Everything posted by Kikuichimonji
Night Raider
That's just my opinion. A space MOC should be gray + a second and possibly third color. Plus, black is terrible for greebling. I didn't say the black didn't fit, I said I didn't like it. It fits the EF theme, but I just don't like the choice Lego made when they went for black and lime. I don't like it because I make space MOCs, and will compare something like EF (which certainly is connected to space) to them. And in that case, black and lime is a terrible color scheme
Need Help On Zelda !!
If you ask the fortune teller in Hyrule Castle Town for a love fortune, she will show you the location of Heart Pieces.
Night Raider
I agree with Joe. Symmetry is good ;-) I still don't like the color scheme though. Space MOCs aren't supposed to be black. And yes, I do realize that's Lego's fault...
Need Help On Zelda !!
It just has to be you getting used to the Wii Remote :-P . Controlling Epona works like a charm, and the spinner hasn't caused me any problems at all. I fail to see how you could possibly have problems controlling either...
black monarch's big castle review
6059, my first and only castle. Ah, all those memories coming back to me, I played with this forever when I was young and never knew it was part of something bigger. Thanks for the review!
Need Help On Zelda !!
It's called Kakariko in Ocarina of Time too. And A Link to the Past, for that matter ;-) I beat both of those star games on my first try. Just look around, aim for a star, and repeat. There's no trick for it, you just need skill. As for the Hot Springwater sidequest, I had a lot of trouble with the thingies that come out of the ground. Much more annoying then the birds to me.
Can you please drop the attitude? It's been annoying me for way too long.
HUGE space city on brickshelf
We also have a topic on it here.
My (new) Exo-force MOC: DarkNova
I liked your other MOCs, but I'm not a fan of this one for two reasons: Firstly, there's no color scheme. It just looks thrown together. Understandable since you built it from sets, but it would look so much better if it had a decent color scheme. Secondly, you've overdone it on weapons in my opinion. There's just too much of them, really.
Need Help On Zelda !!
If you do the Hot Springwater sidequest, you only have to donate 200 rupees instead of 2000 to get them a shop in Castle town (which sells Magical Armor). Oh, and it's Kakariko ;-)
European or American, who is the better builder?
You couldn't be more wrong. When you only have a few parts you are forced to be creative and often end up with better MOCs. Having tons of bricks is nice, but talent is much, much more important. About the political thing...this topic is getting out of hand. Apart from the fact that it is senseless (as I said earlier), it's now being turned into a discussion about American heritage.
European or American, who is the better builder?
Just for the record, you do realize that just about all Americans are descendants of the Europeans who discovered America a couple of centuries ago? :-P
Picts and review(s) of new Firestation set #7945
I agree, what's the use of making a review topic when there's no review yet?
Congrats to us then :-D
European or American, who is the better builder?
Still, such a contest would be based on the preferences of those who judge it. There are no statistics (like in any other sport), so you can never measure it without prejudice.
European or American, who is the better builder?
Am I the only one who fails to see the point of this thread? There is no such thing as a 'best builder', it depends on whatever you like. Someone who builds great Bionicle MOCs will never be the best builder to me since I don't like Bionicle. I like space better, but I'm sure there are people who completely disagree and think Bionicle is better. And comparing Europe and America is also useless since each of them has good builders (although that also depends on what you like). I have to agree though that Japanese builders usually build great mechs, but that's something you have to like as well. I do, but I'm sure there are others that don't. That comment shows that you don't understand. How do you even know if the builder is European or American? Such comments are pointless and solely intended to provoke reactions from other members. Especially since you don't give any reasons why Americans are better. So, give us some reasons, I'm interested what makes Americans better. Just my European 2 cents :-)
Recommendations to starting out (again) - What sets / tubs are good?
Most Creator sets will do. If you want minifigs too, start with City. It's the most basic theme and it's been going strong for ages.
The new space sets
3/10. Nice orange/lime parts, that's about it. I'll stick to SW.
Need Help On Zelda !!
I think you do, but I haven't played Zelda for a couple of weeks now. It's a minigame in which you need to fly the shadow bird to Upper Zora's River while collecting fruit. Seems hard at first but is actually terribly easy if you know what to do.
Rhymer is back!
I think he was banned for some reason. But it seems like the mods don't mind him returning since they've changed his title. So, welcome back I guess :-)
Need Help On Zelda !!
Did you talk to the parrot as Link? Because you do realize you can only talk to animals as a wolf, right? ;-) Anyway, I don't think the parrot is storyline related, but when you talk to him you can play a minigame.
Cool WW2 diorama
Well, let me the first to mention the plane then. What a beauty *wub*
Need Help On Zelda !!
You think Epona has terrible controls? You obviously didn't play Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask. Epona's controls are godly in Twilight Princess when you compare them to those games. As for strategy, I just ran all over the field slashing all enemies with my sword. Doubt I even used the bow there. Then again, you might need the bow if those damn birds will stay up high.
The Which Lego Minifg Are You Test
Exo-Force Mech Pilot -2 Classicness, 4 Technology, 1 Team, 3 Aggressiveness Your results: Newer High-tech Goodguy Warrior Found in: 8100 Cyclone Defender, 2007 That doesn't fit that well. I'd like to think I'm a better team player but the truth is that I'm not really like that. I'm everything but aggressive though :-P
Castle battle scene
Since this topic has been revived anyway and I hadn't posted yet... I love the cherry blossom tree. But it looks kinda empty besides that. Adding some bamboo plants or rocks or something to the ground would really add to the looks. I'm so jealous at all those Ninja figs... By the way, is this still built?
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