Everything posted by Kikuichimonji
Old? Maybe...
Nice find :-D
What are you listening to?
Classical music ;-) As for me: At the Drive-In - Sleepwalk capsules
What web site would you really miss
Absolutely necessary: Hotmail My university's site My university email Sites that don't affect my studies but would be sorely missed: Gamefaqs Ebay Eurobricks Wikipedia Sites I'd miss but could live without: Youtube Peeron Bricklink Play-Asia
New Banner of EuroBricks
I just noticed the banner is still there. Is that supposed to happen? :-P
Star Wars Sets
That's gonna be so expensive... I have most SW sets and my collection is worth moe then I paid for it. Take a look at the shop prices and then start guessing what it'll cost you...
happy birthday Asuka
Happy birthday! :-D
MOC Forum Regulator, Restructurement of EB
I bet it'll get far in this contest :-D
What did you buy today?
I finally bought something again: Clone Battle Pack Droid Battle Pack General Grievous' Starfighter I just love the new guns *wub*
Keith Goldman does it again
The creator of that MOC didn't create this topic, although I do believe he's also a member here.
Link in sig. I don't think I've ever updated it after I created it though...guess I'll add some stuff :-D Edit: that is, if I hadn't forgotten my Yahoo username and password...
what do you think is a harder sport
Can we please end this discussion. You like F1 better, others like football better. Nothing wrong about that. There's no need to discuss the way of posting of you or any others in this topic. It is senseless and will only lead to you being chambered.
modifications Millennium Falcon (4504)
How about making a Brickshelf folder instead? Much more convenient.
Need Help On Zelda !!
You can ;-)
Need Help On Zelda !!
The Cave of Ordeals is a lot harder then the Savage Labyrinth in The Wind Waker. You can only get hearts by digging, and even that is only possible on a couple of floors. Be sure to bring lots of fairies and potions.
MOC Forum Regulator, Restructurement of EB
What you say! :-D
what do you think is a harder sport
I feel the need to respond to this. You have a very biased point of view to this. Your 'facts' are actually opinions and most of them aren't true. Firstly, I'm willing to bet everything I've got on the fact that football has more fans worldwide then F1. Football is the most played sport in the world, and escpecially in South America there are huge numbers of fans. The World cup...why care about it anyway. England made it to the quarter finals if I'm correct. That means they were among the best 8 in the world. Not too bad in my opinion. Plus, there's loads of talent over there combined with players who are still young but have already become really important players (Terry, Lampard, Gerrard, Rooney, you name it). When was the last time any of the drivers you mentioned got close to winning the F1 championship? Then you say that you dislike the fact that there's no motorsports on the news. Want to know why not? Because people care about it less then football. Trust me, that's the way the media works. Football players train daily, just like F1 drivers (although I doubt they go to the gym 2 hours a day). They also deal with the press (which is a bigger pressure for them since they get more attention from them). Now don't go attacking me, you obviously are convinced motorsports is the best thing in the world. But, if you look at the facts, they clearly say football is more popular. It's okay to have a different opinion, but don't got using your opinions as facts.
Need Help On Zelda !!
True, it's usually like that in Zelda. What I miss is the "3 hits from the Boss and you're dead." Most of the bosses took just 1-2 hearts a hit. In the original Zelda, normal enemies hurt you more...
what do you think is a harder sport
The only thing this topic shows is that you can't argue about opinions... As for me, football any time. But I prefer playing football myself over watching it.
what do you think is a harder sport
You absolutely can't compare them. In formula 1 it comes down to the driver's skill, in football it comes down to the skill of all players on the field. But this topic is just an excuse for letting everyone know how awesome F1 is and how terrible football is in your opinion, isn't it?
Set 7776 Shipwreck available!
Odd, there's no animal in it. Reminds me of divers.
So my friend walked into a Best Buy, and bought a PS3
Good luck finding good N64, PS1/2, DS and Dreamcast emulators :-P
Need Help On Zelda !!
You can also find an Empty Bottle at the fishing hole. Just fish were it says 'no littering' or something similar.
Happy Birthady Mr Hobbes!!!!
Happy birthday!
Need Help On Zelda !!
You raise an interesting point there. Namely this being the best Zelda yet. I wonder, how does everyone feel about this? To me, it's not the best Zelda. Well, not yet. It has potential, but I still rank Oracle of Ages (#1) and Ocarina of Time (#2) higher. My main problem with Zelda is that the first one you play will leave the biggest impact. To me, that was Oracle of Ages. Ocarina of Time was the perfection of a franchise in 3D. Whenever I play Twilight Princess, I can't help but to feel this is Ocarina of Time redone. It just has that feeling all over it. Places returning, items returning, people returning. What I miss in TP are really new functions. I'm not talking items, I'm talking functions. Ocarina of Time had 3D, Majora's Mask had the masks, The Wind Waker had the seas and the cartoony look. Now, don't go saying "but you can transform into a wolf!". That's not new, it's like the masks in Majora's Mask with the difference that there's only one transformation. The Dark World isn't new either, that was in A Link to the Past. Another thing I disliked about Twilight Princess is that it was too easy. I want my games to be challenging. Twilight Princess wasn't. Now, The Wind Waker was way too easy as well (did a 3 hearts playthrough without much problems), but I only died like once in Twilight Princess. And it wasn't even at a boss, those were way too easy. Your opinions?
The new Lego magazine
I don't see what the problem is. Bionicle fans had to look at City posters for 2 years, and finally they get one, and the City fans start complaining...
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