Everything posted by Fluyt
Which new animal would you prefer
In "the great age of sail" there was also something called a "farm", pirates have to eat you know
Which new animal would you prefer
Definately cow, since it would also be very usefull in other themes.
Would you open a MISB SYSTEM Pirate set?
I probably wouldn't open it. I don't buy (out of production) misb sets anyways, since they serve no use to me. If I somehow got a misb set (as a present or it is too cheap not to buy for example), I'd probably sell it and then buy a used one in good condition, with money to spare.
Your first Castle theme set?
I think mine was 6009 or the minifig pack with 2 forestmen, 2 black falcons, 1 crusader and 1 peasant with a pitchfork. Not totally sure thought, can't believe some of you can remember allmost everything .
Pirate pictures of tigerggyy
+isn't the torso red with printing with the enlighten clone? (instead of a white torso with red printing like the official one) and enlighten has wierd arms I believe. Or maybe I'm confused with other clone brands. But indeed definately not all is fake, he also has indy stuff and most (or all) of the minifigs look genuine, just the ships I think.
New Lego Pirates!?!?!
There are some great ideas already, almost feels like pirates could come back next year , plenty of ideas to go by. As a faction there indeed should be a Dutch VOC faction, with a nice big portside town set to do some trading with. Maybe as new parts there could be a slightly smaller cannon (next to the current one) and maybe some swivel guns. The current mast designs should be maintained (not like the ugly mast from the viking ship for example), but it would be nice to have the extras mentioned before (longer rigging and a crows nest), also maybe an in-between rigging between long and short.
Addition to the King's Castle
I'm not that old (20), but yeah, I thought the same (even after I saw the picture I still thought that somehow ), maybe with some adaptions this adition could be used for 6080. But I can't really get an impression of it now, without being attached to the castle. Is that new castle also called king's castle?
Man in a canoe
What a perfectly fitting title Maybe he's going bazooka-fishing (instead of dynamite-fishing)
Which is your favourite cycle shop?
6373 or 6699, both are great, can't choose at the moment. Only they could have used slightly more interior. 6426 was just horrible, from the time town was at its worst.
Finally Finished!
Great work I'm really jealous of people like you, not only because of the big collections, but also to have the discipline to sort (and keep it sorted). Or the Dutch team of course
Is this the most hellish set to restore?
Exactly my thoughts I didn't even notice either, until you mentioned it . The only difference seems to be the pedestrian crossing. Maybe you'll get the right one one day, but it isn't that different and it's not really a priority with this set. Maybe you'll also stumble upon some spare rails to make the set even greater. It would be great to see your city layout around it (I don't think I've seen that much city-layouts with a monorail), nice choice for an airport also, even though I prefer 6396 somehow.
Is this the most hellish set to restore?
Well, they are making 100+ euro town sets, ucs sets and a 200€ chess sets etc., so a monorail wouldn't be that unlikely, especially since the expensive sets seem to be selling quite well. As far as I know there are only 2 or 3 "complicated" parts with the monorail: the motor and maybe the switch and reverse track pieces. It doesn't seem to me that it is that much different from trains as far as complicated parts go. Sorry for going a bit off-topic
Is the new Castle line making old ones obsolete?
It's almost 3,5$ minimum for the orcs (or trolls, whatever they're called), I think dwarfs are just as bad for your wallet, or even worse. And then we're not even talking about those big ugly trolls, at around 10$. Luckily the crownies aren't at these crazy prices yet. You can get black falcons (also other classic factions I think) for under 3$. To steer it back ontopic, or try to :Old castle is definately also not obsolete when you want an army, looking at these prices. But then again, dwarfs and orcs are a special faction, not like the dozen or so of human factions.
Lucas Arts upcoming video game information leaked!
And here I was, hoping for Monkey Island 5 Anyways, I think the Indiana Jones game will be great, swinging lightsabers on the wii could be a lot of fun too though.
Is the new Castle line making old ones obsolete?
Isn't that what the new ones are like? I mean, crownies have 3 different torso's, with crown logo(If you don't count the armor/plain torso combo), while older factions only had 1 faction specific torso (dragon masters changed that I think, but they still have only 3, just like new castle). And new castle also has a fair amount of panel walls and burps and has a lot more "specific pieces" and less normal bricks. I do agree on your other points. Classic castle is definately not obsolete, but I do like the new ones for their detail and that it is so different with the fantasy aspect and all. But why is a black falcon is cheaper than an orc on BL nowadays? It doesn't make sense
Is this the most hellish set to restore?
Respect for this undertaking, so you're allmost complete now? (except some straight tracks) That was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I guess BL really does make it easy (even thought it might not always be the cheapest solution). I really wish they'd remake the molds to manufacture monorails again if it's possible or otherwise create a new monorail. I mean they do have the funds to create bionicle (and tons of molds to go with that), so why not spend it on something that is actually good, like monorails?
The Mega Mayan Temple
Very nice moc , only maybe it would be even better to use some jungle plants instead of those trees. Great use of that baseplate (I thought it would be impossible to create such a good looking moc with the use of this baseplate)
A Shark's "Tail"
All my (3 , but I'm allmost sure I have another one laying around) sharks are like the right one. Only one exception, one of them has a small hole above the "inverted stud" (when you look at them in the same way as on your pictures). Don't know what my sawfish looks like thought, I'll have to find him first. The first one really looks more usefull, for the reason you mentioned.
A Day at the Beach
Another great moc. Nice fence technique. 3828, air temple (avatar), there's also one with orange hips and yellow pants pattern in some avatar sets I think.
Junkers Ju 52 Project
maybe you could use those car mudguards (with arch), as for the smooth connection to the wing, you could just use slopes (the ones you use for the wing, or others)
I need Soldiers and more!
I think most people don't believe it/ are sceptical, since it is very unusual to want 1.000 soldiers, just like that, starting from scratch (?) and having a budget like that (which is a lot more than sufficient to buy them, unless the fort is going to be gigantic+ you may want loads of ships), at least if we're talking can, aus or us $. It's just not an everyday occurance, since army-builders usually expand their armies over many, many years to reach that number. But I would really like to see some pictures of the work in progress and finished work if it's true, because it is always nice to see a huge army (especially if it almost dwarfs the already very impressive armies on here).
If TLG brings back the Western theme
Non-licensed of course. That way lego can unleash a lot more creativity, and there wont be fleshies
Parts from other themes that go well with Castle
A fair amount of pirate and harry potter minifigs are nice for castle. Also the books and letters (from the harry potter line), and maps/scrolls from hp, pirates and adventurers work well. The rifles and cannons from pirates can be used as well (late middle ages). And there are lots more usefull pieces (animals for example) in a lot of themes.
Mini robots
Didn't even know these where in the sets, but these are great Nice little things
Which is your favourite takeaway?
6350 - Pizza to go, with hamburger stand a fairly close 2nd The truck stop is just butt-ugly, from the time lego created square <insert that tiresome argument> vehicles (allmost as bad as the jack stone vehicles) The other 2 are ok, but not great.
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