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Pulp Detective

Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Pulp Detective

  1. I doubt it,unless the movie gets delayed yet again. For me the worst case scenario is an April release for the first wave.
  2. True but I don't think they are like the Eternals sets where there were already pictures available. I'm rather curious about their original plans they had for the sets for this year if it weren't for the delay of the movie.Considering the original release date for the movie this year I think they were planning to release the OG sets on april and the sets about the new movie in July.
  3. I don't see why we should consider the indy sets as delayed. I think avatar is an exception,every other movie based wave that released this year,came out 2 or 3 months before it's respective movie.Like buzz lightyear and jurassic world.
  4. I have a feeling that if they do reveal the Indy sets officially it will be after the release of the avatar sets,meaning somewhere around October.Even though I hope we'll get some leaks before then.
  5. Considering the delay of the movie and how the sets should have already released and are probably sitting in a storage waiting to be shipped out I think we will get leaks much earlier.
  6. Finished building the Shrienking Shack and while it is a good set overall I wouldn't recommend it with that price point attached to it.
  7. The August wave is already available in Greece,the AT-TE is also available for purchase so I'm assuming the delay won't happen worldwide.
  8. Never really liked this set even though I can't put my finger on why exactly.Maybe it's the lackluster minifigure line or maybe the built itself and it's color scheme.
  9. 77015 could either be a relatively cheap D2C type set or maybe a store exclusive,that could be the reason as to why we don't have enough about it just yet.We'll have to wait and see.
  10. My speculation is January, at least for the first wave.The 2nd wave will drop probably in April,since the movie comes out in June and usually movie based waves release 2 months in advance.
  11. I generally agree with your stance but what I meant to say earlier is that I wish that Lego started off with more original sets and then resort to remakes. We don't know if this theme will outlive 2023 so there's no guarantee for more sets original or not. And I'm not against remakes on their basis, for example I never bought the original ark tomb so I welcome the remake. It's just the saturation of remakes that Lego does in general that I find tiresome.
  12. Unless disney reboots the show there won't be any sets so don't get your hopes up.
  13. Moving to another subject,I have to agree with danth about conflict based sets.With such sets you always end up with builds and minifigures you don't want but end up getting them because you like the other half of the set.Lego really needs to bring back faction based sets.
  14. Considering legos track record with how they handled action themes those past few years I say fat chance to this theme being anything different from the norm.
  15. I wonder how well all those experiments have been doing sales wise.Lego keeps churning them out but that doesn't mean that the sales mirror their desires.The same could be applied to their attempts to combine traditional sets with electronics,it started with Hidden Side which ended after a year then it was Mario which I assume it still does well sales wise primarily because of the brand and finally we have vidiyo who didn't even last a year.One could say that lego is out of touch with it's consumer base.
  16. I see you are a new member,so welcome to eurobricks! If this theme is meant to outlive 2023 then that means it will last (at the very least) 3 years and if it surpasses legos expectations sales wise then it might last even longer. The current harry potter line was meant to last 3 years yet because of it's popularity it's life has been prolonged.
  17. Because of the nature of the movies this theme doesn't have alot of longevity and while I'm not fond of the D2C type sets I think they could work for this theme.A large expensive remake of 7623 would be great in my opinion. Just checked the online lego shop to see if the remaining sets for avatar were added.They did and so did the prices and damn are they expensive,makes me wonder what will be the final prices for the indy sets.
  18. I on the other think that they simply don't care.In the last couple of years lego has admited by their actions that when it comes to adults they don't care on catering to the old school fans but instead on bringing newer fans into the fold.Which is precisely why ideas became so dull with only the safest choices being picked.Another example is the Art theme with those portrait sets,which let us be honest no one ever asked for.Themes like these exist sorely to appeal to adults who never cared about lego and I believe won't change their mind even if they end up buying some of those sets. As I said a first wave that includes the most iconic and popular sets ever made would be a good start and depending how it does sales wise they could eventually turn this theme into a evergreen one. You can say the same thing about star wars or ninjago yet those themes still sell (unfortunately).A throwback theme with a small wave each year could last for quite a while.
  19. You are not wrong but I'll reserve final judgement for the time being.If this theme is meant to outlive the next year then that gives the designers an opportunity to create more original sets.
  20. I'm just tired of remakes that is all and while I think that they have their place in a long running theme or a returning one they should be few and far between.Which is a contrast to how things are now with the overabundance of remakes from various themes.
  21. Also to add to a point that I made earlier.Out all the sets they decided to remake from TLC,why did they decide to remake the plane chase?I think it would have been more preferable if they remade the bike chase instead,since it is not only cheaper but it contains the same characters as the plane one. Guess licenced sets can't have small cheap sets any more.
  22. Here is a correction to the threads title "Lego is becoming bland and dull". My interest for this company and it's products has been dying ever since 2013.The themes that interested me back in the day are long dead. For example the golden trio (Space,Pirates and Castle) have been demoted to rare releases of overpriced sets that very few can acquire and thanks to the price increases soon even fewer people will be able to get them. Another example are the action themes.No more Monster Fighters,Pharaoh's Quest,Agents etc.Now it is only Ninjago and an occasional clone of it,like Monkie Kid currently. At this point lego is all about profit,gone are the days of creativity and originality.And that is blatantly obvious with the overabundance of licenced themes,which makes sense from a greedy corpo perspective.I mean why create an original theme and then spend alot of cash marketing it when you can make sets based on already popular IP? The same goes for Ideas.Now they pick the most dull,bland and safe choices because they know that those sets will sell.
  23. Don't know how unpopular this is but here goes. The fact is,lego screwed up the 90th anniversary big time.Instead of having fans fight over which one gets to have a remake set they could have released a theme and have each set be a remake of a iconic set from well beloved classic themes.This way (almost) eveyone would be satisfied. Not to mention that is was a ripe opportunity for an 90th anniversary minifig series.Remaking classic well beloved characters would be a dream come true and it is not something that they haven't done before.The jungle explorer from series 19 is clearly Johnny Thunder and from I gathered this version is well beloved,for personally it one of my favourite minifigures.
  24. What?! You want lego to be creative and original as it was long ago? Take your overpriced luke's landspeeder and shut your mouth bigot!
  25. Vidiyo was an abomination and I'm glad it is dead,hopefully lego will learn from this but I have a nagging feeling that they won't. Hidden Side was the last action theme that wasn't a ninjago clone and for all it's missteps it was a good theme.Hopefully this new one is something akin to HS.
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