Everything posted by Fluyt
Interesting find...
There are plenty of planes that have high wings or rear mounted engines, a combination of both I don't know, but probably exists as well. But yeah, it does look weird, not such a great set at all.
That looks great so far, that beach is so amazing . Can't wait to see more/bigger pics when it's finished. I have to build a harbour some day, but I can't seem to get around to actually doing it .
The end of LEGO Pirates by mid 2010
It was "only" gone for 12 years, the final sets were released in 1997 . I thought that LEGO has always stated that pirates was an "evergreen-theme" (just like Castle, Town/City and Space), then they just stopped making pirate sets for 12 years, finally they start it up again and now they're just dumping it again, kinda strange to do that to a such a popular theme.
PETITION to keep the Pirates theme beyond 2010
Carribean Clipper vs the Imperial Flagship
No need to apologize , you got a point that TLG unfortunately keeps giving us less and less minifigs. But yeah, "just because it has more soldiers" is kind of a stupid reason to me too. For a collection/army, sure the CC has better figs, but the IF has a much more interresting minifig selection and is much better for a stand-alone set, one of the few sets where the "pirate" is used as a regular sailor for the "good guys" (I think the only other set where the fig is not used as a pirate is 6277 imperial trading post).
Carribean Clipper vs the Imperial Flagship
CC and IF both have 4 minifigs
Pirates Advent Calendar
I agree, the people in the U.S. (or all of North America most of the time) have absolutely nothing to complain about (cheaper lego, they get sets earlier, more exclusives/specials and more sets than any other country). It is the best country to live in LEGO-wise, and yet they demand more, even when the rest of the world is "left behind". And now that one set isn't available, all of a sudden a petition must be made, if we did that for every set that is not available in the rest of the world, the forum would be filled with petitions. For once the North America is on the other side (the side the rest of us is on most of the time), and all of a sudden it is an "outrage" that this one set isn't available. By the way, this isn't even exclusive to Europe, Bobskink, it is also available in, at least, Australia as far as I know, probably a fair amount more. Sure I want pirate fans in the North America to have the joy of the advent calendar, but look at it from the other side, because now, most of the people in N.A. are acting like they allways get the short straw, while in reality, you allways get the long straw.
Pirates Advent Calendar
Fairly nice set, good minifig selection. I only wish one of the minifigs had this head: and the admiral or his daughter would have been a nice addition+ an extra rifle and oar, since the arsenal is a bit sparse and you can't do much with only one oar. Anyone notice the shako isn't printed?
Pirates Advent Calendar
I'm really looking forward to getting this, hope someone does a review soon . I don't think it would help, since LEGO doesn't listen to their customers, at least judging by the huge amount of sets, specials and promos only available in the US, and not in the rest of the world, even when they are constantly remembered that it is a wrong decision. And it seems fair if it wouldn't be released there, seeing there are a lot of sets the rest of us miss out on, since the US allready gets way more sets (nearly all, I think only last years castle calendar (which was even made available) and a few promo sets in Asia and the UK are exeptions), gets most sets first, more special offers and cheaper LEGO. Now you know how the rest of us feel when we can't get a set , and that happens a lot.
Ideas for a UCS Set/s for Indy
UCS circus train and UCS venice library would be great as well, Both are very big as wel, just as the zeppelin. But both would be nice to have as a regular set as well.
What Pirate set should I buy?
I have superpowers, so my superspeed would save them both . Probably SES though, the BSB looks slightly better, but the SES is worth more, has better figs and is more interesting.
Review: 6280 Armada Flagship
This is a pretty solid set. Colour-wise it may not be the best, but the construction is good and its colours can be forgiven since real ships where fairly colourfull and this also seems more like an "elite/royal" ship. Also plenty of great parts and minifigs (green window, green cannon base, compass etc.).
Also 3 more promotional sets for City
That doctors and firmans cars really remind me of the oldschool city theme, like the 80's and 90's, nice.
[Review] 4483 AT-AT
This seems like an amazing set and I deeply regret not getting this set, this is way better than the newer at-at, I think this may even be in the top-3 star wars sets of all time. I was in my dark-age at the time and I remembered looking at this set and thinking WOW, I must have this, but the high price-tag kept me from buying it and getting out of my dark-age at the time. Well, the price-tag wasn't that high at the time, and it was actually a very good deal, but 80 euro's (if I remember correctly) was high to me at the time, especially considering I was in my dark-age and therefore didn't even know if i'd like it enough to justify the price.
Review: 6563 Gator Landing
This is a brilliant set, you get a plane, car ánd a boat, add to that 3 minifigs and a nice base, and you've got yourself and A+ set. This is one of the best stand-alone sets out there, with tons of playability.
Now taking YOUR ideas for NEW PARTS - LAST DAYS!
-A smaller type of cannon For variation and this would be especially usefull for smaller ships, otherwise it might not be able have a (non-moc) cannon on it without looking silly (also a plus if TLG decides to create a small ship like the one from 6277). -A different kind of sword and/or gun Again, for variation, this would help similar sets stand out/differentiate from eachother. -A globe What is a sea/world exploring pirate/imperial without a nice globe? -New animals Pigs, chickens etc., livestock was very important in the imperial age (and still is, usefull for a variety of themes). -A scabbard Especially for the higher ranked imperials, a nice scabbard to hold their cutlass on their hip.
Pictorial Review - 6267 - Lagoon Lockup
This is such a great set, unfortunately mine (got it 2nd hand about a year ago) isn't in the wonderfull condition yours is in (yours looks allmost new, mine has some slight discoloration and dirty bricks, allthought not too bad). Very solid set, 2 pirates, 3 imperials, plenty of accesoires to go around and good specialty parts which add a lot to this set (mainly the sail and lattice window).
LEGO Star Wars sets
Some sets have improved, while some are absolutely horrible compared to some early ones (like the original at-at and snowspeeder were absolutely awesome, while the later versions just sucked). I don't think there were really horrible looking sets in the first couple of years in the sw line, while today, a fair amount of sets look quite bad (but that might be because they aren't pretty to look at in the movie/eu either), but todays sets that do look good, mostly look awesome. The "average set" in the sw line hasn't really changed over the years, it's just that the early years it was more consistent in good-looking sets, and now the quality of the sets just swings in all directions.
Chrome Darth Vader Raffle
In no specific order: -Venator Star Destroyer by thire5 -Death Star by Baronsat -Snowspeeder Crash Diorama by Kaitan -Naboo Starfighter by Dutchrebel -Mini Sandcrawler by Sinner There's just too many great mocs, I could've made the list a lot longer.
Review: 852751 Pirates Chess Set
This really is a surprise, great review The set on the other hand... not as great as it could have been. I like the accesoires, esp. the daggers and fish, but the pirate pawns are all of extremely common pirates (especially bad with the anchor/vest pirate, since it isn't really a generic torso as the striped torso is). +the imperial pawns lack epaulettes, although you do get lots of replacement epaulettes with the pirate sets so that wouldn't be too hard to fix, the tricones are acceptable for me, but I think a lot of people would have preferred the shako's for them. Add to that the top-heavy rooks and the poor quality (an instant no-buy for me, even if the set would be awesome) and unfortunately it really isn't that great in my opinion.
Soldier's Harbor
My thoughts exactly, looks a bit like gingerbread houses . But that water sure does look amazing, even better than snot variations on water (this works especially better for rough seas), only 1024 pieces to cover a 32x32 plate would be a tad expensive, despite it being a fairly cheap part.
MOC: Valenpeak Castle
This is an amazing moc. Despite being "small", because of the creative use of space it actually looks much bigger than 32x32. You build truly stunning castles
Now taking YOUR ideas for the future of LEGO Pirates theme
I understand I would have thought of it without the mention of the armada in mr.phes's post, but his post probably inspired some others (which is a good thing, since imperial armada should come back, it was such an underdeveloped sub-theme/faction, there are tons of possibilities for sets left).
Now taking YOUR ideas for the future of LEGO Pirates theme
oh really? The armada are probably the best faction, I really hope they bring them back.
REVIEW: 6009 Black Knight
This is a very nice set, and the smallest one you could get the armor and visor in I think. I got about 4 or 5 of these when I was a kid (in a fairly short time-span, maybe even all on one birthday), I hated getting multiples of sets when I was younger, but now I'm glad I have them. Brings back memories
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