Everything posted by Fluyt
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8) Cheerleader, Surfer & Tennis Player Entry (Build by Cutlass_Iz) 1 point 18) Wrestler, Karate Master & Sumo Wrestler Entry (Build by gabe) 1 point 20) Nurse, Surfer & Space Villain Entry (Build by Darkblane) 1 point
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15) Gorilla Suit Guy Entry (Build by TazManiac) 1 point 16) Snowboarder Entry (Build by Dreamweb) 1 point 33) Samurai Warrior Entry (Build by Cecilie) 1 point
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
These are looking pretty good. Also looks like there will be different coins, instead of the 10-20-30-40 ones looks like 1-5 (and 10) are in the isla de muerta set.
How many pieces do you have?
Brickset says I have about 17.500 parts and 325 minifigs, but in reality it would probably be closer to 20.000 parts and 400 figs. I just entered the sets from the top of my head + I've bought some loose parts of off bricklink and such (and brickset doesn't have info on every set).
Ship Deck Colour
The availability of the right pieces in the colour you want are a fairly big factor, like Admiral Croissant said, with the 1xX and 2xX plates for example, or with wedge/"wing" plates. It also depends on the other colours you're going to use on the ship. I personally think tan, dark tan, brown, reddish brown and light grey all look good on a deck, but it's just personal preference.
MOC Euromap
This looks amazing Great idea, it turned out perfect.
Vote for your favourite Category B entries
And again, too many great entries ... 10) Robot & Jungle Explorer Entry (Build by Darkblane) 12) Diver & Surfer Entry (Build by squiz) 21) Skater Boy & Traffic Cop Entry (Build by Masked Builder)
Vote for your favourite Category A entries
So many great entries, so few points to divide: 4) Lifeguard Entry (Build by Dan Church) 9) Skier Entry (Build by Rufus) 17) Skier Entry (Build by Yatkuu)
A special Eurobricks Minifigures celebration is coming soon
Let the sleepless nights of anticipation begin .
2010 FIFA World Cup
Lol, you didn't watch the game I presume? Brazil made a ton of fauls, many of them on Robben, even trying to disable him, how's that for "sportsmanlike"? Several of them deserved at least a yellow card, but didn't get one, why should van Bommel receive a card for his actions when worse actions aren't greeted with a card? (also Kaka hitting Ooijer, deserved at least yellow, and yet, Ooijer was the one receiving a card). Like it or not, the Dutch deserved to win.
What minifigs are we missing - post your detailed suggestions here
Gender: Male Occupation/print on torso: Gladiator (various options) Type of headgear: Gladiator helmet (various options) Type of facial expression: Angry Color on torso/legs: Yellow with shorts or armor Accessory: Sword/shield or trident/net/shoulderguard Gender: Female Occupation/print on torso: Angel Type of headgear: Long Hair Type of facial expression: Happy Color on torso/legs: white Accessory: Wings (and maybe sword) Gender: Male Occupation/print on torso: Devil, darkred muscle print on red torso Type of headgear: None Type of facial expression: Evil (smirk), and horn print Color on torso/legs: Red Accessory: Trident, wings/tail Gender: Male Occupation/print on torso: Monk, (earth/dark) orange robe Type of headgear: None Type of facial expression: Normal Color on torso/legs: (earth/dark) Orange Accessory: Staff/walking stick Gender: Male Occupation/print on torso: African Warrior, animal hide/muscle torso (kinda like Seso from Prince of Persia) Type of headgear: None Type of facial expression: Normal Color on torso/legs: Brown, with animal hide print Accessory: Spear and Shield Gender: Male Occupation/print on torso: Chinese soldier (like from the orient expedition line) Type of headgear: Straw hat, 3x3 radar dish Type of facial expression: Normal, chinese face Color on torso/legs: Black Accessory: Pike or chinese scimitar/shield
What minifigs are we missing - post your detailed suggestions here
Not all of the minifigs haven't been done before, they're part new (like the cheerleader and crash-test dummy), and part existing minifigs (like forestmen, nurses, and astronauts/spacemen, which there all exist plenty of also).
What minifigs are we missing - post your detailed suggestions here
Gender: Male Occupation/print on torso: Pirate/Imperial-era with "puffy shirt" Type of headgear: Very light grey wig Type of facial expression: Normal, maybe cocky Color on torso/legs: Black Accessory: Rapier (and maybe a flintlock or blunderbuss pistol) Gender: Female Occupation/print on torso: Pirate/Imperial-era with nice dress Type of headgear: Very light grey wig Type of facial expression: Powdered face Color on torso/legs: Dress Accessory: Fan (and maybe an umbrella) Gender: Male Occupation/print on torso: Mongolian warrior Type of headgear: Mongol hat (which we have) Type of facial expression: Determined, with moustache Color on torso/legs: Brown/dark grey/black Accessory: Bow+quiver and/or mongol sword Gender: Male Occupation/print on torso: Indian guard (like the one with scorpion palace) Type of headgear: Turban (which we have) Type of facial expression: Normal, maybe cocky Color on torso/legs: Black Accessory: Shield and scimitar Gender: Male Occupation/print on torso: Samurai Type of headgear: Samurai helmet (which we have) Type of facial expression: Agitated, with moustache Color on torso/legs: Black/grey Accessory: Katana and armor Gender: Male Occupation/print on torso: Roman soldier, with armor print Type of headgear: Roman helmet Type of facial expression: Normal/neutral Color on torso/legs: Armor print Accessory: Shield and a spear or sword (and maybe a red cape) Good idea, a football player (as in:"soccer") is probably the most likely candidate out of the sports players since it appeals worldwide (while am. football, baseball and icehockey are mostly exclusive to north america), although the timing would be better if such a fig had been released before the world cup.
REVIEW - 6263 Imperial Outpost
Those light gray rock pieces came in the western sets, the one in this set is supposed to be dark gray (also the admiral woodhouse torso is replaced with a normal imperial guard torso). I've always liked this set, it's one of the best pirate sets ever made. It's got pretty much everything you need in a set this size. And indeed, the ladders are a big plus for this set in its design, a fair amount of sets have/had super-minifigs that can jump from floor to floor, but this has accesable floors for the average joe without super-jumping powers.
Review: 30061 Attack Wagon
Seems like a nice little set, great minifig. But this set needs a shield, like many similar sets before this, it isn't complete without a shield.
Castle Sets 2010
I get a bit of a "duplo-ish" feel looking at the pictures. But overall I think this will be a good theme, finally humans vs. humans again. And from what I can see, I really like the look of those white/red knights. Only unfortunately, they're still the same old ideas, market village was a good move, but now, it seems like they've already forgotten nearly all civillian elements. And I hope my eyes don't decieve me, but the red roof on the pics from canada looks like the quality control hasn't improved.
Possible new hull colours...
A white hull would be great. There is one in the armada flagship, but as noted that is a narrow hull and has a blue top (grey would have looked much better). But a completely white large one, with the new molds will be very useful.
Treasure count
My scallywags and their fleet will be waiting , always nice to have some target-practice . Looking at the great wealth in this thread just ripe for the picking, I might be doing some plunderin' myself :pir-skull:.
Treasure count
I've got at least 2980$ in coins. Next to that I have a fair amount of jewels/gems, gold "nuggets", golden crowns, chrome armor, inca/nazca/aztec gold piece, several chrome swords, daggers and arrows (from the aquazone theme) and a few 100$ bills. I also have a golden plate and golden cup/chalice, but they're not chrome. I should have over 35 complete sprue's according to my set list, worth 100 gold each, but many second hand sets don't include all coins (or have playmobil currency as replacement)+ I might have lost quite a few+ threw some away that had no gold left on them at all, they were so faded.
IFS BSB SES et al. Comparing shots
Impressive collection, SES is pretty big, but the new ship is huge. Nice to see some comparisson shots. But you need 6289 - Red Beard Runner, it's a great ship (good to replace that ugly brickbeards bounty).
Review 8191 Lavatraz
Exactly my thoughts. It has some interresting parts, great playability, but the set/design as a whole is somewhat hard to look at.
Pocket Ship of the Line MLCAD
I usually don't like mclad (or any other digital moc) at all, but this one is very good. I really like the colourscheme, unfortunately the hulls are indeed not available in those colours (allthought you could make a narrow hull with these colours by seperating top/bottom parts of the flying time vessel and armada flagship).
Prince of Persia 2010
I haven't seen horses at zoos I think, not sure. There's also: Other birds (falcon?) Manta ray Sharks (and sawfish, although not really a zoo animal) Fishes Starfish Clam Crabs Dolphin Jellyfish (transparant chefs' hat) Octopus Ants (albeit giant mutant ants) Wolves (also used as dogs) Frogs Polar bear Rats Bats Owls Butterflies And if they count, the brickbuilt penguins from the batman line
Prince of Persia 2010
Oooo, dark orange, I like. Or at least it seems to be dark orange. Not too crazy about some of the new parts though (like the hats, but the dromedary looks pretty good).
Review:7595 Army Men on Patrol
This looks like a pretty neat set, I might pick one up (if they're a reasonable price here in Europe, hopefully even 6,5 - 7 euro's to coincide with the u.s. price, ah, one can always hope ). Only it is unfortunate that there are a few different shades/types of green on the jeep, please TLG, fix your colourconsistency.
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