Everything posted by Fluyt
Ideas For Future Indy Sets
Circus train, Castle Brunwald, Club Obi Wan or the tank.
One cabin, two captains.
This is looking awesome Possible improvement points: 1. The fences at the top could be more consistent, like, all fences, or all telescope pieces. Now the telescope pieces look a bit out of place 2. The chain for the cannons, I think it would look better in darkgrey/bley (or lightgrey/bley). +Maybe more windows, but that's not a big deal, it isn't that noticable and kind of redundant. Good points: 1. Nicely accesorized and detailed, like the chair and piano even to the painting on the wall. 2. The flooring is nice, you would think the lightblue/maerskblue (?) would look wierd on the flooring of a ship, but it actually looks good. 3. The overall look is great, it looks complete, and nothing's missing that I can think of.
Some e-bay help needed
I think it just means "brand new in box" as in: The box is opened, but everything is new and the bags inside the box are unopened. Just to be sure you could ask the seller, since some people on ebay use different terms for the same things (like some use "mib" as in: box is opened but bags are sealed, and some use it as: used set, with box in like new condition).
My entry for the Captain's Cabin Contest
You don't sit still, do you? It looks great, it still has the essentials and spirit of your original design, but the moc and photo's have certainly evolved a lot.
Davy Jones' Locker
Wow, this is a great moc Possible improvement points: 1. Maybe the keys of the organ could be a little better, now they seem a bit too big, you could use hinge plates for the keys. Good points: 1. Good purist solution for davey jones. 2. Tons of nice stuff and detail. 3. Nice job making it look like a real wrecked/sunken ship. 4. The slanting lower deck looks good.
The *other* yellow castle
Wasn't it just the normal yellow castle, but built differently? (alternate model) or maybe a clone brand? (if they where available back then)
Tortuga? Aye, Tortuga
Skeleton/droid arms (plus an old skeleton arm)
Tortuga? Aye, Tortuga
Absolutely awesome moc . There's jsut so much action going on, only that last pic is a bit suggestive
Entry for the Captain's Cabin Contest
The quality of the images isn't that bad (way better than my photo-skills ), could be slightly better, but it is not detracting from the moc. Possible improvement points: Not much to say here. Maybe the contrast between the floor and treasure chest could be a little better, but that's it. Good points: 1. Very nice to look at, good composition. 2. Creative part-usage, like the crate used in the cabinet and the doors used as a wall. 3. It is based on a real cabin/story.
Treasure Room
Definately an improvement in picture quality, they look great. The "broken" edges also look a lot better than the straight edges from before. Still a nice, simple and effective moc.
Indeed very nice effect for the cannonball, genius. Unfortunately the tree isn't finished, but a very nice moc nonetheless.
Captain's Daughter's Cabin
Nice moc idea, with the captains daughter being the only woman on board. Possible improvement points: 1. I'm not too fond of the barrels and palmtree pieces being used in the wall (because of the gaps they create in the wall), the "log" pieces would work better in my opinion. Good points: 1. All the pirates peeking in, great idea . 2. It is just filled with nice stuff, accesoires etc., there are no "boring" sections in this moc. 3. Despite being primarily brown, the use of different textures and different shades of brown really livens up this moc.
The Captain's Cabin Contest - Information & FAQ
Thanks for the tip, but I allready knew that (great community ). I'm mainly having trouble with the cabin (and to let it flow nicely with the ship, not making it look like "a box slapped on a hull"). But I can't take pictures at the moment, and if I would take pics of a wip, I would feel too pushed to finish it fast, I don't like to keep people waiting very long , while I don't have that much time/motivation to moc right now. But maybe I'll give it a shot in a while, I'm too annoyed that I can't make the cabin fit nicely . Sorry for being even more offtopic .
The Captain's Cabin Contest
Nice idea, the captain being pulled forward by his underlings, still ruling them, even without his ship. Possible improvement points: 1. The water looks a bit clean, maybe some wreckage or some ripples in the water would make it look a bit better. 2. I think the interaction between the wench and the shark could be a bit better, now it seems to me as if she doesn't even notice the shark and just continues to row. Good points: 1. Torso for the left guy, great torso for pirates (I use it myself too). 2. Colour scheme, like the black chest looks better than if it would have been a brown one for example, good choice.
My entry for the Captain's Cabin Contest
Thanks for appreciating my suggestions, I really like how this moc is progressing (and that you where brave enough to go first ). I think the double-sided head is a bit unnescesary then, since you don't have a pic of his face anyways (unfortunately because of the 3 pics max. rule), it would also make it easier when taking photo's, then you don't have to hide the back of the head. Darn technic axle holes in the bottom...
Treasure Room
Nice and simple, yet very effective moc . Possible improvement points: 1. As Capn' Blackmoor said, the edges of the remains of the ship are too "clean", it seems like it was sawed out of the ship, not that the rest was blasted away. Maybe you could also add a headlight brick with some transblue 1x1 plates, like water is gushing in. Good points: 1. I like that it comes with a nice background story. 2. The scary minifigs, like a deer in the headlights of a car, or someone sitting on the toilet, and suddely the walls vanish, their "protection" is gone .
Box Art - 6267 - Lagoon Lockup
Great box art, very clean and simple, yet it show the greatness of the set. I like that older sets showed what the set was really like, unlike the recent ones with explosions and stuff added with photoshop or something, which destract from the actual set. That actually was around for quite a while, it was already featured in the 375 - yellow castle I think, back in 1978, maybe even in sets before that.
My entry for the Captain's Cabin Contest
The picture quality has definately improved a lot, still a bit grainy/blurry, but a lot better than before. I like the underwaterpart of the ship, nice technique. And I like that you've added more action and stuff lying around, makes it feel more like an intense battle. Only 1 small thing, the seats of the rowingboat blend in a bit too much because they're the same colour as the rowingboat itself, even though it is realistic now, I think a diffrent colour for the seats would look better, maybe a neutral colour, like grey. (and is that a doublesided head you used for the imperial climbing the side of the ship?)
The Captain's Cabin Contest - Information & FAQ
I'll give this "creative critic" thing a shot. I don't really have the time or inspiration to do some moccing myself, I'm allready stuck with a ship and a cutter which I don't know how to finish .
My entry for the Captain's Cabin Contest
As was mentioned, the pics are a bit grainy which makes it hard to see small details or fully appreciate the moc, pictures are half the work of a great moc in my opinion (allthough I understand it can be hard if you don't have a good camera, or you're just not that good at taking photo's, like me ). But overall it looks like a nice moc. Possible improvement points: 1. Maybe you could add 1 or 2 more people below deck (maybe on the right, by the stairs), a little more stuff and maybe lower the top deck a bit (not much, just 1 or 2 plates) to make the gundeck a bit more cramped, for realism (it was very cramped and very busy below deck during battle, and cannons were crewed by a fair amount of men). 2. You could add a piece of wood in the water, just to break the water a little and show debris from the wrecked cannon hatch. Good points: 1. I really like the action going on, from putting out a fire from a blown-up cannon (nice idea!) to an enemy trying to board the ship. 2. The side of the ship is nice, good variation in colour/texture, especially with the tiles and headlight brick combo for 1/2 stud difference (at least it seems like you used that technique). 3. The details like the ropes on the cannons and the cargo in the hold really finish this moc. + that last pic is a very nice shot, great angle. I don't mind the studs or the "happy" faces that much myself, it just fits well with the spirit of classic pirates and the old imperials.
Average value of each Pirate set on eBay
It was called Fort Sabre in some countries (UK among others), so your emperor has nothing to worry about Just like 6285 was called Black Seas Barracuda in some countries and Dark Shark in others, I think there was an entire topic devoted to this in the pirate forum.
Average value of each Pirate set on eBay
Rock island refuge is a bit on the high end of the price (I think you can get it for about 45 euro's), but the Eldorado fortress was pretty cheap for just 34 pounds, I got mine for 55 euro's, including shipping (but it was not in optimal condition). I got my BSB for 70 euro's incl. shipping (not optimal condition either). SES for about a 100 euro's incl. shipping (with the exception of some yellowed white pieces and small stain on the sail it was nearly like new). RBR for under 40 euro's incl. shipping (weapons and 1 or 2 bricks missing, but it was like new). Lagoon lock-up for about 32,50 incl. shipping (pretty expensive and the condition was not great). My Sabre Islands I both got for about 17,50 each incl. shipping I think (1 in good condition, 1 like new). Not all the cheapest prices, but I'm happy with them. RBR for under 40 euro's was probably my best deal. All in the Netherlands.
The History of: Russia
Very nice, I'm really enjoying the series so far, can't wait for what will come next (the Netherlands maybe? ).
- Your First Pirate Set!
Top 3 Best\Worst Themes
Well, you said yourself that people should have experienced a theme and given it a chance before calling it a bad theme (yet you listed Galidor as top worst, while I have doubts if you have actually given it a chance/experienced it, but I could be wrong). Therefore Bionicle has more votes, since people experienced it and its pieces, and most just don't like the theme since most pieces are useless in most mocs, they're very restricing compared to most regular LEGO+ the most Bionicle sets are all basically the same, they're all action figures, with very low "alternate model" value (and the non-actionfigure sets (and most actionfigure sets also) are hideous in design). It has brought us some usefull pieces, but in general the pieces are not LEGO-worthy, I mean, LEGO is all about building, and most Bionicle pieces are very restricting when it comes to that.
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