Everything posted by Fluyt
What did you buy today?
A couple of pirate headgear (incl. 2 shako's and governor hat)+ some non-related minifigs that where in the lot. And 2x 819 - Blue sea plate (32 x 32 blue baseplate), new
"A Pirate's Life!" Winners Announced!
Congratulations to the winners (and to the other participants, since there where so many great entries)
Review - Agents 8635 Mobile Command Center
According to bricklink, the drawer first appeared in 1983 (25 years ago) and it was available in sytem well before it was in belville sets. Got mine from set 2885. But indeed a nice piece, nice to see it is still in use
Pieces you have TOO much of?
I don't have too much of one item, I just have too little of the rest. Just about any item, useless or not (in smaller numbers), could create a wonderfull moc when in large numbers.
Review - Agents 8635 Mobile Command Center
Great and very detailed review These agent sets really make you feel like a kid again, there is just so much playability (maybe even most playability in a set or theme produced by lego ever) with tons of neat stuff.
Which Way Do Your Flags Fly?
Same thoughts here, so I've voted forwards. Allthough sometimes (not that often) I do turn them backwards, depends on the moment
PICTORIAL REVIEW: 6274 Caribbean Clipper
I almost totally agree with that, it also looks "empty", there's just not much there. But I think the stern looks ok, not great, but not that bad either. And I would really want some of those blue sails (and other usefull parts), so if I see one for cheap, I'd definately buy it.
TIE Crawler recolor
So that's why you needed dark gray double convex slopes Nice recoulor, looking better than the blue, only it fits less with the tie fighters/bombers (with their blue accents)
Looks more like a trans-blue flame piece (at an angle, and part of it on the right side from the minifig, hidden from view) This idea could indeed also prove usefull for bubblegum.
Official Magnet Statement from TLG
Don't think it's true, only the small loose magnets where replaced I think (to prevent them from being swallowed or something) like the old round magnets used in train coupling among others. Now there are still train couplings with magnets, but with a different housing (the magnet doesn't come off). And since there are no small/loose magnets in the magnetic minifigs (I think?, I don't own any) it probably isn't true.
My Mafia 1920's Car + Mafia
Very nice looking car. But as suggested, it would probably look better in black + these doors instead of 2 normal ones.
Kung Fu Hustle Project help
That one looks great. But what you should do really depends on your financial situation, if you have a nice lego-budget, go with the asian head and torso number 2. You don't want to regret buying the cheap ones only to be dissatisfied with them and still buy the more expensive variant. But if you don't have that much "lego-money" you might want to go with the first one with cheaper head (if you are content with those). But do you really need 120? You could go with less maybe to cut costs.
M:Tron 6989 Mega Core Magnetizer Review
Since when is that? The new train couplings have magnets, only with a special casing. Anyways, M:tron is one of the greatest space factions, with mega core magnetiser as my favourite set of these guys (even though I do not own it ). The only thing that bothers me is the lack of (reachable) controls for the minifigs to drive their vehicles (but iirc it is the same with a lot of other space-sets as well)
PICTORIAL REVIEW: 1747 Pirates Treasure Surprise
This is a nice little set and a great pirate minifig. And the minifig can make a great civillian as well. Could be a good army builder as well, but there should have been a few more small sets like this (or "skeleton crew") at the time (with different minifigs of course), because it would be kinda wierd to have a 100 of these and just 2 or 3 of the others (or at least it would be with the rough and unorganised pirates faction).
Lego or Legos?
LEGO, but that's standard in the Netherlands. It would be even sillier to say LEGOS over here than it would be in an English-speaking country.
Troll Warship Markup?
and €70, so the $80 is still the cheapest you can get, everywhere else the price is ridiculous.
A Battle Train?
I saw this one on bs: Nicely made.
Decal Wish List
Otis And the list is not complete without Stan: If only lego would make an official monkey island theme (one can always dream )
Decal Wish List
That is a great idea. I was actually thinking this week about making meathook (the one with 2 hook hands and a "talking" tattoo) but there isn't a suitable torso for him (the closest might be "anchor chest pirate", but it is still way off). MI 1 and 2 are such awesome games (I kinda hated 3 and 4)
What did you buy today?
Got 6285 - Black Seas Barracuda today And got 7 imperial guards with shako's and got my first BL order.
- Which Official Pirate LEGO Sets Do You Have?
Price drop on Star Justice and Space Skulls - S@H
Finally some REAL justice! Don't care for these sets that much, but I hope this means lego finally realizes that their 1$=1,25E (and sometimes worse exchange rates) are way off. I'm glad that at least with these sets thay have a slightly more realistic 1$=0,70E exchange rate. Every price setting by lego is way off, just look at the indy sets, the crystal skull temple is 80$ while it is a whopping 90 euro's, nearly 40E difference , even if you switch the $ and E signs it's too expensive (it's even worse with the large castle chess set, which is about 75! euro's more expensive than in the us when you convert the prices). I understand there's VAT, but nowhere near enough to justify those huge differences in price. You've always had and still have it cheaper than in Europe, so don't complain (and only about 5$ more expensive than in Australia), Europe and Australia have been ripped of for way too long allready.
Black Seas Barracuda vs Skull's Eye Schooner
Why all the arguments about visibility? The BSB could pass for an imperial ship, and when it gets close it would hoist its pirate flags. The SES on the other hand has a BIG skull and crossbones on their sails, they couldn't get close to a vessel without the targeted vessel having noted them as being pirates from miles away, thus being able to prepare for an attack, while the BSB could catch them by surprise. (and otherwise, there's still lot's of colour on the SES) Secondly the BSB always has 2 cannons per side, while the SES may have to swivel them over to the other side. But SES is probably faster with that extra sail, and once it has its cannons in position it has great firepower. So its a close call, against eachother I think the SES would win, but against any other vessel the BSB would have the upperhand. +I like the design/colouring of the BSB better.
POLL: "A Pirate's Life!" Voting Completed!
Thanks to the people who voted for me . My votes; Impulse: SirNadroj - nicely made chick...ens , nice to see a little civillian set with nice accesoires. Smalle: jaudeau - very lego-like Large: jaudeau - again very lego-like and old school looking with a nicely built tavern and parts selection.
What is the weirdest place you build lego?
*note to self: do not buy "used" lego from jipay or sinner ,JK. Anyways, I don't really build in weird places, maybe when I was a kid when I built in the hospital, but otherwise I've always built in my room or the living room.
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