Everything posted by Kikuichimonji
Gotta love the way, what ever happend to your blog, Languages?
I only got a plain orange head from the Buckbeak encounter set...that should've had a face on it too...
The Bionicle Awards
Why create them all at once then? All you're doing is flooding this board...
Review: 4766 Harry Potter - Graveyard Duel
Strange, haven't seen this or any other new HP in stores over here quite yet (in the Netherlands). I also think 40 euros is overpriced. I hardly ever buy sets over 20 euros (unless SW). Did buy the entire Viking line though ;)
Star wars sets we'd like to see
I'm pretty sure Lego got the license for them, I think I reas it somewhere on this forum...don't ask me where though...but they don't have the EU license unfortunately... What I'd like to see: - Jedi council (I need prequel trilogy jedi MF's) - Palpatine arrest scene (Mace&the gang vs. Palpy...doubt we'll get all 4 jedi, but Palpatine, Mace and Kit Fisto would be nice) - Grevious' Fighter - Order 66 sets (this was mentioned on another forum, don't recall which one. The idea is to recreate the order 66 jedi executions. For instance: Aayla Secura, 2 clones, 3 speederbikes, some vegetation Ki-Adi Mundi, some clones and battle droids, some kind of bridge) - More jedi starfighters. I don't want a customization pack, I want a pack for every fighter (and the corresponding character). I want of fleet of JSF's ;)
Official X-Pods Appreciation Topic
I got the red X-pod a while ago (series 1) because I wanted the actual X-pod pieces (the package); and wednesday I picked up the other 3 from series 1 for 2 euros each :-D
Brickshelf find: Pirates Land
Some people seriously have too much time and money...
2006 price list
- Island of Horror:The Game
Right...seeing as how you're 10 years old, I have no doubt that you are unable to create it. Not to be mean, I just don't think you know what it takes to make a game...even simple ones without graphics...- Worst building TLC's techniques
The new Falcon isn't all that bad...the ULD is a lot crappier...but it's a pretty crappy set anyway ;)- Worst building TLC's techniques
I dislike all of them actually, but stickers aren't that much of a problem since I don't use them (only on my SW sets because they're display only and will never be used in MOCs). The threads in the Sandcrawler were a pain too, but the effect is really neat ( a lot better then it would've been if TLC would have been using the 6573 threads...). I'd go with technic pieces...I'm a pure System builder, and I want only system parts when I buy a set...technic just doesn't belong there. I mean, Viking were a great series, but omg...all the technic...that was hell. I stink a technic constructions too; have to do them three times or so because I always mess up...- spider man 3
I noticed the topic title, but he asked for the Spiderman license, not the Spiderman 3 license ;)- Halo lego
Halo is Ms...death to MS (said the Nintendo fanboy)- spider man 3
If you tried typing "spiderman lego" in google you would've seen that they already made spiderman lego...- MOC: HASc-1 Polaris
So, what mini did that windscreen come from? I want a couple of those :|- Exo-Force Pics
Right, I forgot the pictures cam from ;)- ROME
I think a chrome 2 x 2 dish would look even better ;)- Rebel Squadron for Sale/Trade
Hm, I haven't seen any dino sets in stores yet...but- Rare pieces, colors, prices?!?
Never mind, noticed you only ship to US. I'll go find them elsewhere :) Thanks anyway :)- Rare pieces, colors, prices?!?
I really like the trans-green suction cup guns, but that's pretty much all I'm interested in...maybe some slopes and windscreens, but I doubt I'll reach 30 dollars...- Exo-Force Pics
Meh, I'm kinda afraid these will be changed when they get to Europe because they may be considered to violent...I only like the MF anyway...think I might pick up some of the cheaper sets, they seem to have some useful pieces :)- Rebel Squadron for Sale/Trade
Just wondering, what kind of set are you thinking about?- A worrying trend
I bought my Lightsaber Duel when it was only out for a week or so...with both MF's...and the batteries workes just fine too. And I ordered my Catamaran online (not from s@h) and it was just fine too...even though the box was a bit beaten up...And I don't own the CTT yet... Anyway, it's not like I actually use the light-up function, I only display my SW sets anyway;) I am really into completion though, so I'd likely go crazy if even the headgear was missing from the LULS;)- Picture Review of Vikings Sets
1: Longboat 2: Catapult 3: Warrior vs. the Wolf 4: Fortress 5: Small boat- Age
- Island of Horror:The Game
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