Everything posted by Fluyt
First Pirate set!
It comes with 5 minifigs even I was going to suggest 6264 - Forbidden cove, but it may be slightly more expensive than 20$, and if you're going for minifigs, kahuka's throne is better.
How do you accessorize your pirates?
Sextant, Compass, Food items etc. (and Crates/Barrels, Cannonballs if you consider these accesoires for minifigs)
Poll: How long do your mocs stay together?
On average about a week (more around 2 weeks, but that isn't an option), because I need the bricks (I don't have a huge collection or anything), allthought most of the time at least a part of it survives longer since I don't need all of it.
- The A-Z of things to build
The A-Z of things to build
Maybe: -Shipwright/carpenter (allthought this might be a part of a shipyard) -Barracks (might be part of a fort) -Buildings/docks/boats under construction or in ruins from being under attack/sinking -Training camps (gotta train those soldiers/guards) -Shops (might be part of village), like blacksmith, glassblower, food store etc. -Jungle (including hidden ruins) -Street vendor -Farm -Market -Fluyt Sorry if any of these are allready listed, but I couldn't find them.
Who is the mightiest leader?
Admiral Woodhouse, because they chose him as a replacement for Governer Broadside, but he has less troops at his disposal, so those troops must be powerfull (as in: 1 Impirial guard could take on 2 Imperial soldiers). If my memory serves me well: Admiral Woodhouse > Governor Broadside (Because he was his replacement) Redbeard > Governor Broadside (He caused him to be replaced) Kahuka > Ironhook (The pirates of Ironhook where constantly trapped/imprisoned by the Islanders) Can't decide on whos'2nd best though.
Log Pieces vs. Regular Bricks
I don't use them that much, since I don't have a lot of them, but I do like them. They work fairly nice as a wooden wall, but it is also great that they break up the wall a bit, instead of having one big flat brown/tan wall. As for horizontal log bricks, they couldn't stay within the 1x2 or 1x4 surface, they would have to purtrude to the front/back, because otherwise you couldn't place it on studs. But if you have it that way, you can't build they wall right up to another wall. It would be messing with the regular lego dimensions of bricks/plates. They could use something along the lines of the headlight brick, but then you would have a flat edge in between rows of bricks.
- Which Official Pirate LEGO Sets Do You Have?
New Ideas for Pirate LEGO Sets
I totally agree, but the price difference between the US and the rest of the world is present in nearly every set (allmost like 1 dollar = 1 or 1,5 euro, while it should be closer to 1 dollar = 0,60 euro), even if pirates was released in a normal line and not like the new space theme. Even if it's a big set and it's worth the 100 euro/dollar, I would also like several smaller sets, rather than 1 or 2 big ones. This so you can spread your expenses, or just get the things you want, and not be left with a lot of useless pieces. Maybe modular sets like the 80's (?) castle sets.
New Ideas for Pirate LEGO Sets
A port/seaside town or village, TLG should do more about town and everyday life outside of the town/city-theme. I really want a port/seaside town to defend and/or pillage (and hopefully it will be filled with lattice windows).
Favorite Islanders set
I like 1788-treasure chest the most, but since that isn't on here, I'll have to go with 6264-forbidden cove. I really liked enchanted island a lot as a kid, but now, I think the forbidden cove design is better, it's nice for a medium sized set. But I would've wanted a sail for the pirate boat, since I dont have any small sails from the pirate theme (Only sails I have come from armada flagship and that black knights castle boat, but the latter is in bad shape)
Which is your favourite base in the Pirate LEGO theme?
Unfortunately I don't own any of these, but from what I've seen, Eldorado Fortress is the best. I like the structure more than ITP, even thought I would prefer to own ITP over EF. For a pirates base it has to be Skull Island.
Your favorite outpost
Lagoon lockup, despite not owning one , probably (atleast one of) the best pirate sets ever. Followed very closely by Imperial outpost. I never really liked sabre island though. I just bought one for the figures and flags because it was fairly cheap, but the structure seems shabby. Half in the water, no ladders, low "battlements" at the top, no pirate to fight, don't like it that much.
What did you buy today?
Just bought 6259 - Broadside's brig twice, both without instructions. But they where just 7,76 euro's each incl. shipping, and seeing the bricklink prices for the set (and for imperial soldiers) I think I did ok. Now I'll just wait untill they ship, hopefully they'll be in good condition.
Problems with sorting Lego?
I do/did that allmost exactly the same! Only I divide them by colour as well+ I do this for only a tiny part from my collection. But it doesn't stay organised for long, because just like brickchick, I don't have the discipline to keep it that way Just like I can't keep it organised very well in storage cases, it all gets unorganised very fast.
What did you buy today?
Got some brown epaulettes this week and I just bought 6257 Castaway's Raft and 6265 Sabre Island, just missing 2 pistols, but incl. instructions And I'm negotiating on buying some pirate/imperial minifigs (who are unfortunately without hats).
Hello, new guy here
Thanks for the welcomes I actually have 3 train sets: 4564 "Freight rail runner", 4532 "Manual level crossing" and 4525 "Rail and road repair" (+some extra tracks). My brothers old 725 "Freight train and track" and some crossing set must be around here somewhere too. Getting out of my dark age I first was into castle, now pirates, maybe train/town is next . Allthough I try to focus on just 1 or 2 themes, since sadly that can be expensive enough allready. And my username is pronounced in the same way as the modern spelling "fluit" in dutch, but I can't really think of any (non-dutch) word right now that has the same "uy" (ui) sound as fluit/fluyt. And it's pretty hard to explain. There must be a site somewhere which has sound files of things like these. (*should have taken another username* )
How Britain claimed India
"On board" is supposed to be "abroad" (at least that would seem to be the most logical solution). And yes, there are probably some comments on my grammar/spelling as well, I know I'm far from perfect . But just like alexandertam I have the excuse of not being English/American/Australian Anyways, nice comic, are you planning on making more? (like other "native encounters")
Temple of the Crystal Skull (7627) on the shelf
Yeah it's not fair, they have the sets earlier, they have more (or all of the?) exclusives and cheaper LEGO prices, sometimes even allmost 50% cheaper if you look at Euro to dollar exchange rates (and allmost cheaper prices at just about everything, like fuel etc.). And they still have the guts to complain! The unfair price-difference is one of the reasons I hardly buy new sets anymore. But is this set allready supposed to be in stores, or is it just an "error" made by the store?
What are your projects ??
I'm planning a harbour for my Imperial Guards (just a crew of 6 right now, but I'm planning on buying more). Just sorting and seeiing how big it can get (sadly, not big at all, since I don't have a lot of old grey, and even fewer bley bricks, and I don't want to spend a a small fortune to expand that). Trying some building styles/techniques now, but it will probably take quite some time before I'll start/finish it, despite the small size since I don't have a lot of time.
How many of each
Just 8 crownies and 5 skeletons, But that is compensated by some more abundant older factions (althought still no massive armies or anything).
What did you buy today?
The knight and the police impulse sets, together for €4,60. Not much, but still, a purchase is a purchase.
Found a high quality model...
It would be awesome if it where made of hundreds or thousands of individual bricks, but sadly the damn m*g*bl*cks are deceiving the eyes.
Found a high quality model...
Isn't this the same as: maybe a few changes have been made, but it isn't LEGO.
"A Pirate's Life!" Contest - Discussion Thread
My entry is up as well (my first published moc ever by the way *classic* ) But there's some stiff competition I see.
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