as an adult I can look past issues and not be hateful against an entire population.
  4. Yea man we wouldn't want to offend Indians but who gives a damn about Germans or Russians right?We can make all the toys and merchandise that we want based on movies where they are demonised as evil monsters. Speaking of,I find it interesting how the sets based on the 4th movie that got released back in the day were never allowed to be released in Russia.Pretty based on their part.
  5. Hold up,is the ToD set the only thing getting cancelled or the whole damn line?If it's the latter,it's a damn shame.Guess no dual molded fedora/hair for us. But if it is the former I have a few guesses as to why it is getting cancelled.With todays political climate where portraying non-Whites as the villains in anything (including toys) is outright hereretical for the powers that be then TLGs decision make sense from a certain standpoint.
  6. I bet it will cost 300$ and to sweeten the deal,they will include an exclusive version of indy with cobwebs printed on him so you can have a match with the Temple Escape set
  7. The controversy that would be induced because of this would make me buy alot of pop corn Regarding the criticism about the sets,I did say earlier that this is just the case of TLG trying to make a quick buck out of the whole thing.Do not expect the remaining sets to have better quality built wise.
  8. Overall very underwhelming sets but it is to be expected after all this is a modern licensed theme which usually means disappointing builds with detailed minifigures. Hopefully the the next wave will be better but I doubt it since sets based on concept art of an upcoming film usually means that alot will be left to be desired.
  9. I made a similar point earlier.The way lego goes about revealing stuff usually amounts to revealing said products a couple of days before the product releases.And if that's the case then we'll have to wait until the end of March.
  10. That's usually the case for all it's products but if we have to wait until they do it then we'll have to wait until the end of march considering how they reveal stuff at the very last moment. I know right?Those sets have been ready to ship for over a year now and yet there is not a single factory leak out there.
  11. This theme has a lot of potential if handled properly,hopefully it won't be the mess that was vidiyo.
  12. I'll take your word for it,after all I'm not a "Online LEGO Store Detective" to keep up with such vital information Well there is no point on speculating about what ifs,instead we should look foward to April when we finally do get those sets.
  13. Oh yeah how dare I forgot about that? It's not like I have other more important things in my life to remember and care about The movie was delayed countless times and we don't know when TLG got the green light to start working on the sets.Maybe they would have released 'em the previous year but at the end of the day all of this is speculation.
  14. Do we know that for sure?
  15. You think they're hinting something with this or maybe I'm thinking too much into it? Happy new year! A damn shame but it was to be expected.Whatever that set ends up being I won't be buying because that is quite a steep price for me. I thought it would remain unpinned forever
  16. It's already dying and I'm with you,sick and tired of it myself. As for another HP cmf,what else can they do with this series?Unless they focus on obscure characters I can't imagine justifying another series.And considering the nature of cmf (if there is another series in the future) most of the characters will end up being popular characters with exclusive outfits.
  17. Yeah at this point it is almost given that it will be about the opening scene of the first movie. Both of them are included so you're in luck.
  18. It will be the plane chase,similar to the 7198 set with the only difference being that indy drives a car.
  19. Yea I know but what I really meant was I'd prefer not a diorama but something akin to the mos eisley cantina ucs set.
  20. If it ends up a diorama set I don't if I'll be a fan considering how I'm not impressed with the SW ones.I would prefer it to be a playset.
  21. And at the end of the day this is what matters the most.If they are shelve warmers then it doesn't matter whenever they are part of the franchise or not,people simply don't care about them.
  22. Well I wouldn't mind a new mold for the crystal skull to be honest.
  23. I for one never understood why lego youtubers have any popularity,I always found them boring and annoying.
  24. I also theorized that this theme won't last more than a year,at this point I expect it to last atleast two.Unless the sales end up so good which will result to this being a semi evergreen theme which I doubt. But it is interesting that right of the bat we're getting an expensive 18+ set.This could signal TLGs long term plan,if they have one.
  25. I'll say though that it is annoying that we still don't know anything about the contents of the set.We haven't gotten any new significant info ever since promobricks shared the news way back in the summer.
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