Everything posted by Kikuichimonji
2007: Gaming Anticipations And Expectations
1. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption The only Wii game I'm really looking forward too. 2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl Ok, so I'm kinda looking forward to this one too. But mainly to see how online play will work out. 3. Grand Theft Auto IV I'm willing to get a 360 or PS3 for this game. 360 pricedrop, please :-D Honorable mentions go to: Pro Evolution Soccer 7 (PES6 keeps my PS2 alive together with Final Fantasy XII) Pokemon Diamond/Pearl (I had the JP version, so I already know they're awesome games) And finally, I'm hoping for a truely original Wii or DS title. Something completely different that will blow me away. Something like Phoenix Wright ;-)
what is the least favorite game you have ever played?
Sure is ;-)
What are you listening to?
Kings of Leon - California waiting
Happy birthday SuvieD & Renegade Clone
Happy birthday guys!
Brickshelf: Private Vault
I do not even want to start thinking about the value of that 8-
Long Overdue Unofficial Friend Code Sharing Thread!
Each game has a different code, check your manual to find out how to find out your code for each game. There is no website, you just need to login to a central server by using either a wireless modem or a WiFi dongle. Also, please remove my Pokemon Pearl code, as I have sold the game due to the language barrier. I'll get an US version instead ;-)
what the..........just how?
I found one that isn't computer generated. Link.
Do you have dreams about Lego when you're asleep?
I always forget what I dreamt about when I wake up...
Childhood Video memories
I don't remember too much. I wasn't allowed to watch tv untill 5 pm so I missed tons of series. I do remember watching Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and a dutch show called Bassie en Adriaan.
Happy Birthday KhoRne(16)
Happy birthday!
Do you Have a Crush? Or are you Crushed?
Being 'crushed' doesn't sound like it's good for my health so I guess it's a good thing that I'm not :-D
Should Knut the polar bear be saved?
Mutley: Let's just say I enjoy a bit of discussion every now and then. If I would've been the one making the choice over the bear's life, I probably would've done what felt right and let it live. Still, I am not responsible for that decision, and because I am at a 'safe' distance, I can more easily say what I think is right. Simply put, it's a matter of heart or head. And well, the past has thought me that the best thing to do is usually using your head (although there are, of course, exceptions). You mention the fact that polar bears are an endangered species. To be honest, I hadn't even though this far. You do have a point which I just can't counter with anything there. As for the vegetarian item, I am indeed somewhat 'proud' to be different from others. Not just in the aspect of eating meat or not, but in multiple ones (music, for instance). Still, the point should not be "why do we kill the animal", the point should be that we kill it. The animal doesn't care about what happens to it after it has dies, it only cares about death itself (yes, crappy sentence construction, I know). Basically, I looked at the replies in this topic and thought 'meh, there's no fun without some discussion'. Which does not mean that I am of another opinion then I have previously stated. Now, if anyone has something to say which does not come down to "you're a meanie", I'd be glad to hear it. Remember that a discussion is also about respecting the other person :-)
the equilibrist
I can only agree with was said above. Brilliant!
Should Knut the polar bear be saved?
I expected this kind of reactions. It's really a shame that I get verbally attacked just for stating my opinion. As I stated, I am certainly not a "coldharted meanie", but I'd rather look at this in an ethical way then to make judgment based on my feeling. The fact that everybody seems to think "oh it's so cute, you can't kill it" is ok, in my opinion. Then why is it not ok for you guys to see my point of view? It's not that they should "kill" Knut, it's more that it shouldn't have to face a life of sorrow and pain. Yoda, let me ask you a question: are you a vegetarian? If not, then what's so different about killing other animals (without an ethical purpose, but solely to feed mankind)? I understand your point of view, seeing as how you posted all those pictures, but I'd appreciate it if you'd try to use different words next time. No hard feelings though (and hoping you won't have any either) :-)
Should Knut the polar bear be saved?
I voted no. No matter how cute it is now, one day it'll be a big killing machine. If it won't fit in with the other polar bears, they'll likely seriously wound it. It's better to spare it such misery in my opinion. And with that being said, I'd like to state that I don't enjoy being cruel to animals (heck, I'm a vegetarian), but this is a matter of ethics, not of "oh look how cute it is". Well, bring on the replies ;-)
Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360
I got Wii Play at European launch day since it came packed with my second controller. It's just a collection of tech demo's that I played for an hour and never looked at again. If it wouldn't have come with a controller I would've felt terribly rip-offed. As for Zelda, I found myself wanting to push a button to swing my sword instead of flicking my wrist all the time. Still, certain parts (like the "control the dark bird through the waterfall caverns" part) worked really well. Still, I doubt I'd have missed anything if I played it on my good old Gamecube.
Fighter...needs a name!
I like the design, but you should try adding a secondary color to it, it's just too dark for my taste. The darkblue doesn't fit the bley too well in my opinion. I'd also try connecting the two 'hinged parts' at the back to each other. Other then that, there's very little I'd change. As for a name...I'd call it the Scissor Skiff or something like that. The overall shape reminds me of a skiff and the back looks vaguely like a scissor.
Assault Droid
I like it. Simplicity is good ;-) Can we expect an army of these? :-P
Congrats, Vader!
That was awesome! Great job :-D
Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360
From that last sentence I can tell you never played it ;-) And UniqueBuilder, the words are Wii Sports, not Zelda. You can play Zelda on your good old Gamecube, while Wii Sports is truly innovative.
what is the least favorite game you have ever played?
Starfox Adventures is a Zelda rip-off and has absolutely nothing to do with Halo. I also don't think you had to hold down a button to move the camera but simply used the C-stick as in 99% of all Cube games. While we're on the subject, Halo is heavily overrated. As is Final Fantasy VII. Let the discussion begin :-P
New Birthday trio!
Happy birthday :-D
What are you listening to?
Pulp - F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E.
What are you listening to?
King Crimson - Moonchild
Falcon Raffle, GAME ON!
As was said in the first post: So, plenty of time left I'd say ;-)
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