Everything posted by seahorsy
Mickey, now i`m your.....father!
Ha that's funny :)
Review: 9496 Desert Skiff
Great review cool set:)
- [MOC] R2D2 factory
Heavy stormtrooper transport
Nice idea I love the front turret
- MOC: The Empire's Finest Hour
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Thanks I am mainly looking for the battle of hoth stuff like the cave and stuff
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I have a budget of £300 to spend I might spend it on death star but I am not sure can some one give me some ideas on good value sets I am looking for sets with clone troopers/storm troopers in rebels basically the movies A new hope, the empire strikes back and return of the jedi anyone got any ideas?
Music Stage
Great work especially on the drum kit:)
- Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
- Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
US 50's Soda Shop
Wow this is just outstanding! top ten Lego creations I have seen!
- MOC Modular Building: Schoolhouse? Apartment building? WIP!
- MOC: Mini Modular "Townhouse"
Fountain Castle
Wow that is amazing!
- [MOC] pardastic Waterpark
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Has anyone had a bad bomb squad helmet I just got one it has got a grey paint mark on the front getting a replacement helmet from Lego
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Ok then thank you:)
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
What battle is the 7913 clone trooper battle pack in because I have bought 2 and I want some plants and scenery to go with it please reply thank you.
The Goodness of Lego-like products
I don't like them I like lego better
- 11 replies
- China
- ABS plastic
- Deltarex101
- Safety
+2 more
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Review: 10197 Fire Brigade
Maybe they ran out of certain pieces or something like that
- Lego IKEA
Review: 10197 Fire Brigade
I have just bought the pet shop can I fin the review on here before I start building it if anyone has the review?
- Why LEGO is the best company in the world
"The Sun" Newspaper Lego promotion (UK)
Got the zombie and police boat missed the miner today getting the ninja tomorrow warrior the day after hobbit
MOC: March on the Jedi Temple
Nice I like the statues
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