[Contest] Space Pirates - Back to the Carribean Galaxy!
Thanks for running it! Really fun concept for a contest! And wow - thanks everyone! Chuffed to bits with that, and well done to all the other winners!
Blacktron 2 Cosmic Gemini
Thanks everyone! I build studless whenever I can, I'm afraid, focusing more on overall appearance than playability. In that regard, I must also confess that despite wanting to, I didn't leave much room for secret compartments. There is technically a space under the curved slope behind the central cockpit, but nothing in it except some exposed studs. The internal construction required to mirror everything just didn't create enough space to put anything in. I'll try to get you a picture of the underside when I can; I completely forgot to take one the other week, which was a mistake because I'd like to showcase my efforts to make it symmetrical, as well as how everything folds up underneath!
[SPC] Cat B - Renegade Voidrunner
Thanks all!
[SPC] Cat B: King Kahuka's Surface Hopper
Now that's an unexpectedly perfect combination! Very neat work, keeping the treasure-chest gimmick in a way that fits so well with the reinterpretation.
[Contest] Space Pirates - Back to the Carribean Galaxy! Voting thread
Category A - Pirate Crew The Misfits by Yatkuu The Crew of the SS Carrot by kritch Icelanders and Spyrates by BrynnOfCastlegate Category B - Sailing the river of time King Kahuka's Surface Hopper by kritch Krakkin Attackin' by BenSpector42 Space Armada Sentry by the Inventor Category C - Rum for everybody! Kahuka-1 by Yatkuu The Rustbucket by JimBaggins Pirates of sector 56 Ship interior + rest of the crew by Danny_Boy4
[SPC] Cat B - Krakkin Attackin'
What a fantastic idea! You've done an absolutely stellar job of capturing every little detail in the original and transposing it to a sci-fi setting. I'd never have thought of turning a raft into a space station, but it works so, so well! And brilliant parts use with those old space-shuttle thrusters as a trans-red cargo dodad. Love that, and the parrot rocket-bike. Plus, of course, the kraken robot itself looks wonderfully sinister.
[SPC] Cat B - Space Armada Sentry
Very obvious indeed! What a fantastic reinterpretation! The minifigure looks brilliant, and I adore the little details like the lamp and the control console on the jetty. The shaping on the door is great, too.
[SPC] Cat C - The Rustbucket
Superb texture work -- the smoke clouds out the back, as well as the boat itself.
[SPC] Cat C - Pirates of sector 56 Ship interior + rest of the crew
I so love the lobster mech-suit. Some excellent shaping there, and the concept is a hoot.
- [SPC] Cat C - Kahuka-1
[SPC] Cat B - Renegade Voidrunner
Cheers both! I'm just popping back to add another shot, as I realised the ones I'd included didn't quite capture my attempt to recreate the plume used for the figure head on the original model, lower jaw/tongue and all!
Blacktron 2 Cosmic Gemini
Something I built a while ago, playing around with bubble canopies and rover gimmicks. Since we're on the subject of space pirates, I thought this would be a good time to share it. A few more photos here.
[SPC] Cat B - Renegade Voidrunner
A reinterpretation of 6268 Renegade Runner as a fearsome interstellar fighter, swooping in to drop M8-T battle-suits on unsuspecting targets, then blasting off home to the mothership with a hold full of ill-gotten loot! Full gallery.
parksldunn started following The Librarian
Classic Space Era Spaceship Contest - Results
Wow -- hah! I did not expect that to happen! Thanks everyone, well done to @Oky, @jansued and @o0ger, and cheers to @Bob De Quatre for a really fun competition!
Classic Space Era Spaceship Contest - Voting thread
MagnePulse Xcelerator - Oky Futuron Astro Warden - soccerkid6 L-S2S Shuttle - o0ger
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