Everything posted by Kikuichimonji
Just a question...
I think that's for Vikings Week...but that could be me...
Review: 4766 Harry Potter - Graveyard Duel
Nice review...but erm...when will the review of the horntail set be done?
Are these good prices to pay for Viking sets?
Normal prices are: fortress: 80 euros (good deal) longboat: 60 euros (no good deal) catapult: 20 euros (no good deal) small boat: 10 euros (way to expensive)
2004/2005 Sets and discussion thread
This looks very good for 10 bucks...
hello my name is keetongu
It meand you own an Xbox and play online with it. The online service is calles Xbox Live
Who wants to buy a cloud city?
Sounds interesting...but I'm kinda low on money only have 1 I suppose?
Many dutch stores carry hardly any Star wars sets. I haven't seen the CTT in stores anywhere. but all the other sets were sold out quickly. But then again, it's not like they had a lot. That goes for other series too. Last week I bought the 7018, and it was the ONLY one they had. (It had gotten in 1 hour ago, and they told me I was the first one buying Vikings)...then again, they had plenty of 7015s...
Picture Review of Vikings Sets
I agree on that one. Don't like the helmets and the KK swords. Plus, I think the actual Viking buildings aren't spectacular. I'm buying these sets for the minifigs and the monsters...
Selling the rest of my SW LEGO...
Just much is the AT-AT? ;)
Picture Review of Vikings Sets
Bought the smaller boat too. And I ordered the fortress for only 59 euros (!)
DSII less than 369 euros !
Just a note: this goes only if you order it before August 31st (If I read it correctly)
Nintendo's DS vs Sony's PSP
I'm a Nintendo fanboy and I've owned a DS since the European release...and the next wave of games (AW:DS, Mario & Luigi 2, Mario Kart DS) looks MUCH better then what the PSP has to offer. However, I AM interested in Tales of Eternia (Tales of Symphonia still is one of my all-time favorite NGC games)...
What games do YOU own?
Just felt like posting my list...wanted to show off I suppose... NGC: Super Smash Bros. Melee Pikmin Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader Super Mario Sunshine Starfox Adventures Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike Legend of Zelda: Collector
I'm missing F-Zero and Starfox here...those are more important series then DK for instance. Anyway, I'd say advance Wars but it isn't in here, so I'll pick Zelda.
Game systems
Revolution. I'm one of those Nintendo fanboys ;)
What Games do YOU play
Currently playing: Metroid Fusion (GBA) Advance Wars (GBA) always playin this one ;) Mario Kart: Super Circuit (GBA) same thing... Animal Crossing (NGC) same thing again... F-Zero GX (NGC) Tales of Symphonia (NGC) Super Mario 64 DS (DS)...because AW:DS isn't out yet... Crono Trigger (SNES) Super Mario RPG (SNES) Tales of Phantasie (SNES) Yeah, I'm pro Nintendo. And these are the games I've been playing last week. Not like I play 10 games daily ;)
List your list of best movies here!
Top 5 in random order: The Blues Brothers (the original, bot the crappy 2000 version) Shichinin no samurai (Seven samurai by Kurosawa) Just about every Star Wars movie (to lazy to pick one;) Discovery of Heaven (I suppose not many of you've seen this, but the book is great, but I think mostly dutch people have read it) Terminator 2 (Only good Arnie movie)
Review: 4768 Harry Potter - Durmstrang Ship - Picture
My vikings came decapitated too. At least the ones in the longboat...
Favorite toa
The original Toa Lewa. I don't own any others then the first 6 toa and I don't know the storyline, so I'll just go by looks on this one...
CAn I build a monster from, say, a videogame too? RPG's are an awesome monster source ;)
Picture Review of Vikings Sets
FINALLY found them in toy stores over here. Bought the Fenris Wolf thingie, the catapult, and the logboat. They'd only been in for an hour, so I got lucky by buying the only longboat they had. And I was only planning on buying the 3 cheapest sets...
Picture Review of Vikings Sets
If I see it correctly, those shields are the same part as are on top of the 4504 Millenium Falcon, right? Those had stickers too, but they fitted quite nicely, actually.
Picture Review of Vikings Sets
Went into town today, because I read at a dutch forum that someone had found the Viking sets in a toystore already. No luck though. They said they'd get them "before august 10th"...I want them now *wacko*
Picture Review of Vikings Sets
Thanks for the pictures :-D I read that you got one spare sticker so I thought I's look for some cheap sets which have the same piece. Still, no peeron inventory for the Viking sets...and still not in toy stores over here...I'll try again tomorrow, but I read august 4 somehwere too. Looks like I'll be going to town a lot next week...
Picture Review of Vikings Sets
Has anyone seen these in dutch toy stores already? Or does anybody know what day they'll be in them? (Yes, I've asked before...I know ;) ) By the way, can somebody post a more detailed pic of the 'shields'. They look like modified technic parts...or maybe I just missed it and it's been around for a while. A link to peeron would be nice :-D Thanks :-D
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