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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by DarthPotato

  1. No, it wouldn't help the scum, I'm saying releasing them publicly or sending them to multiple people would. Sending them to me would actually probably work, if people are willing to trust me, and a few still aren't.
  2. I'll say it again, but I seriously think we should hold back from everyone claiming their alter egos for now. I know that's hypocritical coming from me but the scum have already seen two figures relate to roles and that's probably enough to make connections with other figures. I definitely say hold off until later down the line like last game.
  3. As others have said, revealing who's town would give the scum a better idea of who to target. They already know enough already. And I also disagree with sharing alter egos at this point. Now that we've had two public claims, I'm sure the scum would be able to piece together how some claims relate to roles. It's just too risky at this point. Last game it worked because there were only like 2 scum left, but this is only Day 2 and no scum have been caught yet.
  4. Yeah, I'm not going to come out and reveal the results. Unless you want the scum to have an easy kill then it's better not to.
  5. Looking back at yesterday, quite a few people didn't vote. I know it was an extremely messy day with everything going on but it's still worth noting that Carl Nemoss, Lacey Davis, Tickles, Mikatta, and Dragonishki all didn't vote. I guess it's understandable to a certain extent considering the case against Kingsley didn't come up until a few hours before the day ended, but who would you all have voted? It might also be worth taking a look at the people who suddenly changed their opinions throughout the day, because that happened quite a lot.
  6. I don't want to be so quick to jump on Kingsley because of the Scarecrow figure, despite his claim still being weird. I think we can deduce that the alter egos this game, while having some correlation to affiliations/roles, aren't directly tied to each other. With that aside, I can see the block claim being a little too convenient. Not to mention he said he thought I was a council member and then about two hours later made another post saying he changed is mind. I really don't see how he can change his mind so quickly, especially because there were only a couple posts in that time window. Vote: Kingsley of the Starfish (KingoftheZempk) Speaking of weird decisions and votes, I noticed that Melinda didn't vote for me when she first spoke out against me and said she thought I was scummy. Why? If you thought the claim was false at the time then I don't see why you didn't actually vote. It makes me think you could have known the claim was true and didn't want to be responsible for the lynch.
  7. And if it only needs to make sense to the host, it doesn't matter if it makes sense to you, either. During all of this the main point I was trying to get at was that alter egos don't necessarily correspond to our affiliation. I assumed, despite being aligned with the monsters, all monsters had regular figures because that's how I had it and that's how it was last game. Lesson learned to not assume. And I didn't claim Monster Fortune Teller so quickly because, like I said before, I thought it could have been easily traced back to investigator and I didn't want to claim with so little suspicion. It does mean I have inside information, it means that that's how I had it and that's how I thought everyone else did. And what else do you want me to do? Just sit back and die and have no one have any idea of what my role was? The more information the town knows the better. And at that point, that was all I could do. It was literally the only way I could defend myself because that's how my figure was. Because to me Fortune Teller easily relates back to investigator. I didn't want to post my alter ego in public, especially on Day 1, but to me the figure went with the role. If I was claiming one, I might as well claimed the other. I won't be able to get back in a few hours, but I'm pretty sure I'll be back before the day ends.
  8. Then what monster is an investigator? None of them are. Fortune Teller has investigative qualities and makes perfect sense to me.
  9. And if it doesn't nor should it, why are you saying you don't see the Fortune Teller as cop? And that's how it was the last game. I was the protector last game and my figure was the surgeon (like a doctor). Only the people with night actions this game will be able to tell if they correlate to figures, so I guess we'll have to leave it at that then.
  10. Then what does? If you're going to be so reliant on figures, and if you're going to automatically say every townie has a monster figure, then what monster figure is cop?
  11. Last game the figures went with the roles. If you saw someone that stood out with their figure and had one such as the Fortune Teller (which is able to tell fortunes/look into the future, meaning roles), I think you'd be able to tell something's up. It's really not that complicated.
  12. I already said why I did it. What's the point in not doing it? Either way I'm fairly certain I'll be dead by Day 2 and it's better that the town knows about my role than them not knowing. Would you rather have them not know about my role? The scum know I'm telling the truth, and I'm sure they'd at least be able to piece together who the Fortune Teller is.
  13. I think it would become obvious. And if it's left open about me being the cop and I die then the scum could claim it later on and no one would know for sure if they're lying. If I am going to die, and if I survive the lynch I'm sure I'm going to have dozen of night actions on me tonight, then I want to make sure there's nothing left to be confused about.
  14. My role's Monster Fortune Teller, AKA the cop. This is what I talking about all along...
  15. I didn't want to go claiming it right away. It's not exactly something that should be loosely thrown around, although it looks like I'm dead anyway even if I survive the lynch.
  16. No, I wouldn't classify it as a monster. It just has the word monster before it. I'm fine with it, not that it makes much different to me at this point.
  17. I'm saying that everything I said earlier matches up to something someone who was town would say. If I was scum I would have known if everyone there had regular figures, meaning the town has monster figures. I wouldn't be stupid enough to make a slip up like that, especially when it's involving something as important as alter egos. That's what my figure is.
  18. It's not a screw up, I meant every word I said. My figure is not a monster but I'm still a monster. This is what I mean, my figure is called the "Monster _____", the blank spot being my actual figure. I am aligned with the monsters and I'm town, it's just that my figure's not an actual monster. It's a normal figure. The figure just doesn't decide the entire allegiance, because like I said above I'm still classified as a monster. Because it is too easy. While this is happening the scum can just tag along for a unanimous vote. I said that because that's what I thought. I was town, my figure wasn't an actual monster, so I assumed it was like that for everyone else. It's not miscommunication when I meant to say it. That's not a contradiction. I knew that the town were monsters, like I've said because I'm still classified as a monster. My alter ego however is not a monster, and because I'm town I assumed it was like that for everyone else. What I said there was that the town were still monsters but the figures were not because that's how I thought it was. It's two different things.
  19. If everyone on a single team had the same type of figure I think it could have been easily assumed.
  20. If all of the scum were regular figures and all of the town were monsters and I knew this I wouldn't claim the figure that is not associated with the town. Again, claiming alter egos basically destroys the entire scum team if it's how you're saying it is. It worked last game because 90% of the figures were not monsters, but this time it doesn't work. But I guess we'll wait and see if anyone will actually step up and say they have a regular figure like I do at this point.
  21. I agree. I would have gladly taken two Biths and then Ponda Baba as the last slot, that would have made it perfect in my opinion. Still, even though the only aliens are Greedo and the Biths, at least we're still getting that new Dewback too.
  22. The thing I pointed out wouldn't make sense for a scum to point out. If you say that all town have monster figures and scum have regular figures, then why would I call out Sally for mentioning the monster figures? If I was scum like you said then I would have known all of the town had monster figures because the scum had regular figures. The whole reason why I pointed it out is because I'm sure there are others who have regular alter egos as well.
  23. I actually think a new helmet piece would work well for Vader, and I was always expecting his next update to come with one. If he doesn't have one and just has new torso printing I'm not really sure how new he'll be. I also really wish they made the Santa Vader's helmet red in the advent calendar (I think it's just appeared black in preliminaries, right? Or is it definitely going to be black?). I agree that it's disappointing we don't get Ponda Baba or other aliens in the cantina, but still, three Biths is really surprising to me. I would have never expected Lego to have that many of one figure like the Biths in one set, even if it was the cantina.
  24. If you're going to base it on figures, then here's the monsters/monster-like figures I count. Zombie Vampire Witch Alien Mummy Alien Evil Cyborg Werewolf Mad Scientist Frankenstein Gangster Alien Minotaur Evil Knight Female Alien Evil Robot Vampire Bat Alien Avenger Cyclops Medusa Evil Mech That's 21. Last game a scum was caught because they screwed up due to this system. I don't think that would be inverted this game since it would mean the scum were screwed if everyone started claiming alter egos. Since it appears so many people have monster figures, then I'd say it could very well just be completely random this time to throw people off.
  25. Yes. I assumed it was like that for everyone. That's an assumption that I assumed someone who didn't know would make, but it looks like almost everyone has monster figures anyway. I'm sure I'm not alone though.
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