Everything posted by Kikuichimonji
what is your fave town set?
This one. My only fire station, and I still love the simple yet good design. And that large firetruck is one of the best vehicles TLC ever made.
Happy Birthday Deinonychus!
Happy birthday!
What are you listening to?
Explosions in the sky - It's natural to be afraid
Sorting all my Lego bricks
I used to sort by color untill about a year ago. Then I switched to sorting by piece. Took me over a week to get everything set up, but it works like a charm.
Space contest.
So I suppose this has to be a new MOC and not something I've had lying around? :-P
What are you listening to?
Radiohead - Airbag
Carnival again!!!
I'm taking a break at the moment. Since thursday, you can't go to town without seeing people dressed up. And to think there's 2 more days to come :-D
Show you awards here
I have this one trophy I won at school in some kind of football competition when I was 7 or so. I don't care about it at all. I also have diploms from both my school and the Goethe Institution (which is an institution committed to helping non-native speakers learn German). The fact that I'm just a bit below the level of a native speaker in German and that I have good school results are a bit more important. Just my 2 cents ;-)
Have you pre-ordered the new Millennium Falcon yet?
Nah, just too expensive. I can pick up a laptop (which I want as well) for just a bit more, so I'll go for that. I'm just a poor student, so I can't got spending 500 Euro just like that, unfortunately...
Studs: Yay, or Nay?
I can only agree with what's said above. As someone who builds mainly space MOCs, I'd say studs is a 'nay'. However, for city/castle MOCs, it can certainly be a 'yay'. At the moment, I'm building a (space) MOC for which I'm seriously considering showing tons of studs. I have no clue why, I just thinks it looks great, and it's good to break tradition every now and then.
What are you listening to?
The Smashing Pumpkins - Silverfuck
Valentines Day
If you like that site, you should also check out Penny Arcade ;-)
Why Are The 2007 SW Theme UK/Europe Prices So High?
Because SW is licensed. Which means Lego has to pay to make those models. Those costs are then transferred onto the buyer. About the US/Europe difference: I think I once read that in the US, taxes are not added to the S@H prices (but they are in Europe).
Valentines Day
The Kirby one? :-P I'll post the other one then ;-)
Birthday cake
Geesh, this topic makes it sound like a MOC :-D Anyway, what's important to me is that it tastes good, not how it looks. So, how was it? ;-)
anybody like tintin?
I enjoy reading the comics since they are well-written and realistic. That's about as far as it goes for me ;-)
What are you listening to?
Explosions in the sky rocks *wub* Some post-rock goodness for me too: Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Moya
What are your projects ??
I started working on my MOC again (the one on the first page of this topic). I removed the front which didn't fit too well and made something else in place. Side view Front view The color scheme will eventually be changed to darkgrey and yellow. My main problem now is what to do with the cockpit. I was thinking about building it at the 'grey block' at the side, but it's pretty hard to get it on it in a nice way. Suggestions (not just about the cockpit) are always welcome. There's more pictures in my Brickshelf (when moderated).
Lego Room
Whoa, my 145 are nothing compared to that :-$ Then again, I've only been seriously collecting for a year, and there are hardly any flea markets here... I noticed you have Ikaruga. Love that game (I have the DC version, my rarest game...) *wub*
air craft
Probably some kind of clone.
What are you listening to?
Joy Division - Heart and soul
BREAKING NEWS: Anna Nicole Smith passes away
Well, I know that. It was more a way of saying that there's something wrong with the press in general because of that. What's the world coming to anyway |-/
video games in lego
The Gummi Ship looks like a box. 5 bricks and you'd be done :-D One more for my list: Metal Slug series. Just make some slugs and enemy machinery, and I'd love it. Then again, Lego would be better off making a military theme since the idea is the same.
Lego Room
And here I was, thinking I had a lot of games X-D . How much do you have anyway? And how long have you been collecting?
10179 UCS Millenium Falcon
My thoughts exactly. A good reminder of why I don't collect UCS sets. But what a beauty it is... *wub*
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