Everything posted by Fluyt
Which "bird species" could be introduced to the Pirate Theme
I was hoping so , maybe an ambasador can "persuade" lego to create them There's lot's more chickens than just brown ones (some chickens are pretty big as well), like white, grey, black or even multicoloured chickens and you would also have roosters.
Which "bird species" could be introduced to the Pirate Theme
A dodo might be a nice adition too, there really should be a lot more lego animals (turtles!, fish, jaguars etc. etc. anyone?, but that should be in a different topic)
Which "bird species" could be introduced to the Pirate Theme
Any of them would make a great adition (or all of them). But I think chickens would be most usefull.
"A Pirate's Life!" Contest - Discussion Thread
Thanks I should post some comments about the entries too, but I wouldn't know where to start, there are so many awesome entries . Maybe I'll get to it when the voting begins. This was on the previous page :
BS find Pirate Ship
According to the bs folder, it's the "second exhibition in Brno" (Czech rep.) There's some great pics from the same and other events in the folder as well.
BS find Pirate Ship
That is a very nice ship, but the rest of the folder is also definately worth checking out.
What do you think of the Islander sets?
They're allright, they brought a new dimension to the pirate theme, it was just very different from pirates and imperials. And it gave the theme its 6th ,and unfortunately final, faction (if you don't just throw all the pirates (roger/redbeard and ironhook) and the imperials (armada, guards and soldiers) together).
- Dung Mall
New contests
I hope these haven't been suggested yet (if so, sorry) - Best use of a raised (crapp) baseplate contest - Alternate model contest (either "any set" or a selected set, allthought the first might be too free, while the 2nd is too restricting/limiting)
- Which Official Pirate LEGO Sets Do You Have?
"A Pirate's Life!" Contest - Discussion Thread
Got my large class entry up (well, only barely "large") Luckily I got it done in time
"A Pirate's Life!" Contest - Entry Thread
Large class entry: Broadside's Barkadeer (106 pieces) (I've read barkadeer means something like small pier, hope that's right ) Originally designed as a small class entry (with 93 pieces), but it contains a 16x24 baseplate, so now it's a large class entry. Since I had quite some pieces to spare, I added the archway, shark and a minifig, now totaling 106 pieces (still a whole lot of pieces left). Just like with my impulse entry, I mainly tried to keep it looking like something LEGO would/could produce and capture a bit of that classic pirate feel (yellow sand, and no "new" pieces (like 2/3 slope) for example). Contains 4 minifigs (Governor Broadside, an imperial soldier and 2 pirates to fight (a male and a female pirate), a shark and a parrot, a real shooting cannon, enough weapons to arm everyone with 2 weapons and of course some booty. The minifigs, weapons and animals: My photography skills haven't improved yet, and I really have to learn to use photoshop to create a nice background , it can really mean the difference.
It's "A Pirate's Life!" Prize Thread
So this is why Mister Phes wrote about his 6265 sabre island that "Sabre island won't stay with me for long though..." in the which pirate sets do you own thread Very nice prizes
PICTORIAL REVIEW: 6276 Eldorado Fortress
Great review, with a great amount of pics (a little late response, but I just joined a month ago ). From what I can see from the pics it is really an awesome set. I personally think it is better than ITP, however I didn't see either of them recently/thouroughly. And a question, don't know if this is the place to ask it, but I can maybe buy this set for 65 euro's, I've been told it's in good condition, complete, with instructions, but no box, should I do it? (or: is it a reasonable price to pay for it in Europe?). I don't really have a reference other than BL and Ebay, but most are from the U.S. or in other condition/completeness.
Very nice moc you got there I really like the use of tiles to create texture in the wall (don't think I've seen this before (at least not tiles used to texture in a non-snot way)
Jungle Thorns
Nice idea, but I think I saw the same technique in a castle moc a while ago (can't find it now)
Castle Shenanigans
Very funny, especially the first one. You think it's just a normal scene and then you see the dog and just
"A Pirate's Life!" Contest - Discussion Thread
Ok, thanks. Maybe I'll bulk it up, although I don't want to go overboard on cramming in a lot pieces, don't want it to be too full. I mainly try to go for the look of a set LEGO could produce , even though this is probably the least important rule/guideline, and trying to give it a classic pirate feel (yellow sand, and no "new" pieces (like the 2/3 slope) for example). But I've allready thrown in a shark for extra playability now. Btw. thanks for hosting this great contest (can't believe I didn't allready), and thanks to everyone else that makes it possible. Hopefully there will be more in the future.
"A Pirate's Life!" Contest - Discussion Thread
Just finished my entry for the small class, 93 pieces, just 1 lurp, 1 parrot, 3 minifigs, and then I find out you can only use a baseplate up to 16x16, and I used 24x16 *eye correction methods in the pirate-age where not very good obviously* Is this still able to enter in the large class, with only 93 pieces, or is the minimum large class 100 pieces? (or maybe I am pirate enough to sneak this into the small class entries )
It looks great. I really like the alive feeling you have created, it's buzzing with activity (just like part I).
La Mort Royale
Wow, it's a beauty Kinda makes me sad I don't have the parts (or the skills for that matter) to make a ship like this .
Castle sets 2008/2009
LEGO does it again, the chess set is priced at 200$ now (wasn't it supposed to be 300$, or did I miss something?), while the Euro-price is still 200 euro, that's like 74 euro's difference! Even if 200 euro's was a fair price (which it isn't) this outrageous price difference would make me pass on this set, and I hope a lot of people think the same.
Speak in another language thread!
It's not my first language, but I'm also able to understand I think you also have to use relatively simple words (or at least words that are used once in a while, not like complex sientific terms or anything), otherwise someone who has english as their first language also wouldn't even understand it.
6244 Armada Sentry Review
This is a great set. It isn't very open at all, it's one of the more enclosed structures in the pirate theme I think (especially when you consider it was supposed to, or at least could easily be, part of a bigger structure, just like broadside's brig for example) and it is one of the few that actually has a ladder to get to the next floor. It is better than a set like sabre island, even though they might be hard to compare because of the size difference.
Grover the Goats Trip to the Fabuland Mall.
Well, the piece is also available in green but... ,yeah the fabuland world is a little bit crazy (in a good way), with it's burning laser shooting sun. But indeed a very nice unique technique for the sun, haven't seen that before, and I like the "snottyness" of it all.
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